Lord of Glory

Chapter 25: cost


There was a burst of screams in the basement, and the Paladin at this time not only spread to his arms, but even spread to his whole body! They are aging rapidly. Not long after, Paladin, who was in his prime, has become an old man in his twilight years.

I saw Paladin standing up tremblingly, looking at his hands like tree bark with an incredible face, and touching his cheeks. Suddenly I felt that my face was definitely not much better than the bark. With a terrified look on his face, Paladin immediately rolled up his hood and covered his face, ran out of the basement with weak feet, and went straight to his room. He had to confirm what he had become.

After closing the door heavily, he hurriedly took out the dusty mirror, ignoring the dust on it. After wiping it away, Paladin instantly fell into an unknown fear: "Are you kidding me? What is this? What is this!"

I saw that in the mirror, there was an old man with white hair, old-fashioned, gray beard and fearful look! And this old man is exactly the portrayal of Paladin's appearance at this time! After such a big change, Paladin was not able to calm down very well. I saw him take a few steps back frivolously, sat down on the stool, his panicked eyes moved left and right, and he couldn't help muttering to himself:

"Getting old! This is the phenomenon of life being overdrawn. Why is this happening? Did I eat something wrong? No, no. Or someone is trying to kill me! Could it be Northam? No, he doesn't have the strength yet. Wait! Yes Maurice! It must be him, he's so powerful..."

Paladin, who was guessing in confusion, suddenly came back to his senses, slapped himself with a slap in the face, and murmured more and more flustered: "Calm down! I want to calm down. It won't work like this, I finally have a hard time. After gaining strength, how can you stop here? Wait! Strength!" Paladin suddenly realized, and looked down at the crystallized blood vessels and palm of his right hand. In my mind, I recalled what the professor repeated over and over again when he was attending a lecture at the Free Masons Association: "Everything in the world has a price. You have to give as much as you want to get."

"How much to give..." Paladin's tone gradually became bitter, but his eyes were clearer than ever before: "It turns out that I have not paid enough. It is far from enough." Paladin, who seemed to have a little understanding, condensed his eyes, with determination and ruthlessness. Spicy said softly: "If my life is really exhausted because of the fusion of light elements, can the Philosopher's Stone, which was originally refined from human life, be able to help me restore life? Today's body is like an empty body. Like a shell, weak and weak. I believe that in a few days, I may die of old age."

Having said that, Paladin suddenly raised his hand and looked at the slowly flowing crystallized place above, with a ferocious expression on his face: "Then tonight, just tonight! For my life, my future!" If you take a closer look at this time, you will even find that in the eyes of the old-fashioned Paladin, apart from going forward, he no longer has any concerns.

Night gradually shrouded the rich and peaceful town. It is a miraculous coincidence that any shameful thing is chosen in the dark night. Not so much to avoid being discovered, it is better to say that the dark night can give people a sense of security. Perhaps a Paladin of both, a black robe that drags the floor. Instead of showing his usual gentleness, he quietly sneaked into a shop where he slept with black lights and bought cloth. The life-or-death Palatine simply didn't have the time or mood to sift through the ingredients. With the idea that he could still grab a sum of money, he used an iron rod to pry open the closed door of the shop, and slipped in.

Although it was dark, under the moonlight, Paladin could still see that the glass counters on both sides were covered with fine fabrics. However, his mind was not here, but the family members sleeping in the inner room. Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka, gently pushed open the door, Paladin was shocked to see a huge double **, an old husband and wife were sleeping hugging each other, with a baby still in the swaddling, sweet and sweet. Sucking thumb.

I don't know if I was eating fresh milk in my dream or what. But none of this has anything to do with Palatine. Taking his steps lightly, he walked to the window and carefully took out two handkerchiefs coated with the anesthetic left by Northam. When he was about to cover his mouth with his hands. The baby who was sleeping soundly suddenly woke up. When I saw a strange old man with a ferocious face standing in front of me, I immediately burst into tears with fright!

Paladin's face changed instantly! The two couples gradually opened their tired eyes, and they saw Paladin. Just when he wanted to subconsciously call out, Paladin's heart was ruthless, and the two handkerchiefs immediately tightly covered the mouths and noses of the couple! The husband and wife struggled violently immediately, but the anesthetics refined by Northen had no choice but to be extremely powerful, but they were confused for a while and fainted.

"Wow wow wow!" But the baby cried more and more intensely. Paladin thought about it, and vaguely saw the lights lit up outside. He was afraid of being caught by passers-by. He immediately picked up the handkerchief and covered the baby's mouth and nose in a panic! But there was still a faint cry through the handkerchief. The panic-stricken Paladin was frightened, and with the flick of his fingers, he shoved the handkerchief into the baby's mouth! Don't stop until there is no sound.

Deng Deng Deng, the cautious Paladin quietly walked to the window, saw the people outside because he couldn't hear the sound, he blew a few words sleepily, blew the candle again and fell asleep. Only deeply relieved. The aging body can't stand such consumption. There was already a thin layer of sweat on Palatine's forehead.

The exhausted Paladin panted heavily, turned around and looked at it, and instantly became petrified on the spot. I saw the **** baby, at this moment stiff and motionless, the round eyes staring at the ceiling, and the purple face all heralded the unfortunate death of this baby who just came into the world. Paladin took a deep saliva and pulled the handkerchief out of the baby's mouth and stuffed it into his sleeve.

Start collecting jewelry and money in this shop. Paladin feels guilty, he just killed a baby by mistake. But anyway, in that case, that might be the only outcome. Thinking of the seductive Philosopher's Stone, Palatine's burning guilt and conscience disappeared in an instant.

After a crackling sound, Paladin looked at the three pieces of silver jewelry and thirty-five gold coins in his hands, and a happy smile appeared on his face. It's exciting and exciting for everyone to get huge wealth with ease. Palatine is no exception.

But the most important thing now is to make the two couples into philosopher stones on the spot. Because he clearly felt that the strength and physical strength of his body were rapidly passing away. He even believed that before long, he might not even have the strength to stand.

ps: First of all, I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival! Although Qu Yuan jumped into the river we shouldn't be happy, but thanks to him we can have one more day off~~

Furthermore, why is the book review area so desolate? It's been a week. . . . No one speaks, even if they scold me. .