Lord of Glory

Chapter 29: The nature of magic


That's how it ended. When Kaleich, who couldn't hold back his excitement and excitement the next day, gave Paladin the contract of the ironworks. He also asked suspiciously: "Although the ironworks are expensive, there are countless ironworks here. In comparison, the pottery factory is more valuable. Why choose the former?"

Paladin smiled noncommittally at Kaleich's question and closed the door. Indeed, as Kaleich said, the profit that the iron smelting factory can make is obviously not as much as that of the pottery factory in this Nurbari. But what Kaleich didn't expect was that if other ironworks closed one after another, for various reasons? Accidental death, murder, merger are all possible. So, Palatine laughed grimly. He can do anything for a lot of gold. .

On weekdays, Paladin, who still performed Mass and listened to confessions, was secretly in his room, studying the magic book he got from Northam. At this moment, Paladin was sitting in the room, staring at the magic book eagerly, gesturing with his hands.

Finally, Palatine stood up, and according to the first spell recorded in the magic book, the incantation of the Arrow of Light, he began to sing: "Kado wakaka, that silova, the card coin is sharp!"

As soon as the voice fell, Paladin opened his mouth in shock! Because his eyes that could see all the elements suddenly found that in the air, a few silver lights suddenly flashed, forming a cone with each other vertically and horizontally. It looks like a looping highway!

Before Paladin could react, hundreds of pure white light elements floated in from the window! As if being attracted, he rushed towards the cone in the air in front of Paladin. But a strange thing happened at this moment! As soon as these white light elements approached Paladin, the golden light elements around them immediately violently rioted, as if being provoked by some kind of provocation, a group swarmed and violently hit the white light elements!

Paladin's expression was shocked, presumably this white light element is the power of the Holy See. According to common sense, these are the real light elements. But why, with his ability to see all elements at this time, did not find any white light elements in the sky? On the contrary, from the sunlight, you can see the dense and active golden light elements that are exactly the same as those around you? The black wizard of Bel Air, opposite the Holy See. That dark and sinister black element, Paladin had never seen it before. Are these two really light elements and dark elements? Do these two elements really exist in the world

Paladin, who was caught up in endless thoughts, snapped back to his senses. I saw that hundreds of white light elements were knocked away by golden elements, and they disappeared without a trace in a short time. Correspondingly, the light-converging frame floating in mid-air also dissipated at the same time.

But at this moment, as soon as the interlaced roads arranged in the frame in an orderly manner collapsed, Paladin was immediately shocked to see that a circle of invisible ripples spread out from the collapsed structure. Adsorbed on it, he rushed towards Paladin extremely violently and frantically! At this moment, Paladin's years of eavesdropping on self-taught alchemy finally didn't go in vain. Seeing such an immediate subconscious jump, he shouted in shock: "The structure of the magic sequence collapses! Arcane waves!"

Paladin suddenly recalled that he was in the Free Masons Association, the hiding place leading to Ripley's Scroll. Professor Francis destroyed the sequence structure that made up the magic, causing the elements to collide violently, causing arcane waves.

Now, he has personally witnessed the generation of arcane waves, the magical sequence structure that only exists in meditation and can only be perceived, and the process of how elements become magic! Paladin was excited to find that his strange and eccentric perspective not only saw the elements, but also looked directly at the most fundamental and primitive essence of magic!

Paladin, who was silent after his excitement, saw the arcane waves coming towards his face, but was attacked by more than 300 light elements lingering around him, instantly defeating the rioting elements in the arcane waves! There is a magical backlash that has changed in alchemy and magic, but it was solved by Paladin effortlessly!

Paladin stood blankly on the spot, looking at his hands with a crying and smiling expression on his face. Incredibly muttered: "It turns out that I have always underestimated myself." Before he finished speaking, Paladin narrowed his eyes, and the magical structure of the Arrow of Light that he had just seen before immediately appeared in his mind.

Showing his hands, Paladin was delighted to see that the exact same conical structure immediately appeared in front of him! Without hesitation, Paladin instructed the golden light elements to pour into the framework. Works in an inherent order according to the magic sequence seen earlier. A miracle happened! I saw that in front of Paladin's hands at this time, a golden light cone instantly converged, shining with dazzling and dazzling brilliance!

Palatine suddenly became more playful, and felt in his heart that although it gathered into a cone of light, it was still like an arm like the golden light element around him. As soon as I thought about it, I saw the arrow of light emitting a golden light, and it turned rapidly. According to Paladin's thoughts, it twisted back and forth between the hands, and from time to time it turned a somersault and wandered around. Seeing this, Paladin nodded in satisfaction.

When he saw the vase on the table, he immediately waved his hand. The golden cone immediately flashed a golden light and rushed towards the vase! Clap! Hearing a loud bang, Palatine clicked his tongue and saw that the vase immediately exploded and shattered! Paladin, who was surprised by the power, just stepped forward to check, but was stunned to see that the wooden wall behind the vase had also been pierced through a huge gap!

"The god of light, Inos, or the god of darkness, Belair. Who can tell me what kind of power this is!" For the first time, Paladin felt fear of his own power for the first time. He couldn't help asking himself in his heart, is this kind of power that is so powerful and terrifying that the speed of progress is terrifying, can he really control it? However, this thought was only momentarily extinguished by the ** in Paladin's heart.

Paladin doesn't know now that his abilities are more terrifying than he imagined. If there is a mage at the scene, there will be a psychological breakdown, and you will die of anger! Looking directly at the essence of magic, you only need to watch the casting once, understand the magic structure and sequence, and then you can cast it!

And the power is even higher! This is no longer a genius, it is simply an insult to the magicians all over the world! Trample tens of thousands of years of magical knowledge in exchange for life and years! Even, as long as Paladin has more contact, he can create magic by himself, arrange and combine magic structures by himself! It is an existence standing above magic, it is the power of gods! The power of creation!

What is even more unacceptable is that Paladin's spiritual power is surprisingly powerful. A newcomer who has only been in contact with orthodox magic for a few days, can use the mental control power that no great magician can do to control magic at will! And the powerful spiritual power is precisely the power that many magicians have worked hard and hard to pursue all their lives.

At this time, Palatine was somewhat enlightened. In fact, the magic that is passed down as a miracle by the world is to build a framework and distribute sequences with incantations. Then injecting the element into the frame with the affinity of the element becomes magic.

To use an analogy, it is like a melting pot. Mantras are sketches drawn by predecessors in search of truth. Draw through your mouth to reshape the furnace. The flame of the furnace is a magic element, and it depends on your affinity to increase or decrease the firepower. This powers the furnace. Makes the furnace work properly. And the crucible of work is magic!

And some wizards who can instantly cast have a deep understanding of the structure through meditation and multiple spellcasting, so they can draw without incantations, and directly pour in the elements to form magic. This is also understandable, those powerful mages of ancient legends, such as Saint. magella. Given the title of Saint, he created many powerful and wonderful magics. Because he has already understood the true meaning of magic, he does not need to use mantras any more, but directly uses meditation to draw frames, distribute sequences, and create magic.

But even so, it is far less than Paladin's terrifying ability at this time. St. Magella took almost a lifetime to reach the heights, Paladin did it in just a few days. Even, St. Magella couldn't see the elements at all, couldn't see the magic framework. He can only sense a little bit through meditation.

And Paladin, it is directly used to see! For Magella to create magic, it will take at least a few months of little exploration and correction. And Paladin, you only need to change it, you can create new magic! Just like a blind person touching an elephant, he can see things at a glance, but the blind person takes a long time to explore slowly, and it is very easy to make mistakes!

It can be seen that the potential of Paladin is unimaginable! But at this time, he still did not have this consciousness.

ps: OMG! It's a rare recommendation, but the idiot actually mistyped the introduction! I am completely speechless!