Lord of Glory

Chapter 147: The lion of the battlefield


Buckets of kerosene and boiled feces were handed over to the soldiers. Without any hesitation, they didn't care about being dirty at all, they just picked up the barrel and fell down! Hot feces descended vertically with a violent stench. The soldier who bears the brunt, even if the shield in his hand is sturdy, will be drenched in the face of this pervasive **!

The hotness and stench of feces immediately eroded this brave and fearless soldier, and instantly shattered his bravery to smithereens! I saw that the soldier immediately let out a whimper, and he could vaguely hear the crackling sound of his skin being scalded from his cry. He roared in pain, but his balance had already been lost. He immediately twisted and fell weakly to the ground behind him. He also slammed into a few companions who were also climbing the ladder, and fell into the sea of people below. .

But such scenes abound. Soldiers are attacked by dung water, one by one falling down like ants on a tree trunk being shaken off. The miserable mourning sound was particularly inconspicuous in the fierce shouting and killing. What's more, the public risk exposed his body and shoved away the ladder on the city wall. The enemies who had just climbed halfway immediately shouted in panic, but he couldn't stop the ladder from leaning back weakly, and there was a bang. He fell to the ground and was crushed into the dense crowd of people in the ground. In the blink of an eye, dozens of people were killed. But before the soldier had time to show off his achievements, there was a dense sound of breaking air from the crowd and the archers on the tower. The soldier couldn't even call for help, and was shot through his body by more than a dozen bows and arrows. And the head, weakly collapsed in a pool of blood.

But even so, it still couldn't stop the tide-like enemy army from climbing the city wall. Seeing that the kerosene and excrement had lost their effect, the warriors on the city wall could even see the cold sword of the enemy hiding under the raised shield! They immediately put the long swords in their waists, took the hook and sickle spears sent by the logistics, and crowded on each wall in groups of three or five, holding the hook and sickle spears and stabbed the enemy army that was about to climb up!

"Ah!" Four or five hooked sickle spears pierced the fragile chain armor and stabbed into the enemy's body. The latter let out a scream, and fell down weakly, and fell into the sea of people. But obviously Philip's soldiers were elites who had been through the war for many years. Faced with such a tactic of sticking to the wall, they were not surprised at all. When they saw another group of companions being stabbed to death on the ladder, the latter immediately pressed their bodies on the ladder with one hand. Holding a shield to block, waving a long sword in one hand and starting a contest with the male in front of him.

Although a relatively large number of casualties have been paid, it has achieved good results. Several male **** with hooked and sickle spears were accidentally stabbed in the cheek by the enemy on the ladder, and fell into a pool of blood with a scream. Seeing that there was a loophole in the defense, Philip and Lex's king took advantage of the situation, slammed his feet on the wall, and threw his shield away with the hook and sickle spear, and jumped to the city wall to meet the prince. * Fight hard! And once a wall was knocked out of the gap, the kings on the ladder immediately climbed up one by one quickly, and after a while, there were more than a dozen people, and they strangled with the male who started to retreat and couldn't resist. And the ladder protected by them is now providing a steady stream of bridges for the latecomers to climb the city wall!

"Quick! Reinforcement! Don't let these bastards set foot on our territory!" Seeing this development, the Grand Duke had already captured more than ten wall stacks, and the guards were resisting the rapidly increasing number of enemies. The Grand Duke watched his soldiers fall under the enemy's sword one after another, and immediately shouted with tears in their eyes. As soon as the Grand Duke's voice fell, a large number of elite spearmen wearing pot helmets and half-body armor also climbed the city wall, raised their sharp spears, and roared at the group of enemies in front of them! "Archer!"

When the Grand Duke saw the reinforcements coming up to temporarily stop the speed of the enemy troops coming up through the ladder, he immediately screamed. The archers who have been waiting for a long time are now all retreating on the streets and roofs behind the city wall, frequently bending their bows and arrows, blocking the enemy troops huddled together on the city wall in front of them!

Seeing that the enemy was attacked by the male fighters on both sides, soldiers kept being blocked one by one by the archers next to them. At this moment, as the kingdom of Malta, they worship the ferocious black bears, and they also show their fighting talent. There is no need for a commander at all, and no order whatsoever.

These warriors who were born and died with King Philip of Malta, after seeing those archers again, immediately raised their shields to form a defensive line, while the others immediately pulled out arm-length spears from the rucksacks on their backs. Just throw it at the archer on the roof! The spear slid through a swipe of silver light, and slammed an archer who was pulling out an arrow to the tile roof! However, the archers would not just admit defeat, they quickly found cover and began to fight to the death with these abominable invaders.

The Grand Duke was very nervous, and the situation gradually became unfavorable. More and more city heads fell one after another, and more and more kings climbed the city wall. But things will not end so simply. At this moment, a dull knocking sound exploded, echoing in everyone's heart. But when the Grand Duke heard the sound, he saw a scene that made his heart break! I saw a tower block, which has been pushed to the front of the city wall one after another at this moment.

The Maltese walking knights in elite armor who were waiting for the battle below immediately rushed in and all climbed to the top of the tower. I saw a wooden plank covered with rockets on one side of the tower, suddenly drooping down with a click, and slammed into the wall of the city wall with a bang! The man next to him immediately turned around vigilantly, only to see the walking knights wearing chain armor on the inside and high-quality full-body plate armor on the outside, waving shields with coat of arms, mace and hatchet in their hands. In the helmet, there is a gap in the eyes filled with fighting intent. Howling and rushing to the wall! Facing the male who couldn't react in time, he split his head with an axe!

"Kamon, where are my knights!" Seeing the enemy's towers building up on the city wall one after another, the most elite walking knights rushed into the palace, causing a shower of blood, and the stunned Grand Duke immediately turned his head He roared at Camon who was behind him. Seeing the same, Marquis Camon pulled out the sword from his waist, quickly stood by the city wall, raised the sword, and shouted, "Brave knights!"

As soon as the words fell, the walking knights wearing fiery red plackets, elite plate armor all over their bodies, and fiery red lions tattooed on their shields, immediately drew their sabres on the ground in unison. On the other side, the Knights of Aries, who were covered in silver and snow-white, wearing plate armor in the shape of a sheep's head, and Olina, also drew their swords and pointed at the sky at the same time. One red, one silver. Camon looked at the most elite warriors of the duchy, his originally calm face suddenly showed a strange excitement, and let go of his voice and roared: "For Kasmi!" "For glory!" Nearly 2,000 walking knights at the bottom were at the same time. call. Immediately divided into two red and white torrents, quickly climbed the city wall, and rushed into the already one-sided battle situation.

Seeing this, Camon suddenly turned around and looked at the archduke with a sad expression on his face. He suddenly gave a knightly salute and said, "Grandduke, be careful. May the glory of Kasmi be with you and me." , and no longer looked at the Grand Duke, but stared at the Maltese walking knights who were fighting fiercely with the Flame Lion Knights not far away. He threw away the shield with the coat of arms in his hand and drew another long sword from his waist.

Holding two swords in both hands, he stepped down, and the dust on the ground was immediately blown away by an invisible air. The body immediately became blurred, and the whole person rushed towards the battle group with a swoosh! And dragging two silver lights behind them, spinning like a whirlwind, drilled into the crowd of Maltese knights! In just an instant, the armor of the six Maltese knights around him was cut into several pieces and flew away. Those two silver lights did not stop, and continued to strangle more enemies!

Looking at the martial arts displayed by Carmon, the Grand Duke was not surprised at all, but sighed with emotion: "The lion that was active in the battlefield back then, after many years, stretched out its claws to protect its descendants again? It's just ah, Carmon, you're old. Don't die here."