Lord of Glory

Chapter 139: The tower is approaching


After the two parties finished their prayers, Philip immediately waved his arms, and a large group of militiamen in cotton armor and holding spears appeared in rows next to the towers, carrying ladders. Soldiers who were more advanced than those militiamen pushed an engineering vehicle out with all their strength! The siege vehicle is topped with two sloping roofs like the roof. Makes the top form a mountain-like slope.

This is a structure that allows the stone to slide down on its own to prevent the enemy from throwing it. It is also wrapped in iron sheet to prevent fire attack. Under the roof, like a roof, is a row of handles on wooden poles. For the soldiers inside to push the siege vehicle. The bottom two rows are the wheels, and the middle is hollow. A goat's head forged from fine iron on the log used to strike the city gate. .

With everything ready, Philip got on his horse and waved the sword in his hand to give the command to attack. Following the flag-bearer's semaphore, the towers, ladders and siege vehicles moved forward slowly, aiming directly at the majestic city gate in the middle!

"The catapult! Where is the crossbow!" The Marquis of Carmon, who was at the gate of the west gate, immediately launched an attack order. More than a dozen catapults and dozens of crossbows shook, with thunderous howls and smashing sounds, huge stones and crossbow arrows passed through the city wall, and densely ejected them towards the slow-moving siege troops. With a loud bang, the pouring stones and crossbow arrows hit the tower, but the effect is very small, except to make the tower shake slightly, there is no other use. "Don't stop, keep shooting!"

Seeing that the effect was not great, Marquis Camon was not discouraged, and immediately let all the catapults and crossbows keep attacking again. Standing at the north gate, I watched with my own eyes the militiamen below, carrying the cloud ladder nervously, running towards the city wall. The boulders that were thrown and rolled on the ground rolled into pieces, and were shattered together with the cloud ladder. The blood of flesh and blood has added petals from a rose to the garden of the battlefield. The flying crossbow arrows were inserted into the mud on the battlefield like tree stumps, and together with the surrounding stones and blood that fell on the ground, it was like a garden with a unique style.

"Kakakakaka.." With a few waves of attacks, the effect was not great. A large group of soldiers such as Marquis Carmon could already hear the rattling sound of the towers that were getting bigger and bigger in their sight. At this moment, a soldier standing in the bunker next to Marquis Carmon suddenly yelled at Carmon and others below: "Four hundred steps!" "Okay!" When Marquis Carmon heard this, he immediately raised his hand and shouted loudly. . When the soldiers on the city wall saw the commander's gesture, they retreated one after another, letting the archers standing behind them step forward to the edge of the wall. In the residential area behind, a large number of archers like the ocean bent their bows and arrows in turn, aiming at the sky.

As Marquis Carmon swung down heavily, the archers standing on the city wall immediately let go of their bowstrings. Thunderbolt's arrows, like a gust of wind, poured down on the siege team slowly advancing in the distance with the whine of death. "Ahhh!"

Immediately, the local team issued a series of screams. The towers and siege vehicles had bunkers, so there were no casualties. The team carrying the ladders fell to the ground like rice grains under the ruthless arrows. Eyes, chest, hands and feet, forehead. The arrows shot from the blast have no preference for the human body, and the cotton armor on the militiamen carrying the ladders is also a sad joke in front of such arrows. The militiamen were shot with arrows, screamed and fell to the ground, and the cloud ladder they were carrying was also weakly thrown down. What's more, before he even had time to let out a scream, the arrow was inserted into the eye socket and pierced through the back of the head, and the dead couldn't die any longer.

"Go forward! Don't retreat!" A man of the siege team, who looked like the captain, was covered in armor and saw some people start to retreat, and immediately drew his sword to boost his morale. Deeply aware that once they retreated, their king Philip would not treat their soldiers kindly, and he endured the fear of death, pushing the siege vehicles and towers with all his might. He stepped over the grass-like arrows on the ground and the corpses of his companions, and advanced toward the city gate in front of him.

"Shoot!" Marquis Carmon gave an order. Those archers on the city wall were pulling out their second arrows at the moment. Knowing that the timing was important, he immediately let a large number of second wave archers behind the city wall shoot up! The archer, who was already ready to go, put the arrow in his hand wrapped in oilcloth at the torch in front of him. Qi swipe to the sky and let go. Like countless fiery snakes raging out from the abyss and hell, the archers on the city wall were bending their bows and arrows, but a huge number of rockets surged behind them, covering almost half of the sky, pouring down again like fiery red raindrops. !

duh duh duh! The sound of piercing the wood echoed in the ears of the soldiers. The soldiers in the siege vehicle saw through the gap with their own eyes that the militiamen outside carrying the ladders fell to the ground with almost no suspense under the extremely dense rockets, and then the cotton armor on their bodies was ignited by the arrows and turned into A fire. It can even be seen that several militiamen were so frightened that they threw away the ladder and turned back and ran. But it was covered by dense rockets, and the whole body immediately burst into flames! He turned into a burning man screaming and ran around, but that miserable wailing was interrupted abruptly by the countless rockets that followed, and he became part of the scorched corpse on the ground.

"Quick! Push hard if you don't want to die!" The captain in the siege vehicle roared deadly. He fought with King Philip, but seldom encountered such an enemy with such mighty power as a rain of arrows alone. Perhaps it was the captain's dead-white face that infected the soldiers, or perhaps the flaming arrows that rolled to the soles of his feet were constantly kicked away to the point where his heart was cold. A silent emotion of fear slowly flowed through the siege team.

The sky-filled rockets destroyed most of the ladders. Although the propelling towers and siege vehicles were protected by iron sheets, they were also nailed into a mess by the rockets. Some of the cloud ladder players who were lucky not to be rocketed by the people, how can they still have the leisure to siege the city at this moment? Immediately fled across the board. But they had just taken a few steps, and the third round of the arrows of the archers on the city wall had already arrived. Execute all these fallen soldiers in the tufts of arrows.

"Launch!" Marquis Carmon roared again, and the loaded catapult and bed crossbow roared again. Adult-sized boulders shot out. One of the towers, which was filled with rockets, began to gradually burn through the iron sheet, and was smashed into the burning tower by the flying boulders! The tower, which had already been burned by the flames, immediately made bursts of crashing noises under such violent impact. The soldier who noticed the strangeness immediately stopped his sore arm. A group of people looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes. Immediately turn around and run! Unfortunately, the tower wailed, and the middle began to shatter, and the entire tower leaned and collapsed. The burning block of wood even hit the fleeing soldier, and another scream resounded through the battlefield.

Although several consecutive waves of attacks destroyed one of the opponent's towers and the ladder, the opponent was already less than two hundred steps away from them. It won't be long before the other side's tower will be on the city wall. That bastard Philip will never let go of this advantage, and will definitely send elite cover siege vehicles to take advantage of the situation to break through the city gate. At that time, the outermost line of defense will naturally be broken!

Marquis Camon would not want to see this situation. This not only made them lose a lot of advantages at once, but even made themselves humiliated in front of the Grand Duke! The adjutant standing beside Marquis Camon, took Viscount Med. Seeing the approaching towers and siege vehicles, he glanced at the silent Marquis Carmon, and immediately reminded worriedly: "Sir, what should we do now? Thinking of the first day they dispatched the tower!"

"Don't worry, my adjutant." Marquis Carmon smiled slightly, looking at the approaching tower, and could even see the cheering expressions of the enemy troops hiding behind the tower. Not only smiled and said to the Viscount beside him: "I can't get in the tower, I have already made arrangements. Naturally, Philip probably guessed it too. It's just that these towers are used to test me and die."