Lord of Glory

Chapter 13: chance encounter


The words are divided into two parts. But he said that Palatine had enough sleep and climbed out of the bear cave. Immediately feel refreshed. As for the emergence of various forces in the entire Orosen Continent, it is not something that Paladin can understand now. What he hopes most now is to have a good meal, and then have a mansion, a few beautiful and attractive concubines, and live a luxurious life that everyone envies.

This is what Palatine now considers the most lofty ideal. As for why to gain great power, but only need such a little thing, Paladin still can't understand. Because, in his view, a luxurious life only exists in a dream.

However, one has to return to reality. Paladin was clutching his messy black hair in distress at this time, and was a little worried: "I escaped from the branch. I believe it will be noticed soon. Although it is said that no one will pay attention to a humble slave. But look at the branch. The current situation must be a big mess. If you don’t think so, you will really notice me! This name can’t be used anymore.”

Paladin thought helplessly. In fact, he quite liked the name Palatine. Although it is a name full of humiliation and ridicule for the people in the branch. But putting it outside is a very sacred meaning! And compared to other slaves, he was lucky to have his own name.

"Hey! That... the man in front! Great and almighty Inos, this must be the messenger you sent to save your humble servant!" But at this moment, a call suddenly sounded from outside the woods.

Paladin turned to look, and immediately saw a priest in a black priest's robe, carrying a small package, messed up and tired. Paladin immediately took a step back, carefully guarding this person, taking off the glove with his right hand and putting it behind his back. If the other party has an evil attempt, he will kill him immediately.

Unexpectedly, the priest walked up to Palatine, slumped down on the dirty mud, folded his hands and clasped his fists, and said with sincere gratitude: "It must be you, the great and omniscient God, who blesses your servant in the dark. When he got lost and lost his way, he sent a guide!"

"You are..." Paladin continued to take a step back, so vigilant that people didn't dare to relax in the slightest. Apparently, the priest saw Paladin's guarded appearance, and knew that the other party had misunderstood. He immediately laughed and said, "Hello, noble sir. I am a priest from the province of Lore in the Duchy of Kasmi. I have received the call of the supreme god. , specially went to Nuerba to serve as a local church priest. Also, sir, do you know how to get to Nuerba?"

Nurba Paladin is known. It's still a long way from here. If you take a carriage, it will take half a month. It has already crossed half the Principality of Kasmi. If it weren't for the fact that this town was rich in iron ore and the principality attached more importance to it, I really didn't know.

In an instant, Palatine moved his thoughts. I won't say whether it's safe or not on the road, and if you don't know where you're going, it's better to follow this priest first, and by the way, hide your eyes and ears. You can also earn some extra money. Think of it and do it, Paladin immediately showed a friendly smile and said with a smile: "It turns out to be a servant of the great Inos. I am also a very devout congregation. Naturally, I can take you to Nuerba to take office."

"Ah! That's great! It's really..." This is obviously a priest who lives a pampered life, wiping away the dirt on his face, revealing his white and tender skin. Before the words of thanks were finished, Paladin continued: "Since I serve the great Inos, the priest will not wait for death. Look at me so poor and poor, should I travel a long distance?"

The priest was stunned for a moment, then nodded understandingly, and took out a small bag of gold coins from his backpack with a smile. He poured out five of them and handed them to Paladin with a smile: "Thank you sir for these. Please also take me to Nuerba."

Paladin took the gold coin with glowing eyes. His eyes wandered to the small bag in the priest's hand. It's full of golden coins! Don't laugh, Paladin is so big, he has only seen gold coins, never touched it.

Now that I have five gold coins, I am very happy. But he thought to himself: "A whole bag of gold coins! Forty less... No! Fifty! God, if I get so much wealth..." The inflated ** has occupied his entire heart. Can't hold anything else.

Thinking like this, Palatine immediately turned his gaze back, took the priest's package and carried it behind his back with great skill, and said in an ingratiating manner, "Father, please go first. It's not a short journey." The priest immediately put away the gold coins, It is good to feel that someone is being treated by something. But he didn't realize that he did the stupidest thing.

"Looking at your clothes, you seem to be a student of the students. What do you study? History? Art?" Paladin narrowed his eyes and replied with a smile: "Looking at this beautiful dress, he is actually just a craftsman. He only learned to make some stone carvings." "Oh, it turned out to be a mason."

The priest nodded in disappointment. In the knowledge of his nobles, the stonemason is just a commoner who is ruled. I thought it was a noble priest who was studying, but I was a little disappointed. How could he have thought that the alchemist called himself a free stoner. Because in the most ancient times, there were no books and no knowledge. It is precisely the masons who build houses and are the most learned and knowledgeable people. It is the earliest occupation of mathematics, statistics, drawing, and writing. Therefore, the alchemists are proud to call themselves free stonemasons. Refers to the alchemist is the earliest contact with the truth and the pioneer of the search for the truth.

"Father, be careful. Slow down." An hour later, Paladin fully realized what it means to be a slave. Crouching and leading the priest through the mountains and mountains. The flattering priest laughed.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Palatine began to probe his foundation: "Respected priest. You are going to Nuerba. Although you pass through this vast forest, you won't run into it."

Palatine asked with his heart, but the clergyman spoke out of his mind. Hearing this, he immediately said: "Don't call me a priest, it's not yet. Hey, my father is a small nobleman. He does some business to support himself. But as the second son, I am not qualified to inherit my father's shop. My father spent money to manage it. , ask me to go to church and become a priest.

But really bad luck, hired those nasty mercenaries. Call them to protect me along the way. Who knew he would rob me as soon as he was out of town! Fortunately, I didn't cover it, and I ran into the forest. Sure enough, these perfidious scum didn't dare to chase after a long time! Hahaha! God will curse them! "

Looking at the high morale of the priest, Paladin said casually: "Father, you are so lucky, you know, you are going a little further. You will go straight into the depths of the forest. There are man-eating beasts. Ordinary mercenaries wouldn't dare to enter."

"Ah! That's it! Sure enough, Enos blesses me all the time!" Paladin looked at the idiot's foolishness, and the scruples in his heart gradually dissipated. Thinking about when he stole his gold coins, he went away happily. But who knows, the next sentence of the priest completely blinded Paladin!