Lord of Glory

Chapter 175: The existence of the tower forest


"You can take whatever you want." Looking at the black boy, Paladin said softly. As soon as the voice fell, the invisible shield of gluttony that trapped Paladin suddenly disappeared, and the black boy stepped forward and took Paladin's hand and walked towards the next circle. The moment he easily stepped into the next circle, a new shield appeared, trapping Paladin again. But he was unmoved at all, just stared at the words on the circle under his feet for a while, and murmured: "**... Do you want me to abandon the most primitive human instinct?"

Just when Paladin was thinking about it, the black boy beside him suddenly let go of Paladin's hand, opened his mouth sharply, and bit off Paladin's left foot with a shake of his head! "Crack!" Paladin, who suddenly lost his support, fell into the circle. However, he still looked at the huge mouth and kept chewing his legs without saying a word. Wait until the black boy swallows his legs completely. Watching the young man suddenly grow taller, his hair grows longer, and his body becomes wider. After becoming an older child, he calmly looked up at the boy and asked, "You eat me every time you reach a circle... Then when I reach the end, isn't it dead?"

"The price..." The taller boy replied with his constant smirk. Paladin, who knew the price well, was not satisfied with this answer. When he was about to ask questions, the young man replied, "Death or life, it's up to you. I can't control it." Paladin, however, was lying in the circle and said nothing, watching the black young man remain silent. Finally closed his eyes gradually. . .

Eyes opened, Palatine got up from the floor in the room. The sun still shines peacefully into the house, making a mirror in the house reflect a dazzling light. Paladin turned his head to look subconsciously, saw himself in the mirror, but raised his brows, and then fell silent.

Still the same face, still the same body. The Almighty Eye is still flashing, and the fingers can still move. The only difference is that the hair that has become snow-white, and the golden pupils in the eyes. There was no golden light, no energy, just the pupils of the eyes turned from brown to gold. Looking at himself in the mirror, Paladin suddenly opened his mouth and murmured, "Anakin, Ripley... You have experienced it too..."

At the same time, let's look beyond this village, past the Principality of Barbary, and after passing through the Principality of Kasmi, after crossing a wide river and passing the most powerful Engelian Empire, we come to a place where there is a densely standing forest. in the forest. Lin Hai kept retreating in front of the angle of view, and the mountains and streams flew back like passers-by. until the last high mountain. The scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

A city, to be precise, a very strange city. The walls frame the city as a huge circle. It was as if the lid of the pot was placed in the green river water. The low city wall does not seem to have any ability to resist invasion, but the runes engraved on it make people feel strange. From time to time, a mage wearing a cloak and a hood and holding a staff shuttles between the city gates. Entering the low city gate, only to find that all the people passing by on this appallingly clean road are mages. Not a single ordinary person. What's really shocking is that there are no buildings or houses standing in the city at all. Instead, they are tall towers with different shapes and also engraved with runes! The entire city is actually made up of these towers!

Although the magic lights lined up on both sides of the road make people feel extravagant, but compared to the towers that converge into pieces, this is just a saving. Because of the densely packed towers, all of them are Mage Towers! It is unimaginable that the Mage Tower is a symbol of recognition and status of a Mage. Even in the Principality of Kasmi, Mage Towers are very rare. But there is a whole lot here! These mages have changed their solitary characters and like to live in groups, right

But the surprise is not only here, the wide road extends to the end. You can vaguely see the stairs that are divided into blocks. The higher you go, the higher the mage tower in the center. Because of the unwritten convention among mages, the higher the mages tower, the more magical power and rank the master possesses. And the Mage Tower, which includes the Great Mage, actually has 400 towers! Vaguely visible, the silent mages under the mages tower shuttled through it. Even acquaintances rarely greet each other. Compared to the underground headquarters of the Free Masons Association, this place is full of calming tranquility.

When the mage had any needed materials and books, a large number of apprentices immediately visited the various mage towers and exchanged things for things they had never seen before. Obviously, in this place, the gold coins are no different from the stones on the side of the road. These are a group of people who cannot extricate themselves from the fascination of magic.

As the steps go up, there are fewer and fewer mage towers standing. The mages who come and go are almost invisible. When it reached the center of the city, it was at the highest point, and it was a giant tower with 120 floors that had never been seen before. became the landmark of the city. Surrounding the central mage tower, there are only five tall but dwarfed mage towers. From a distance, this city is as spectacular as the forest sea where towers gather!

Obviously, the giant tower in the center has passed a long time. The rust and faded decorations on the tower tell people about the long history. If you look closely, you will find that huge coats of arms are carved on the ground of the road that runs through the entire city. It was a coat of arms consisting of three minarets. I believe that only people with a little knowledge on the mainland understand what this means. What's more, there is a stone tablet in front of the huge mage tower in the center. A name is depicted in vigorous brushstrokes: "Hurlet."

Great and Eternal Mage Taherrit! A city composed of thousands of mage towers! Needless to say? Isn't this what the whole continent knows, Hewlett, one of the three divisions, the forest of towers! Among the three ** master clubs, the only one that often walks on the mainland!

At this moment, in a mage tower close to the center, where the symbol of the rank of mages is the rank of mages, an old mage with silver hair and old age is examining the arm of the girl who is lying in pain. After a while, he put down his arm, only to see that the girl's delicate and pitiful right hand was a woman's hand that was different from her left hand. "The reaction with the soul is complete, and there is no abnormality between the bones... Haha, it's a perfect masterpiece. I don't know anything about such magic."

Hearing the old mage's words, the girl was obviously relieved. At this time, a man in a black robe suddenly came in, holding a roasted roast chicken in his hand. After seeing the smile of the old mage, he immediately looked at the young girl happily and asked, "Have you recovered?" He handed it to the girl and said, "Eat it, I cooked it with great care." "Huh?"

The old mage who looked at the roast chicken suddenly stared, and the white beard straightened up. A chestnut knocked on the head of the black-robed man, and he reprimanded in dissatisfaction: "This is not the green turkey I caught. Is it? You kid, you roasted monsters for your sweetheart, and you forgot about me, the old man?" "Teacher... Didn't I see that Adela was weak. Catch another one for you another day."

But the old mage didn't appreciate it at all. Looking at the student who was begging for mercy, another one burst out and scolded: "You caught it? I caught it from the Nori Great Swamp, and even beat an angry dragon that crawled the floor. All day! Catch me back and see! If you don't study hard, go out and cause trouble for me all day, you are really..."

The girl lying on the bed looked at the scene of the teacher and the students fighting, and suddenly covered her mouth and laughed very happily. . Is this the taste of happiness and ease? Unexpectedly, it was more beautiful than she expected.

ps: There are definitely surprises in the next chapter. . . Looking forward to it everyone.