Lord of Glory

Chapter 116: Follow the leader


Obviously, Olina, who was dressed in bright red and specially matched the hair color of the avatar, also noticed the arrival of the avatar. She glanced at the head from time to time, and the faint corners of her eyes were like a timid bird hiding in the treetops, peeping at the gorgeous peacock in the distance. Seeing the peacock looking over, he quickly hid behind the tree trunk again.

The clone walked to her side with a smile, put the wine glass on the stone railing, looked up at the bright moon in the sky and smiled: "You must not be used to such a banquet. Olina." Listening to the gentleness of the clone In tone, the hands of Orina, who bowed her head, fell to the bottom and grasped the corners of her skirt, scolding like an angry little girl: "Call me the Count!" "Yes, my honorable Miss Olina." "You. .you are bullying me!"

The clone looked at the coquettish Olina, suddenly lowered her head, and said in a low voice: "I'm just a knight, and the title of baron is too sudden for me. My companions don't like me very much. But all this is What you gave me is your affirmation and trust in me." Having said that, the clone stopped slightly and took a sip of the wine in his hand. Noticed that Olina looked over secretly with suspicious eyes. Immediately continued to say in a low voice: "As a knight, although I shoulder the family's great revenge and incomparable grief, I don't have too many thoughts. I just hope to be able to turn into a shield and sword to protect you and attack your enemies. That's all."

As soon as the words fell, Olina's eyes became a little loose, the clone immediately hit the snake and followed the stick, raised her head and looked at the bright moon again: "If you have a little selfishness, I just hope to see the white orchid blooming on the battlefield, That incomparable beauty. Those ladies who only know how to dress up and have affairs are nothing more than wildflowers waiting to rot. Only you, only you, Olina. Forever, forever, never fade. You on the battlefield, really It is as eye-catching and intoxicating as the white orchid that never wilts."

After talking, the clone had moved behind Olina, and she found that Orina blushed and lowered her head without saying a word. Seeing that there was no one else around, he immediately seized the opportunity and gently embraced Orina from behind! Bending his head, he whispered with his lips beside Olina's flushed ear, "Do you know what I mean? My princess."

At this moment, the clone felt his voice fall, and Olina's body in his arms immediately stiffened! Accompanied by a faint trembling! The clone turned his head slightly and saw Olina's face as red as fire. He stared at the soles of his feet with wide eyes. "You're shaking..." The clone said so, and saw Olina suddenly take a deep breath, and her originally stiff body gradually softened, leaning on the clone's arms. "don't want.."

The flushed Orina murmured softly, but saw the clone looking down at her, holding her chin. The head is gradually lowered, and it is about to kiss this little mouth. Suddenly, a heroic call came from the hall: "Today is a celebration feast, and I am honored that you can come and participate!"

The Grand Duke's voice made Orina suddenly come back to her senses, she immediately pushed her clone away shyly, and hurriedly ran into the hall. Only the clone was left standing there with a gloomy face. At this moment, Palatine, who stood up with Sariel holding the wine glass, suddenly frowned in disgust and muttered, "Just a little bit, just a little bit! You're done!" Sariel immediately shook his head in confusion and asked. Said: "What did you just say?" "Nothing, just talking to yourself."

Paladin casually perfunctory, controlled the clone and walked into the hall. But at this moment, all the nobles held their wine glasses high and paid tribute to the grand duke standing on the stairs: "For the glory of the Principality of Kasmi, for our grand duke!" Everyone raised their heads and drank the wine in the cup. , The Grand Duke waved his hand happily and said, "Music, let's dance!" After saying that, he put his arms around a middle-aged woman in a blue and blue dress beside him, and looked at the excited young nobles below with a smile.

Paladin saw that the noble men and women present immediately found dance partners, and bent over very gentlemanly. As the musicians holding various musical instruments on both sides played exciting music, the nobles immediately held the lady's hand and slender waist and began to dance to the melody. Paladin watched this, his eyes suddenly lit up, he immediately controlled the avatar to move forward, grabbed Orina who was standing beside him, and came to the arena, grabbed her hand, and held the slender waist. Started to take steps. "Wait... I won't." Olina saw the surrounding nobles with petrified mouths, and her face that had just recovered to calm immediately blushed again, and she wanted to throw away the knight's hand and escape from here. But the strange thing is that she, who was so powerful originally, who could even swing a huge battle axe, was helpless to those ordinary hands at this moment.

"Don't worry, follow my rhythm, I'll teach you." The clone immediately calmed down Olina's panic. Let Olina follow in her footsteps. After all, it is a big noble family, how could this kind of dance not be possible? It's just that the perennial war is rusty. At this moment, being cloned in such an area, the original memory was immediately turned over. After a while, it's better than jumping alone.

"Oh! My Grand Duke, is that lady Olina?" The woman standing beside the Grand Duke looked at this in surprise, and covered her mouth with a fan and exclaimed. But she realized at this moment that it was not only her, but the Grand Duke, and many nobles present, as well as the nobles who were dancing on the same field, all stopped, watching all this in shock. That sturdy and ferocious Countess of White Orchid was dancing with a handsome young man at this moment!

"Hahaha, okay! I've always looked at Olina as my younger sister. Seeing that she is so old and hasn't found a home, I feel sorry for his father's entrustment. Now it's over! It's great!" The Grand Duke was stunned. , suddenly smiled happily. Then he yelled at the nobles off the field: "What are you doing, do you want to be compared with the leader of our respected Aries Knights!" When the nobles heard this, they were very happy to see the Grand Duke, and they didn't care about the three, seven or twenty One, hugged the lady and jumped up hard again. There were even some old aristocrats with gray hair, who took their wives like him and joined the joyous dance together.

"Hehehehe." The Grand Duke smiled happily. But in his eyes, he found that the person dancing with Olina was the knight who blocked Marquis Javier's sneak attack in the morning and saved him. Immediately turned his head with a smile on his face, and said to a servant who was drinking by the scout beside him: "Look at this Alfred, I want to know all his daily schedules. Even if he goes to the toilet, he needs to know." The characteristic servant just nodded slightly. He quietly went upstairs with a drink in hand. But never came down.

The clone raised his hand and let Orina, who was full of joy, spin in place on her hand. Hear her bursts of happy laughter. Disengage your mind and relax. Things are one step closer to success.

At this moment, Paladin, who was playing with the wine glass in his hand, had a faint smile on his face. Suddenly, he saw Marquis Carmon, with a grim face, tightly closed lips, and a goatee, suddenly emerged from the lively crowd, walked to Palatine and sat down. Without waiting for Paladin to stand up and salute in a hurry, he said to himself, "I heard Sariel. Thank you for the morning, I owe you a favor, Father." The Marquis of Carmon is famous for his indifference and taciturn. Don't talk much, being able to say so much is the limit. After he finished speaking, he got up and left again, and after a while, he disappeared into the crowd full of smiles and joy.

Palatine just got off the stool and sat down again. Sariel next to him sneered with a sarcastic laughter: "You guys can earn it. Marquis Carmon attaches great importance to promises. Even if you tell him that you want the title of an earl, he will definitely help you do it. "Listening to the words of Sariel, who was already slightly drunk beside him, Paladin put down the wine he hadn't had a sip at all. With a smile, he said softly: "Speaking of favors, Your Excellency Archbishop. You still owe me a favor." "Oh? What do you want in return? Greedy little guy."

Sariel put down his glass when he saw Paladin talking about business. But he heard Paladin leaning down and whispering in a low voice as much as possible: "You said that there is more than one sheep in this large pasture in the Kasmi domain." Salier nodded expressionlessly. Paladin squinted his eyes slightly, and then said, "Then Andrew, is this sheep eating grass behind you?" "He? He is eating leftover grass behind another sheep."

"So, why not let this sheep disappear and give another poor little lamb to share this fertile grass? Of course, he will be very grateful for this giving, and follow this sheep." The dizzy eyes suddenly opened when he heard this sentence. There is no drunkenness at all, only deep and vigilant: "Paladin, do you think it's that simple? If you change it, I still need to stay in this ranch? I've already gone to a bigger place! Young people should not be too greedy, they will be quick for quick success. counterproductive."

"Not necessarily." Paladin shook his head with a smile. But Sariel frowned: "Boy, be careful playing with fire, I won't be able to help you at that time. Don't try to make an inch." Who knew that Paladin stood up on his own, with a more and more bizarre expression on his face. He smiled and said: "I will have a way, and it is a way that other people can't detect. You just need to support me with all your strength when a bishop position is vacant. Of course, if you can use gold coins, you can speak to me. "After saying that, I started, bent my waist and said, "Excuse me." Then he walked out of the hall. Only Sariel, who was sitting in the seat, looked suspicious and curious.

ps: I go! Why do the last few chapters give me the feeling of a long-lost first love! Am I being wicked! No, I'm going to take a bath with grapefruit leaves tonight. . . Just calm down. . . [You can't afford to be hurt when you are single!]