Lord of Glory

Chapter 112: Powerful healing


After walking out of the tent, there is a row of tents in front of you. A dozen priests treat the wounded in each tent. When Palatine and Tony saw the archbishop enter each tent in turn, they would bring one or two priests with them when they came out. But most of the time there is no one. Tony, who was standing beside Paladin, saw that not far from the camp, a large hole had been dug in the soft soil.

And many soldiers whose bodies were soaked with blood, numbly lifted the dead from one tent after another, and threw them into the big pit like throwing garbage. With the accumulation of mountains in the big pit, more and more dead corpses, as well as the sky-high corpse odor and bloody smell. A swarm of hungry vultures hovered in the sky. Occasionally, a few very hungry, regardless of these terrifying human beings, flew down and hooked a piece of meat with their sharp mouths, immediately opened their wings and flew into the sky to enjoy the food.

Tony looked at such a cruel scene in front of him, and his limbs suddenly became cold. But Palatine, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly turned his head and said in a mocking tone: "Vulture. A foolish person is like this beast. He never hunts prey by himself, but only searches for possible dead bodies. live.

Once there is no killing, these vultures will die stupidly. "Speaking of this, Paladin didn't look at Tony's seemingly enlightened expression, turned around and walked towards Sariel, who was a priest with one vote, and said in his mouth, "Put down your principles. Because when there are no more dead bodies, your stupidity can't save you at all. When Tony turned his head hastily, Paladin had already walked to the Archbishop's side. As if what he said just now was just wishful thinking.

But he said Paladin, looked at the five priests behind the archbishop, and suddenly had a wonderful feeling. Including himself and Tony, plus these five people who obeyed the will of the archbishop and did not use the healing technique. There are only seven priests who follow the army in the entire Kasmi sect. Only seven are not idiots! When Tony also came over, the archbishop planned to take everyone to a large tent not far away without any introduction. He lowered his voice and said, "I'm not looking for you to say how good and talented you are." Speaking of which, Sariel stood aside, nodded to the guards, and opened the tent curtain and said: " because you obey me."

As soon as the voice fell, the seven Paladins walked in. Immediately I saw five luxurious velvets, all of which lay a nobleman, a great nobleman! At this moment, Paladin understood. Sariel wants everyone not to use healing, not only to find a priest who obeys him, but also a priest full of magic power to deal with the injuries of these powerful nobles! And among them, the one with the most serious injuries and the greatest status is the leader of the Flame Lion Knights, Marquis Carmon, one of the pillars of the duchy!

I don't know what danger he fell into during the charge just now. At this moment, the bone in his right hand broke out of the elbow, and blood was dripping down. The left foot was also twisted, and the ankle was bent unnaturally! Paladin knew at a glance that this was a very serious injury, not to mention whether the Marquis of Carmon would live the rest of his life as a disabled person when he arrived, and whether he could survive today is a question! Even if there are a lot of priests who are in a hurry and don't stop blood feeding medicine, it will not help.

Including Tony, the seven people were frightened by the scene in front of them. A bad mood spread. Sure enough, I just heard Archbishop Sariel behind him say gloomily: "Save the lives of several nobles with all my strength. Especially Marquis Carmon. If he dies here, let alone you, I myself are in danger!" Paladin stepped forward slightly, suddenly frowned and looked back at the Archbishop and asked, "His Excellency Archbishop, your magic power..."

But who knew that before Paladin had finished speaking, Sariel's face was pale, and beads of sweat rolled down. He took out a small bottle of blue potion from his sleeve and drank it with his head up. It only made his face look better. Salil glanced at the shocked expressions of Paladin and the others. Seeing that there were no outsiders around, he immediately smiled wryly: "I have tried my best. If it wasn't for me just now drinking Kasu's magic power recovery agent. At this moment, I am exhausted and dead. I'm here." As soon as the pale-faced Sariel finished speaking, when he saw these few recruits, they all stared at him blankly, and a burst of anger suddenly came up and blurted out cursing: "Look at what I do! If they have Three longs and two shorts, you all run to the gate of the fortress and hang yourself!"

"Oh! My Inos!" The priests were taken aback immediately, thinking about their own lives, and regardless of Sariel's threat, they immediately ran to the blood-stained nobles, pushed the priests who were in the way, and did their best. Run up the healing technique. Paladin looked at Tony and ran over to perform the healing technique with a panicked face, but he himself took a few steps back to the side of Sariel, who was slumped in a chair, panting, and asked, "Is this matter a secret? "

"Of course..." Sariel nodded slightly, Paladin had never seen Sariel with such a bad face. But he heard Sariel continue: "The Grand Duke doesn't know about this. But it won't take long. If it doesn't work after a while, and the Marquis of Carmon suffers from some illness, or dies here. The Grand Duke will definitely not. Would mind replacing the church with an archbishop."

Palatine nodded, pointed to Marquis Carmon, who was so angry, and said to Sariel: "He, I'll help you. That Tony is my man. Give him a way to survive. Others... you don't either. I hope more people know about this, right?" "Humph." Even in extreme weakness, Sariel let out a sneer: "Don't be too self-righteous young man. Let's talk about it after you've healed the Marquis. Otherwise We will go to see Enos together." Paladin waved his hand very calmly, and said to Sariel very confidently: "Enos can't see us." After that, he walked into Marquis Camon. Take a look at the pillars of this Kasmi Principality. Suddenly a little surprised.

Although he had seen him before, he was wearing a helmet and could not see his face clearly. Looking at it from a close distance now, although this person has long hair, it is very dry, and his face feels very old-fashioned and serious. What is even more striking is that the Marquis has a wound on his cheek, which has long been scarred. I think it was the result of staying many years ago and not having time to treat the priest. It's no wonder that he was dubbed Scarface Camon.

Squinting slightly, Paladin saw Salil, who was sweating and weak, and looked at himself with some expectant eyes. Immediately nodded slightly, and opened his hands to face the broken arm. The people in the tent only felt that their eyes were bright! I was shocked to see the dazzling and gorgeous golden brilliance between Paladin's hands! "My Inos! Is this a miracle!" Even the weak Sariel jumped up in shock under the golden light. And some of the other priests also opened their mouths, watching all this in disbelief!

That's right, they all saw that severe fracture that even the Archbishop's best efforts could not heal. At this moment, under this golden light, it miraculously gradually retracted into the wound, and the bone fragments that had pierced into the flesh turned into ashes piece by piece, while the broken bones healed and grew rapidly! Then there are the reconnected blood vessels, meridians, and flesh twisting like a small bug, gradually crawling with wounds. After a while, when the golden light in Paladin's hand dissipated, the arm was intact. The tent returned to the way it was just now, and the Paladin was sweating and panting slightly, but all the priests and priests around looked at it like a dementia. They can use healing techniques, but they have never heard of using healing techniques to restore bones and reorganize blood vessels!

Sariel hurried forward, carefully inspected the intact arm, looked at Paladin with the look of treasure, and said: 'Inos is above, you are a saint! To use the healing technique to this level, even the Cardinal Cardinal in red who is proficient in this way is reluctant! Palatine waved his hand, looked at the jealous eyes of the priests across from him, lowered his head slightly and said, "Remember your promise. "

"Don't worry, except for you and me and Father Tony, everyone else can only complain to Inos. But I will tell the Archduke and Marquis Carmon about this matter. It's good for you and me, isn't it?" Hearing these words, Paladin looked at Marquis Carmon, who was still in a coma, nodded and said: "The injuries of the other nobles, they should be able to settle. I have nothing to do here, I I need a lot of rest now." Even with the endless magic, the long casting made Paladin sweaty. He really needs a good rest right now.

Sariel nodded in agreement, then suddenly licked his smiling face and said, "The Grand Duke has arranged a celebration banquet in the fortress tonight, you can come too. Don't worry, don't be polite to those nobles, just get to know each other and improve your reputation. "Ah! Your Excellency the Archbishop is so kind to me, I'm really flattered. But isn't it too easy for you to repay this favor?" Paladin said with some exaggeration, but in exchange Salier rolled his eyes. Looking at a few priests who looked wrong, he lowered his head and muttered, "I'll talk about it at the evening banquet if I have something to do. I'll find you myself when that happens."