Lord of Glory

Chapter 140: stalemate


As soon as Marquis Carmon’s voice fell, the three towers in front of him suddenly burst into bursts of cracking sounds. Something magical happened! I saw that the ground on which the tower was advancing suddenly sank with a bang, revealing a long and deep ravine! The three towers suddenly lost their support, and the soldiers pushing behind could not see what was in front of them, so the towers suddenly leaned forward weakly. The team pushing the siege vehicle stopped immediately after discovering this.

"Release the arrow!" Carmon waved his arm again, and the archers standing beside the city wall were already waiting impatiently. Hearing the commander's order, the arrows in his hand immediately brought a death whine and swarmed at these suddenly defenseless soldiers. Suddenly, there was another scream, and the corpse lay in a pile of arrows as lush as grass. "Ooooooo! Victory! Long live Kasmi! Long live Marquis Carmon!"

Seeing this wave of attacks turned invisible in an instant. The soldier who was inspired immediately jumped up excitedly, waving the weapon in his hand and looking at Carmon on the tower, exclaiming in admiration. Hearing this tidal wave of cheers, the Viscount beside him was not dazzled by the joy. Instead, he looked at the still calm Marquis Carmon with a puzzled expression and asked, "When did the trenches dig?" "For many days. It's been dug before."

Marquis Carmon quietly looked at the army slowly receding in the distance and said softly, standing in the midst of cheers and excitement, he seemed very wise and special. Seeing that the Viscount was still puzzled, he explained: "Three feet of thick soil, knights, armies, and even carriages will not let this gully collapse. Of course, for such a heavy target as a tower, three feet of soil is also an instant. was crushed."

The Viscount nodded understandingly. But underneath Camon's calm expression, there was deep unease. War is about equality of status. Although he is now commanding in the name of the Grand Duke, the enemy coach of the opponent is the king of two kingdoms, and he is only a marquis. The disparity in status, although there is no serious problem now, but after a long time, whether intentional or not, rumors will spread. At that time, Archduke Victoria would be pushed up the city wall and personally direct the war.

But he understood, and the Grand Duke himself understood. Victoria, although he is good at politics and management, is an idiot in war and military affairs. This is also the reason why he let Carmon replace the commander as soon as the war started. Carmon believes that Philip on the opposite side must know about this, so he is waiting, or has already taken action. The Grand Duke himself was pushed into the position of coach by rumors and prestige. At that time, the war was changing rapidly, and Carmon himself could not be able to make plans all the time. The original advantage of defending the city will be erased by Philip, and when the military's heart is shaken, it is the time for him to attack in an all-round way.

At this moment, Philip, who was retreating with the army, murmured with a playful smile on his face: "The battle ditch... Although it was expected, I didn't expect that the soil he filled was so thick. What an adventurous marquis. But when the time is right, after the spy infiltrated the fortress, it's my turn to attack, Camon."


After more than ten consecutive days, the two sides were in a strange offensive and defensive process. Although the Principality of Kasmi also suffered casualties, it was no greater than the combined forces of the two countries. The two sides continued to spend nearly half a month with low casualties. Afterwards, because of the rumors spread by the spies sent by Philip, in order to avoid the disintegration of the army and the questioning of his authority, Archduke Victoria had to bite the bullet and came out of the warm castle, put on a suit of armor, and went to the city gate to direct the war.

In order to avoid suspicion, the Marquis of Carmon had to vote aside, and let his adjutant use Viscount Med as the grand duke's staff to arrange the plan. From that day on, Philip's offense suddenly changed. It was originally the input of siege weapons, with a small number of casualties. But after that day, it was a crowd tactic that thousands of soldiers carried cloud ladders and stormed the city gate!

The grand duke who suddenly encountered such a scene was naturally in chaos, not to mention commanding the battle, and even his own safety was threatened. On several occasions, the enemy's ladder climbed up on the city wall and stepped up to engage in hand-to-hand combat! Although these consecutive days of high-intensity operations cost the coalition forces 10,000 people. But the Principality of Kasmi, which had only 20,000 defenders, also lost 4,000 at the same time! Almost a quarter less! This is tantamount to an extremely dangerous situation for the Kasmi Principality, which has a disadvantaged population.

This strange consumption, and the rumors spread by spies in the city, made the fortress, which had been holding on for more than ten days, begin to appear unstable. Although the Grand Duke sent a large number of security teams to maintain order and arrest those who spread rumors, the streets filled with soldiers staring at civilians made people feel nervous. This tension was also conveyed to Paladin, who listened to the soldiers' prayers and confessions all day long in addition to treating the wounded.

Palatine was very nervous. He had just walked out of the church and went straight to the tavern where he was resting. Vaguely, he seemed to feel that it would not be long before this majestic fortress would be breached by the army of Malta and Ai Xinzhe! Paladin knew very well that once the enemy had taken the fortress, these brave soldiers would become demons who unleashed their ugly inner **. Various atrocities will be staged in the fortress. Of course, Paladin is not worried about the safety of those soldiers and civilians, he cares about himself, only himself.

Once the fortress is captured in the near future, although the priest has the right to pardon him in war, he will stab him secretly in case the poor man sees him unhappy. Or being shot by thousands of arrows is a potential danger. In a trance, Paladin suddenly realized a cruel fact, the status, power and wealth he was striving to pursue, when he encountered such an army of tens of thousands, an irresistible force, he seemed so helpless and vulnerable! Because of these things, in front of the dazzling sword, the effect they can play is so minimal! There has never been a moment when Palatine was so hungry for power. Not for wealth and status, just pure power, the power to protect him without fear of other threats!

With many thoughts rolling in his mind, Paladin was walking fast in the heavily guarded street wearing a robe. He needs strength, he needs strength to protect himself! The Stone of Truth, which has been stranded for a long time and almost abandoned in the corner of the soul, must be put on the agenda as soon as possible! Suddenly right now! Just when Paladin was thinking about gaining power! In a different house around him, in a shop that is still open to receive customers today in the war-torn era, Kaleich, in full body armor, hugged a woman with rouge and vulgar powder, and a woman in scantily clad, drunk, blushing, and laughing. Inside out!

It was a must-have place for war, a place of entertainment for soldiers stressed by death threats. Naturally, some businessmen who were desperate for gold coins ran in with these girls, hoping to extract considerable profits from these soldiers. Obviously, Kaleich, the newly appointed jazz, has also become a part of the need to vent the pressure. Paladin frowned slightly, just as he was about to meet him and shout at this useless thing, he suddenly followed Kaleich, hugging from side to side, and Tony, who was wearing a divine robe, came out with a drunken face!

For a moment, Paladin's eyes flashed with long-lost anger!