Lord of Glory

Chapter 167: Ripley's Memories


At this moment, the picture turned again, in a large dark room. But it was Anakin who was already very tired and had silver hair on his face. He was looking even older than him, wrinkled, chatting like a half-aged man. Looking at this moment, the guy who was about to become an old man kept his mouth tightly closed. Anakin stared at this man and said helplessly: "Brother, why don't you be the Pope anymore? If you become the Pope, it will be of great help to me." Unexpectedly, this old man turned out to be the young man from before. teenage brother! Doesn't it mean that decades have passed in a blink of an eye!

I saw the old man patted the white robe on his body, looked at his brother who was still young, and said, "I am old, and you can see that I am old. No matter how much power and status I gain, how much Respected by everyone on the mainland, in front of the years, I am as helpless as an ordinary person! I watched him empty my life! Brother, do you understand the fear in my heart? I don't want to grow old like this, don't want to Become an old man who has to rely on people to walk! Brother!"

"What do you want? What about the Illuminati I want you to help me start? You just let it go?" Anakin scolded, but saw the younger brother's aged face showing calm, looked at him and said, "Scroll, I want a scroll. Brother, you researched it yourself, and the scroll you created that keeps you young forever! That is, the formula of the stone of truth!"

There was no surprise on Anakin's face, but instead showed sadness and disappointment: "Why are people who have reached the pinnacle of power and status so keen to pursue immortality? Sad brother, you are just like me thirty years ago. Longing Got it all. In the end, it's just smoke, smoke that doesn't make any sense."

"Then give it to me brother! I got him and can help you!" Anakin looked at his brother Nahiyi's eyes and slowly took out the simple and simple sheepskin scroll from his sleeve. Looking at Paladin, who had the exact same scroll as the one he got at the Federation, there was no shock on his face. Instead, there was a sense of sarcasm in his words: "So it's you.. Are you Ripley? Made this A man of terrifying and beautiful power...is that just that kind of thing? Anakin."

At this moment, in the image, Anakin looked at the scroll in his hand, and suddenly retracted it into his pocket again. Looking at his brother who was extremely incomprehensible and annoyed, he whispered: "The price, you have no corresponding price. I have paid too much for this power and this formula. And you, my brother, can't be because you are my brother. , You can get this power just because of blood. You, you have to pay the same huge price!"

As soon as the voice fell, the picture changed again. When it was fixed, it was on a huge plain. Although times have changed, Palatine can still recognize that this vast plain is not the large plain that borders the Principality of Kasmi and the Kingdom of Aisinzhe? At this moment, Anakin Ripley, standing on the empty plain, looked at an old man standing in front of him. That was the old man who appeared on the fresco.

A long white beard and a worn wooden staff. Palatine suddenly understood that the series of pictures just now were all the people on the mural! What was even more shocking to him was that the younger brother of Ripley's alchemist, who created a powerful force, was not only a pope, but also the first ancestor who founded the Illuminati! Palatine had never heard of the Illuminati, but it must have been no ordinary organization. , he even planned to find out the origin of this light after he left here and returned to Adley! Is there any record in the history books

In the video, the old man who could barely open his eyes remained silent. The very cautious Anakin looked at the old man, and almighty eyes suddenly appeared in front of his forehead. A strong sense of oppression rushed towards the old man, and said in his mouth: "The Prophet... I finally found you."

The sky began to be covered with dark clouds, and the earth began to tremble. In the face of such a powerful force that turned the world upside down, this man called the Prophet was very indifferent. His trembling hand took out a tattered parchment from his robe, ignoring the terrifying force surrounding Anakin, and gently placed it on his hand.

The weak voice penetrated the world and time, and conveyed to Anakin's mind: "If there is no confusion in the timeline, then you will use him." As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the old prophet turned out to be like smoke. Gradually fade away! But what shocked Paladin was that the old prophet, who was about to turn into smoke, glanced at himself indifferently. Those eyes were clearly looking directly at Paladin himself! Crossed a long river of time!

At this moment, Leng Leng took the piece of parchment and looked at Anakin of the Prophet who had disappeared. He looked confused and didn't know what to do. And suddenly, a huge roar resounding through the sky woke Anakin himself from his confusion. I saw the knight originally called Alaron, now wearing a commoner, walking in the void with empty hands! Those blue eyes gave off a powerful and devastating wave. All provoked and declared war on Anakin!

"Anakin! My former friend! You have lost the heart of mankind. You have become the enemy I swore to destroy! Now you are no different from those demons crawling underground!" "Alaron!" As soon as he saw Alaron, Anakin immediately rushed into the sky with a rush of elements. .

The screen turns again. .

"Alaron, you who obtained the power of the God of War, actually want to protect the people and the world? You really let me down!"

Alaron, covered in blood, was lying at the bottom of a huge pit, looking at Anakin looking down at him. Listen to what he says. He couldn't help laughing bitterly, spit out a mouthful of blood and said, "Look at what you said. You were not like this in the past. You cherish your friends, lovers, and country. You will protect the powerless and weak, and fight against those who attempt to harm others. Superiors! You have smashed the Necromancer Society, killed the ruthless and vicious king, defeated the barbarians who tried to invade the human race... But look at you now, you have become the people you once hated! Even worse You no longer care about human beings and life. Do you still remember love and our friendship? Has your heart been eaten by the demon king of the abyss!"

"Vulnerability, you humans are vulnerable and powerless because of these emotions. So now I arbitrarily use their lives to enhance my strength. But they are helpless. Yes, the difference between me and them is these superfluous emotions! "

Anakin looked at this former friend with contempt. the current enemy. He continued: "I thought that you, who had obtained divine power, would understand more or less. I never imagined that you were just a mortal with divine power. Just as fragile... weak! Go to Marcus' arms and tell him about you again. If he will ignore you!" I saw Anakin raised his hand, and more than 3,000 blue balls of light immediately appeared, covering the sky! As long as Anakin waved his hand and fell, Alaron's body could be wiped out.