Lord of Glory

Chapter 113: attend banquet


Although it was only an encounter, it was still 20,000 against 3,000. However, the Grand Duke showed a victory in sight, and returned to the fortress with the army in a triumphant victory. Although this move is an irrefutable proof that the Grand Duke is very happy, it can also illustrate the necessary manners in order to boost morale. When Paladin returned to his tent, he was about to relax his muscles. The sky outside had dimmed, and the round moon had replaced the sun in the gray sky. The surviving soldiers were holding spirits, sitting around the campfire, eating shoddy barbecue and telling third-rate jokes, or talking about a so-called thrilling war many years ago.

Suddenly, Sariel turned from a tent next to him and walked to Paladin: "Put this on." Paladin glanced at the robe that Sariel handed over. Pick it up and spread it out. However, he was surprised to find that the gray-white robe had patterns woven with gold threads, and the fabric was extremely expensive raw silk! The price of this raw silk is quite high! Palatine sniffed it lightly, and there was a look of affection in his eyes. This robe still has a faint scent of refreshing grass. It should have been cooked with spices. Spice, this is spice! A spice whose price is even higher than gold!

Seeing that Paladin couldn't put it down, Sariel handed over another scepter. This is a silver scepter that emits silver light. The scepter has a pattern of gold-carved jade bracelets. On the top is a cross made of silver. Can not help but gorgeous, and not vulgar. Palatine took the scepter and played it back and forth. He stood up happily and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency, Archbishop. Please wait for me." Sariel saw Paladin put on his robe and played with the silver scepter back and forth. Then he solemnly took out a small silver cross pendant and hung it around his neck. At first glance, it really looks like a noble and holy priest! Although he is a priest. .

Sariel also looked at the Palatine with great satisfaction. He said with relief: "Don't blame me for speaking straight, you are not handsome, but you still have some temperament. At least you won't be ashamed at the banquet later." Paladin laughed and left the camp with Sariel. , to the fortress. In fact, Palatine knew it. There are also some capable people around Sariel, but he didn't bring them because they were not nobles, but he himself was. In the power of this noble, as one of them, the effect of dealing with them is much better.

Looking at the city gate so tall that people look up, Paladin entered the largest and most powerful fortress in the Principality of Kasmi for the first time. The flat slate floor, the open format taverns and shops on both sides, and the magic lights erected by the street made Paladin once thought that he had returned to Edley. If it weren't for the well-equipped guards with pot helmets and hooked scythes that passed by on the road, and some potbellied merchants who drove carriages and planned to come to the fortress to make a fortune in the war.

The hired mercenaries took the few silver coins that had just been issued, and ran to the place of Wenrou Township to hang out, as well as the huge crossbows and catapults that appeared and appeared on the city wall. Only let Paladin break this illusion. Hearing Sariel introduce these shops and workshops with emotion. Palatine turned his head to inspect the periphery of this fortress. Obviously, the layout of the outermost layer of the fortress is like a city. But when Palatine and Sariel passed through a city gate inside and entered under the respectful gaze of the guards, the breath of the town just now disappeared instantly.

The towering bunkers and the dense soldiers have dense holes on both sides. From time to time you can see catapults as tall as a building. There are also wooden walls built to defend against bows and arrows above the city walls. Everything in front of him is incompatible with the gentle town just now. It was a chilling and icy blue-gray. Walking among these soldiers, Paladin and Sariel also remained silent. He accelerated his pace and entered the third floor quickly, passed through the third gate, and after the fourth gate, he finally reached the castle in the center. To be honest, if Paladin had to come alone tonight, even if someone showed the way, he would definitely get lost in the many forks in the castle.

After walking a long spiral staircase, Sariel opened the door in front of him. What catches the eye is a wide corridor. There were bursts of laughter and conversation at the end of the corridor. Two guards stood at the door, and the red raw silk hung in front of it as a curtain. Paladin looked at this pie, and once again deeply felt what luxury is! In contrast, Andrew's pie can be used as garbage!

Red raw silk, render that big piece with expensive dye, and then just use it as a curtain! This curtain alone is at least fifty gold coins! This is still priceless. You must know that most of the dyes can only be purchased from the nine major elf tribes in the south, while raw silk can only be traded from the far west, the Mulam Dynasty behind the huge Morolla Desert. This door curtain requires two extreme products in the mainland to produce, but it can only be used as a door curtain! Paladin stood aside in shock. When the guard checked Sariel's identity, he immediately bent over with great respect, and opened the heavy wooden door through the curtain.

The melodious Kasmian aristocratic music wafted from inside, and Palatine stepped inside. What flashes in front of you is gorgeous! The extremely spacious hall is divided into two floors, and the stairs in the middle are connected in series. On both sides are the pillars of golden Watanabe after polishing with fine white flower stone. The ground is very soft and colorful, and it is made of monster fur. On the side near the wall is a dining table covered with white cloth, on which there are many rare dishes that Palatine has never seen before. Format drinks desserts everything. There are also several chefs who are concocting a cheese-like dessert.

Not to mention that the walls on both sides are full of fancy and bizarre murals and legends of heroes. Just the huge glazed magic crystal lamp above his head made Paladin almost lose his temper and open his mouth! Hundreds of high-quality magic crystals are embedded in the grooves of gold. With years of knowledge, Paladin can also see that the extremely cumbersome and complicated alchemy circle above is constantly urging the magic crystal to emit energy. The entire magic lamp emits a soft yellow light under the action of hundreds of magic crystals. Looking down, countless nobles were wearing fancy clothes and holding wine in hand with the beautiful lady wearing a corset floor-to-ceiling dress. They divided into small groups of three very elegantly and politely, chatting with each other about the latest news and stories.

"Well, the people in this hall are the rulers of the duchy." Sariel came to Palatine with a smug tone and joked. Paladin nodded slightly, his eyes filled with madness and pursuit that Sariel could not imagine, and said: "It's so beautiful! This is the real life! And..." But before Paladin finished speaking, his expression was slightly stunned. ! Because at this moment, from his other perspective, in the clone, an unexpected thing happened.