Lord of Glory

Chapter 21: Accident


Taking out the quill and sticking the ink, Palatine began to lie on the ground, sketching the formation of the Philosopher's Stone. And by memory, the Palatine was drawn flawlessly. After a complacent glance, Palatine was about to turn around and place a child on the circle. Just listening to the whistle, the sleeping child lying on the top with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and jumped out of the sandbag with great flexibility. The Palatine!

Paladin's hair was instantly tied up, and under his eyes full of horror, he jumped back subconsciously. Try to avoid the sharp glass. But who could have imagined that this child was agile, and when he missed a hit, his movements didn't stop at all, and when he stepped on his feet, his body immediately kept up with Paladin's speed, and the sharp glass in his hand grabbed Paladin's eye socket!

die! Paladin could clearly feel death coming. At this time, the desire to survive in his heart overwhelmed all the urges, causing Paladin to shout in horror: "No!" Son fell to the ground.

The beggar also made up his mind to kill the young priest. When he saw Palatine falling to the ground, his wrist changed and he stabbed down sharply. Paladin's hands were on the floor and kept moving backwards, avoiding the young man's blade, and he was terrified and full of prayers: "Please, please! Don't kill me, I don't want to die! What do you want from me? I'll give it all to you!" Seeing that the young man who missed a hit heard Paladin's words, he spat out in disgust, and didn't mean to answer at all. Seeing that Paladin retreated to the wall, he immediately kicked and stabbed the desperate Paladin.

"Don't!" With Paladin's tragic scream, seeing that the sharp glass was about to pierce his neck, Paladin stretched out his right hand subconsciously, grasping the sharp glass in the boy's hand, based on the urge to survive. What shocked the young man happened. The sharp glass was firmly grasped by the priest, and the hand made of flesh did not break, and even blood did not spill out.

What shocked him even more was that at this moment, the priest who was huddled in the corner, the originally bland pupils were emitting a dazzling golden light! The golden light filled the entire eyeball. And against the backdrop of this dark basement, it is even more difficult to face it!

Paladin was stunned, glanced at the blade that was firmly caught, and Paladin suddenly remembered his hand fused with golden light elements. The original expression of panic and despair changed drastically in an instant! Showing a crazy and joking gloomy smile: "Go to hell!"

Looking at a lot of pen and ink, but in an instant. The relationship between Paladin and this young man was suddenly reversed. I saw Paladin exerting force on his hand, and with a click, the glass fragments instantly turned into powder! Paladin looked at the young man with an unbelievable look, his hands were dissatisfied, and his right hand was instantly wrapped in golden light elements, turning into a pair of gloves with five light knives, and slashing the young man's face fiercely. The young man who had never seen such abilities immediately panicked. However, the advantage is physical agility, and Paladin is not good at close combat. He was attacked back and forth by Paladin dozens of times, but was avoided by the teenager.

"You bastard! I'm hiding. I want you to run?" Palatine, who was so irritated and exhausted, attacked again. Unexpectedly, the boy who gradually calmed down picked up the pole that was originally used to carry the wood on the ground, and with a single stick He greeted Paladin's face fiercely. Paladin grabbed the stick with his backhand, and his originally annoyed eyes instantly burst into ecstasy, and he couldn't help laughing: "I'm really stupid, really stupid!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Paladin ignored the solemn expression of the young man opposite, and stretched out his right hand. The light saber originally condensed on the finger was instantly extinguished, but it was staggered and deformed here, turning into a light saber made of more than three feet of golden light! The young man's face changed greatly, he was about to run away, and Paladin grinned: "Run? It's too late!"

In fact, Paladin has always been under-understood about his elements. When I saw the young man hitting him with a wooden stick, I suddenly realized that the forms of the elements are ever-changing, and there is no need to stick to the claws. So Paladin's mind was a little driven, and these elements turned out to be like arms, very obediently gathered according to Paladin's ideas, and became a cross sword.

With a flutter, the young man couldn't dodge in time, and was chopped off his wrist by a sword flower from Paladin. Before the young man cried out in pain, Paladin grinned and slashed his knees with his backhand. The young man finally screamed and fell to his knees, ooh. sobbing. Paladin waved casually, scattered the lightsaber in his hand, and shoved the rag used to stuff the wine barrel into the boy's mouth, making him unable to scream.

Hearing the painful whimper of the boy lying in a pool of blood, Paladin pulled him and the other three into the circle with extreme indifference. Excited and skilled, he poured water on the edge of the center of the circle, lit a fire, breathed, and sprinkled some soil, then stepped into the center of the circle, ready to bite his fingers and use his own blood to activate the circle. Although the boy who had lost too much blood didn't understand what this terrible priest was going to do, he vaguely felt that his life was in great danger.

He glanced at Paladin, whose face was full of madness and excitement, reluctantly raised the remaining hand to remove the rag from his mouth. As he was dying, feeling the approach of death, he was dying, shaking the two white pieces. Lips: "Why."

The movements of Paladin's hands stopped, and he turned to look at the boy, but he didn't get angry because the other party took off the cloth, but said disdainfully: "You won't understand, you will never understand." Hearing this, the eyes of the boy His expression became weaker and weaker, and he asked weakly: "I am... innocent." "It has nothing to do with me."

Looking down at the young Palatine with slanted eyes, he looked at a lower creature rather than a person. The contempt and contempt in those eyes were obvious. At this time, the face of the young man with a deadly pale face and a gossamer face wore a smile of reminiscence on his face, and said like a last word: "I have a mother who is waiting for me to go home. . And she who I think about day and night." Humph!"

When Paladin heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and laughed sarcastically: "That's why you are lying here now, weak." As soon as the words fell, Paladin immediately bit his finger and drew an inverse cross in the center of the circle. When the action stopped, the magic circle immediately roared, emitting a strange brilliance! The young man who felt that his strength and thinking ability were being quickly swallowed up by an invisible mouth, took one last look at the man who ruined his life. The unreasonable priest.

I saw him stand up at this time, stand in the center, step on the reverse cross under his feet, and open his arms to greet him. There was indescribable joy on his face! "My whole life, it's all a joke..." The young man, who was looking at the flowers all his life and muttering to himself, finally closed his empty eyes.