Lord of Glory

Chapter 143: Kabbalah tree


When Palatine came out of the room again, he was already holding a stone of truth with blood the size of a pumpkin. After removing the mute magic at will, Palatine disappeared into the shadows of the street. In the manor, only the corpses that were not crushed into bone meal were left. At first glance, the corpse is not visible at all, but a mountain of thick ashes piled up.

At dawn the next day, Palatine incorporated light elements in his room. Deduct half of the stones of truth used to fill life, and fuse the stones of truth for more than fifty people. The long-lost golden element flows into the body from the palm. Visible to the naked eye, the completely crystallized arm slowly eroded towards the flesh, gradually expanding into more crystals. As usual, Paladin, who had endured the severe pain and his face was dead pale, fell into a deep sleep again after the fusion was over. .

It was still that empty space, the huge and weird inverted tree totem on the ground. Paladin opened his eyes very calmly, lying flat in the circle engraved with the word 'gluttony', looking at the blank sky that was also empty. Sitting up slowly, without surprise, he saw the black boy sitting outside the circle staring at him. Paladin blinked, touched the missing arm, turned his head and saw the inside of the severed hand, not blood dripping, but a chaotic nothingness.

Paladin turned back to look at the black boy, and suddenly asked, "Are you going to eat me?" The only response to him was the boy's silent nod. Reluctantly stood up and looked at this strange space, Paladin knew very well that this was definitely not a dream, but that after the fusion of light elements, his soul entered this strange space. Seeing this, Paladin tried to pull some news out of the boy's mouth, and couldn't help asking again, "What is this place?" But to Paladin's disappointment, the boy was indifferent this time. It's as if you can't hear it at all.

Sighing slightly, Paladin looked down at the huge totem on the ground. This is the same slate under Ripley's scroll in the different space that the Free Masons Association leads to. He couldn't help staring at the dark eyes of the young man and asked, "What is this?" Contrary to Paladin's expectations, the young man nodded when he saw Paladin pointing at the inverted tree totem on the ground, and opened his mouth to say a childish answer. : "This is a Kabbalah upside down tree."

"Kabbalah?" Paladin frowned, hearing the name for the first time. I have also checked it in the cathedral's collection before, and there is no information about this totem at all. But now that a name came out of the boy's mouth, Paladin couldn't help but be convinced that maybe he could really know from this guy's mouth the culprit that had troubled him for a long time, and even caused him to be unable to sleep and eat now.

"Kabbalah...Is this a person's name? Who is it? Have you seen it?" Paladin threw a bunch of questions, but the black boy shook his head and turned to look at the nine circles in the distance and the The huge totem, a pair of small hands stretched out and said: "Kabbalah upside down tree. Mind, truth, tree of life. It is a shortcut to the three gates of God."

"Three gods?" Paladin frowned, and he began to be a little confused. But who knew that the black boy turned to look at him again, raised his little finger and pointed at Paladin and said, "The unyielding one on the road of the fire sword, on this road, only one person can reach the end and pass through the three great gates of God. "You...what did you say!" Paladin took a few steps back. He looked at the boy who was still smiling innocently, but he felt that he had not noticed a major problem that he had ignored! But Palatine asked such a question, but in exchange for the boy's cracked smile. He put down his pure black arm, returned to the ground again, and said softly, "It's time to go back..."

As soon as the voice fell, Paladin felt as if his whole body was being pulled and pulled by countless hands. The scene in front of him suddenly distorted and disappeared. Once again plunged into the boundless darkness. Dazed, Paladin opened his eyes. What caught my eye was my own room. Paladin, who was familiar with it, stood up and began to soak the bucket of water prepared next to him with a towel, and wiped the sweat from his whole body. But Paladin, who was silent, looked strangely erratic. That's right, it was the first time, the first time the guy in that space had said so much to him. And the name of Kabbalah's inverted tree makes Paladin feel the crisis more and more! He wants to find out as soon as possible what is going on with this Kabbalah!

Just when Palatine merged the light element and secretly felt a vague crisis. Archbishop Sariel, who was informed of what happened yesterday, was furious and the news that Tony was removed from the church has spread like wildfire. Wearing clothes made of ordinary linen, walking the streets. Pedestrians and priests on the road pointed at him. I could vaguely hear some of the priests talking with contempt: "I heard that this scum who violated the canon actually wears a robe to enter and leave such a filthy place! Oh my god, it's hard to believe that such a guy is a cleric like us." Humph, what a public blasphemy against a great god! He should be burnt at the stake and be judged justly and justly"

Hearing these words, Tony lowered his head and blushed, and quickly walked away from the eyes that made him very uncomfortable. At this moment, his self-esteem as an aristocrat was extremely hurt. The only person he could think of to save his life was Paladin, who was removed from the church by the archbishop in person. So at this moment, he was walking quickly towards Paladin's temporary residence.

He had just changed into fresh clothes and was about to rush to his church to start planning the candidates for dealing with the injured today. Immediately, there was a loud gasp from the door. It shows the anxiety of the people outside the door. Frowning slightly, Paladin's forehead suddenly flashed with the Eye of Almighty, followed by the power of the Eye of Almighty, he clearly saw Tony, who was wearing burlap and sackcloth, standing in poverty outside the door, ignoring the surrounding bystanders, hurriedly. Knocking on the door. After thinking for a while, in order to avoid being left with a bad impression, Paladin put on a smile and opened the door. Let the onlookers outside see your gentle and polite smile.

"Come in." Paladin smiled, squinted his eyes, and quickly interrupted Tony, who was about to speak when he saw Paladin. After squeezing out two words between his teeth, he pulled Tony into the room and closed it with a backhand. door. "His Excellency Auxiliary Bishop! I believe you already know about my dismissal! I just hope you can help me and forgive my disrespect to you yesterday!"

As soon as he saw Paladin closing the door, Tony, who was very eager, immediately began to pray for Paladin's grace. But the moment the door of the Palatine security room, which was full of smiles, was closed, his face changed greatly and became gloomy. He looked at Tony fixedly, and suddenly sneered: "Tsk tsk, my good Tony. I am very willing to forgive your behavior and abuse yesterday, but now that you have been removed from the teaching, what else can you do to me? What to use?"

"No! No, my lord. You can make me a servant, and I am willing to serve you with everything! I will take care of your food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and I only hope to be able to achieve something one day!" Helplessly shook his head and leaned against the door frame: "You are too naive, my little Tony. Your noble status is worthless to me, and you are just like me, because you deeply understand that noble status cannot be given. It took a fair amount of life to get into the church. Now that you've been cut out of the church, what use are you to me other than having fun and doing nothing?"

"I..." Tony was anxious, as if he wanted to explain something. But Palatine didn't have the time to deal with a waste. He opened the door on his own, waved his hand very politely and said indifferently: "Please go out, my friend. After the war is over, leave the fortress and disappear before my eyes, forever. , never appear in front of me." Staring in disbelief, Tony abandoned him completely. Knowing that explaining it at this moment is pale and powerless. He didn't dare to imagine what the future would be like. With his legs as heavy as lead, he had just stepped out of the door. Just as he was about to turn back and save one or two, Palatine's ruthless door slammed shut in front of him. It also made his heart fall into the abyss with the sound of the door. . .