Lord of Glory

Chapter 142: arrest


The next day, as usual, Philip dispatched a large number of militias and mercenaries to fight the war of attrition. Hundreds of ladders climbed the city wall and fought to the death with the regular army who had been exhausted by the days of fighting. The continuous attack for many days caused a thick layer of blood plasma to accumulate on the city walls. There is a strange smoothness to the soldiers stepping on them. The bloody smell that would have made people sick has now become accustomed to the soldiers.

You can even sit on the blood plasma with your companions, eating blood-stained black bread and chatting about the stories of your hometown. The shields and long swords have long been scarred, and there are also large arrow holes and scars on the wall stacks. The appearance still looks harmonious, but this is already a precursor to the collapse of the military's heart. If such a strong attack continues, I believe that the fortress will be torn apart by the soldiers who have completely collapsed before winter and reinforcements arrive.

Of course, all this has little practical significance for Palatine. Secretly debug the fake death medicine in the healing medicine by yourself. With the help of Kaleich's manpower, hundreds of corpses thought to be dead have been sent into the empty house to the south one after another. It's just a few hours later, when the medicine's power is over, these soldiers who outsiders thought dead will come back to life again like people who have been in a drowsiness for a long time.

At this moment, the sun is starting to set. The clouds were reddened by the warm sunlight. Such colors always give people a warm feeling of putting down work and having a good dinner. And Kaleich, who was driving the carriage with four of his men at the moment, deliberately turned seven or eight corners and came to the front of the manor.

"Quick, quick! Carry all these corpses in!" As soon as the carriage stopped, Kaleich immediately jumped down and directed these four guys to move the 'corpses' in the cart. The four guys were very unwilling to do so. He carried the dead soldiers covered in blood into the house. The old wooden boards made a rattling sound as the crowd walked, and some birds could vaguely be seen building their nests in the dead corners of the ceiling. Four After the soldiers threw the corpse on the ground, they looked at the people lying on the floor and counted hundreds of them.

One of the sweaty and red-bearded mercenaries was very unhappy and asked Kaleich behind him: "I said Kaleich, tell us what's going on. We don't want to be caught by you. What trouble do you get involved in!" "That's right, if you risk your life for ten gold coins, it's really not worth it."

A mercenary with a short, pointed mouth next to him immediately supported him. One of the very burly giants saw Kaleich's silent look and stood at the door, and immediately shouted in dissatisfaction: "Kaleich! Don't think that you are a jazz and put on airs. You are a mercenary, and you have been a mercenary all your life! Stop using this noble air to scare us!"

"Humph!" Kaleich had no reason to be angry with the dead. He just snorted very contemptuously, suddenly stepped back, just left the eaves, grabbed the door with both hands quickly, and slammed it shut! "Open the door! You pig in hell!" The giant man first noticed something was wrong, but he couldn't keep up with Kaleich's speed. Still one step too late. But just after shouting a word of warning in annoyance and feeling that something was wrong, the sound of being locked outside made the four people feel a great threat! Is this Kaleich really going to deal with them now

He ignored the rumbling sound that was being tapped behind the door. Kaleich just stood there quietly, as if waiting for someone. "Things went better than I expected. Kaleich, it's a pleasure to work with you."

At this time, a figure emerged from the shadows. But it was Paladin who was wearing a robe and playing with the scepter in his hand. With a pleasant smile on his face, he stepped to Kaleich's side, took out a bag of gold coins from his sleeve and handed it to him. Watching the latter weigh the weight of the bag of gold coins with a puzzled look, he immediately explained with a smile, "You can't possibly let me come out with five hundred gold coins. With such a big bag, it's hard not to attract attention. Don't worry, it's just an advance payment, and when things come to an end and you avoid the sensitive period, you'll be paid as much as you want."

Kaleich nodded slightly. Turning back to the carriage without a word, a whip slapped the horse's buttocks, and immediately a burst of smoke was splashed, and the carriage drove away with the sound of the horse's pain. Kaleich was very prescient. He didn't know what the Paladin wanted so many people to do with suspended animation, and he didn't want to know. Reason told him to try not to explore the young man's secrets. It is the most correct way to maintain the now elusive cooperative relationship. So Kaleich didn't have a point to get into.

Paladin, who was standing in the same place, gave Kaleich a deep look. But at this moment, the door behind him was suddenly knocked open by the four mercenaries. As soon as he looked up, he saw the priest Palatine with his back to them. The anger suddenly rose, and the giant stepped forward a few steps, stretched out his hand to grab Paladin, and shouted angrily: "Where's that bastard Kaleich? You kid..."

Like a broken toy in the hands of a child. Paladin stepped forward gently and skillfully avoided the capture of the giant man, but the movement did not stop, his body turned around quickly, and he grabbed the arm as thick as a wooden pole with his backhand. Ignoring the giant man whose face just showed a startled look, he grabbed his arm with all his strength, and turned around and slammed it again!

The giant man, as big as two Paladins, was as light as a glass ball in Paladin's hand. Hearing a loud bang, the giant man was smashed onto the dilapidated stairs, collapsed and buried in the ruins together with the stairs. The three mercenaries who had been waiting and watching saw such a terrifying scene before they could react, and they all stared blankly in place. However, Palatine remained expressionless as he walked over as lightly as a feather, and two golden lightsabers suddenly appeared on the index fingers of both hands!

The extremely calm Paladin, after casting silent magic around the room, looked at the giant man who was unconscious and was dragged out of the ruins, and the rag stuffed in his mouth, covering his broken arm tremblingly, and fell in a pool of blood. Among the other three mercenaries with a terrified expression. Glancing at these mortals silently, Paladin did his best to remove all the soldiers who were still in suspended animation. After a large space was vacated. Stand firmly in the center. The three mercenaries were very puzzled and fearful. They don't understand why this priest is so powerful? Why these corpses? However, before the questions in their hearts were answered, they saw the most shocking thing before they died!

I saw Paladin closed his eyes slightly, turned his right hand slightly upward, and slowly raised it. Ten balls of light emitting dazzling golden light immediately appeared around him! And the amazing thing is that these balls of light actually form a perfect circle with Paladin as the center! The three mercenaries suddenly forgot the pain and looked at all this dully.

But then, the ten light balls immediately shot ten dazzling golden light beams, as if being pinched, the light beams were projected on the floor, with the rapid and very regular movement of the light balls, as Paladin opened his eyes In an instant, the sphere of light immediately dissipated into nothingness. , And on the floor, with Paladin as the center, a huge and extremely complex array was drawn by the beam!

At this time, Paladin looked up at the gradually sinking sun outside the window, and immediately seized the time to replenish the exhausted elements while the sun did not disappear. When the golden light element overflowed again, the last trace of sunlight also sank into the dark clouds. With indifferent eyes, Paladin turned to look at the hundreds of living people around him who were feigning death. A smile gradually appeared on his face, yes, it was a longing smile.