Lord of Glory

Chapter 169: Humanity and Divinity


At this point, the screen turns. I don't know when Anakin, who flew away, has come to the mountains on the north side of the continent. Fortunately, it is summer now. Although it is in the north, it does not feel cold at all. The long grass, the big trees that compete to stretch their branches. Animals and demon beasts were active among the trees, and the sultry air was blowing in waves. It all gives a summer heat, and laziness. However, the mood of all this, when Anakin held his dead son in his hand, and Maggiera's body landed, was immediately wiped out.

When Anakin's feet stepped on the top of the hill from mid-air. The surrounding vegetation and weeds that were thriving immediately formed a layer of frost on the green surface! And the fertile land was immediately frozen stiff. The moisture in it immediately turned into hoarfrost and mixed into the black soil.

Not only that, the area is getting bigger and bigger, and soon, the trees in the distance will turn white one by one. Some squirrels, who were still eating pine cones, didn't even have time to react, and their bodies froze and fell to the ground like stones. In a twinkling of an eye, the forest within ten miles of where Anakin settled down has turned into a snow-white. The pressing cold warns any creatures that attempt to enter this dead place.

"My son... my son! Why did it become like this!" He looked at Maggiera's body lying on the frost-covered ground. There were tears in Anakin's eyes. Family, in human cognition, is always the warmest and most relaxing corner. Because family is the first kind of human beings to know in life, and also the kindest kind to oneself. With the accumulation of years, these same kind will give help and support that ordinary people will not give. Blood is thicker than water, which is the manifestation of such cognition. Anakin didn't notice that he had once again become the mediocre human beings he looked down on.

Love, family, warmth. At the moment when this son appeared, what he thought was abandoned was like a vine, climbing up his whole body from a dark corner under the blowing of the spring breeze. No pay, no return. Anakin would have understood this. But it is one thing to understand, and another to implement it. The loss of humanity and the expansion of ego is the price in the face of gaining absolute power again. Now that he starts to pick up Anakin who was left on the road again, the price to be paid will be strength. Because everything is fair.

If Anakin can awaken and kill this biological son, then he is still qualified to break away from human beings and enter a higher level. . . Unfortunately, he is nothing more than this kind of stuff.

"Ahhh! I'm here to save you!" Anakin's eyes gradually became crazy as he looked at his son Magela lying on the ground. He suddenly tore off his clothes, revealing his strange body. Ice blue crystals covered most of his body. The only difference from Palatine is the color.

I saw Anakin raised his hands high, and a large amount of ice blue energy poured into his palms. Slammed on Maggiera's body! Powerful and unparalleled energy wasted into Magella's body, but no matter how powerful it was, it was still an extremely high existence. No one can resurrect the dead except the gods who rule the world! Even the necromancers who think they study the soul only resurrect the corpse, and let the soul fragments remaining in the corpse dominate the corpse's defective products. It can also be counted as a poor imitation of the Creator.

to no avail! No matter how much energy rushed into Magella's body, it was still useless! Anakin's face is getting worse and worse, and his eyes have turned ice blue at this moment. Completely collapsed, he suddenly released his hands and shouted desperately at the sky: "Gods! I beg you, I beg you for the first time! Give him my son's life back, please!"

Boom! As if the gods really responded to Anakin, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. From the rolling black clouds, two huge holes suddenly opened. Sacred white light slowly dropped from the void. A feeling of visceral awe swept across the cold land of all living beings. Especially the white light cast from the two huge white voids entwined by dark clouds. Makes it even more dazzling when it is so gloomy.

From a distance, it is as spectacular as two beams of light the size of a town connecting from the sky to the earth. On the dark cloud, with the opening of the Eye of God, dense white lightning like sea water immediately flickered and climbed in the dark cloud. The chilling sense of terror and oppression caused all the creatures in this place to kneel on the ground and dare not make a sound. Even a huge monster that is famous for its ferocity can only hide its proud head in the cave and shiver at this moment.

"Inos!" Seeing that the gods really responded to him, Anakin, who was immediately excited, turned into blue light and flew into the sky. Who would have thought that Anakin just flew into the air, and a large piece of pure white lightning instantly covered Anakin's body! Even with such enormous power, he screamed in pain, and was weakly bound by lightning in mid-air. "Answer me! Inos. As long as you give my son's life back, I'll give you whatever you want!" But what made Anakin feel bad was a silent silence.

"Why don't you speak, why don't you speak! Answer me!" Anakin roared horribly at Inos, whose head was shrouded in the sky. However, Enos, who was completely rational and almost cruel, still said nothing. Suddenly, Anakin lowered his head as if sensing something. But he saw a translucent Magella slowly floating out from the corpse. It was faintly visible that the white light emanating from Enos' empty eyes was pulling his Maggiera's soul slowly up into the sky. Anakin, who watched this scene, not only was not surprised, but looked desperate, and saw Magela's soul in confusion! "Inos! You want to eat my son's soul! Do you want him to become food for you too!"

In the face of Anakin's questioning, Magella's soul still rose slowly, but Enos actually spoke. The language spoken was not any language that Palatine knew! However, he understands! Paladin, who looked at all of this in a trance, understood that this might be the power that the Rune script, which is known as the language of God, brought him.

At this moment, Enos's huge and boundless blank eyes, the white light in his eyes lit up slightly, and the language of God spread to all directions: "This is... my priesthood. Those who believe in me belong to me after death." "Belong to You? Was it eaten by you? Inos, don't force me!" Watching his son's soul float high into the sky, he dangled directly in front of his eyes to the huge and brilliant white void. He also ignored the huge pressure and the sound of the strong wind coming from the gods in the sky. Just as he was about to rescue his son, the annoying lightning again ruthlessly blocked his steps. In front of this subtle lightning, a powerful force is as vulnerable as a fragile leaf.

"No, no, no!" Blood flowed from his eyes for a long time, and Anakin, whose face was dead pale, finally raised his head and shouted in a very miserable voice: "I give up, I give up this power! As a price, I want to save my son. This is a deal, using the countless souls devoured in this body in exchange for my son! This is the chance of life allowed by the laws of the world, and this is the chance that all living beings are born with! You can't refuse me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the soul of Magella, who slowly ascended into the Eye of God, suddenly stopped. It was still emotionless, and the sensible and chilling voice came again: "The law allows it, it is my priesthood... The price is exchanged." The huge sound that swept the entire mountain gradually stopped. The huge white crystals in the sky were like two white crystals embedded in the dark clouds, and the dense white lightning that was entwined was nowhere to be seen. suddenly! A white light hit Magella's soul in mid-air. The latter immediately fell back to the ground like flying, and smashed into the body of Magella on the ground.

With his amazing eyesight, he was relieved when Anakin, who was hanging high in the air, saw the corpse's chest gradually heaving. Letting tears flow from the corners of his eyes, a smile of no regrets appeared on his face. He looked up at the incomparably brilliant Inos. Slowly closed his eyes. .

Do you regret it? Anakin closed his eyes with no regrets. He abandoned love and affection for strength, and finally exchanged these abandoned things with strength. He was content, content to die as a human being. Died in the hands of gods. Perhaps in his subconscious, becoming the supreme being is not as eager as he imagined. What he really longs for may be just a trivial concern and self-confidence. Maybe the research on scrolls or something was really just a mistake of wishful thinking. Being a lowly and insignificant human is actually better than imagined. . . Here is what Anakin really thought. .

Therefore, he is going to die here.

narrow and humble human beings.