Lord of Glory

Chapter 22: Second fusion


Looking at the olive-sized Philosopher's Stone, which was as bright as a gemstone, Palatine smiled from the bottom of his heart. Putting it in his pocket decisively, Paladin began to pick up the ink absorber to wipe the circle on the floor. This magic circle includes all of Paladin's, so it must be destroyed every time after refining the Philosopher's Stone. In case someone else saw it and transcribed it, the Paladin would be over.

Without looking at the four skeletons left on the floor, Paladin stepped up the stairs, put on his gloves, and pushed open the door. "Ah! Father Palatine, you've finally come out." As soon as the wooden door opened, he saw Norson raised his hand in a daze and was about to knock on the door. Seeing this, Palatine smiled maliciously: "Northon, you are very at ease, did you not hear such a loud fight just now?"

"I heard, but Father Palatine told me that no matter what comes out, you can't go in." Palatine snorted, closed the wooden door with his backhand, took the key from his waist, and wiped the lock with the key card. Seeing this, Northam hesitated for a while before speaking: "Father, those four people... what's the matter?"

"What's the matter? Northam, this is not what you should ask. Just remember, I will destroy the Holy See, that's all." After Paladin finished speaking, he nodded reluctantly when he saw Northam. He turned around, left a sentence, and went upstairs: "I have some personal matters. If I haven't come down before dawn, I will tell the people who come to pray that the priest is sick." "Yes, Father Palatine."

With the sound of the door closing, Northam confirmed that Paladin had really entered the house, and then glanced at the attic in a complicated way, then turned to look at the entrance of the basement solemnly, and fell into contemplation.

Standing in his room, looking at the white night sky outside the window, Palatine sat quietly on the stool, playing with the Philosopher's Stone in his hand, without saying a word. It was as if he was in a daze, and it was not until the dazzling sunlight in the morning shone through the window on Paladin's hand that he suddenly woke up and came back to his senses. Silently raised his head and looked directly at the sunlight facing his eyes, he didn't care about the pain and discomfort of those eyes at all, and stood up with a smile.

I saw Paladin take out a huge magnifying glass from the box beside the bed. put it in front of the window. The direct sunlight that came in immediately passed through the magnifying glass and turned into an extremely dense beam of light that hit the table. A burnt smell immediately filled Palatine's nose. Palatine smiled and sat down at the table. A magnifying glass is not difficult to buy, but in a relatively wealthy town like Nuerba, you can buy it at any shop that sells alchemy and magic supplies.

But don't get it confused, there are essential differences between alchemists and alchemists of the Free Masons Association. The alchemists of the Free Masons Association firmly believe that Inos, the god of light, is nothing but a fake, and the invisible power flowing in the world is above the gods. Law, universe, truth. Call it whatever you like.

For the Holy See, this is simply a slap in the face. But ordinary alchemists, those who did not join the Free Mason Association, are talents who will not be rejected no matter what power or country. They are different from the magicians who control the elements, the power is huge and difficult to control, and the alchemists do not have much lethal ability. And their enchanting, making magic props, magic supplies. But it is a very valuable product. Therefore, as long as he is not an alchemist of the Free Masons Association, he can get a decent job and live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

anyway. Paladin took off his gloves and looked at the veins emitting a faint golden light from that wrist. Take out the quill and paint the array of decomposition and reorganization on it skillfully. Then place the Philosopher's Stone on it. Just took a deep breath. If you look closely, Paladin was sweating profusely at this time, and he kept swallowing saliva. In fact, it is very scary.

Because he has tasted the pain that tears the soul in the process of fusing light elements! A normal person would never want to try it a second time. Because one is not good, it is possible to be dizzy by such severe pain! "What are you afraid of! This is an equivalent exchange, and you have to pay a price to gain power! If the price is only pain, then why hesitate?"

Paladin, who seemed to be convincing himself, bowed his head slightly, and some white lips trembled: "My good life, the power to dominate others, depends on you! What am I afraid of!" As soon as the voice fell, Paladin's eyes were red. Reach out. The focused beam of light immediately hit the Philosopher's Stone. In an instant, the magic circle under the Philosopher's Stone moved immediately. I saw the olive-sized Philosopher's Stone emitting a faint red light, breaking down the sunlight on him and flowing into Palatine's arm. , regroup again!

"Ah ah ah!" Paladin's eyes widened instantly, and he raised his hair and let out bursts of forcibly endured screams. The pain was as if countless sharp knives had been perfectly pierced into every pore, feeling dead, resurrected, and dead again. Keep repeating, never ending. Gradually, the pores of Paladin, who gritted his teeth and shivered all over, began to drain blood thinly, dripping on the floor, and all of a sudden, the ground beneath him was dyed red, forming a pool of blood.

Paladin felt like he couldn't take it anymore and was about to collapse! When the last trace of reason was drowned out by the endless pain, Palatine's tightly closed mouth suddenly showed a radian, and he laughed madly and irrationally: "Haha, haha! Ha! Hahahaha! Good, good! Power, I can feel the influx of power! This is what I want!"

At this time, Paladin, who was laughing wildly, had a dazzling golden light in his eyes. Reflected on the ceiling, this golden light that should have been sacred looks gloomy and terrifying. And when the olive-sized philosopher stone was exhausted, Palatine jumped up abruptly, knocking over the magnifying glass with a clapping. It fell into a pool of blood like ooze and fell into a deep sleep again.

In the blank space, Paladin sat on the ground with his eyes blank. A dark baby was lying on Palatine's wrist, opening his mouth and shouting continuously: "Hey, feed me, feed me." moved. His eyes stared at the blank space in front of him without focus. However, it seems to be different from before.

In this blank space, the confused Palatine saw a strange and familiar pattern emerging on the ground. A fallen tree with branches separated from its trunk. There are ten circles on the branches. And Palatine saw that he was sitting in the circle closest to the leaves. There was also writing on it. Paladin read it word by word, his originally confused eyes gradually became clear, and finally jumped up with a bang, losing his voice: "Material and the kingdom? Isn't this the slate that came out of the place where Ripley's scroll was placed! No, this is A dream! A dream I had before!"

Suddenly woke up and realized that Paladin who was in a dream has not recovered, that tireless childish voice entered his ears: "Hey me, feed me, feed me." "Ah!" Paladin Startled, he put the black baby on the ground with a flick of his hand. Seeing that he was unscathed, he lay on the ground again and yelled at the black baby who was moving over to him, "Don't come here, don't come here!"

But to no avail, the black baby ignored Paladin's questioning at all, still licking his face and calling to feed me. Paladin wanted to escape, but he suddenly found that he couldn't leave the circle with the words 'Material and Kingdom' written under his feet. As long as there is a movement, an invisible barrier immediately blocks in front of him, and he cannot leave at all.

"Feed me, feed me!" The black baby grabbed Palatine's thigh and crawled up childishly and unfamiliarly, still repeating the two boring words in his mouth. Paladin looked at the baby with horror on his face. For some reason, he felt an incomparable closeness from this baby. It's like someone close to you. Finally, Paladin asked the words in his heart: "Who are you?"

But who would have thought, as soon as the voice fell, the black baby who kept repeating the words suddenly stopped. First time stunned. Just when Paladin wanted to ask, the black baby suddenly showed a terrifying and crazy smile!