Lord of Glory

Chapter 32: The tribunal arrives


"Hehehe, teacher. I joined the Illuminati to know that compared to the Illuminati, the Hasassin Alliance is simply a mouse and a griffin!",

The blood-red blade was silent for a while, and the red light wrapped between the fingers was instantly sucked into the palm, and the entire palm turned into a demon claw with black scales and sharp fingernails, which was buckled in Vinny's throat at once, low and hoarse. An ultimatum was given: "Say, you traitor. Who is the spy at the top!" "Ahem, I won't tell. You'll never know." "You!"

Seeing that Vinny was so stubborn, the blood-red blade was about to break his neck with a ruthless hand. Just listening to the bang, suddenly there was a violent explosion from the outside! There was a faint scream. The blood-red blade gave Vinny a stern look, and he looked surprised when he saw Vinny. Immediately without hesitation, he took out an herbal medicine for Vinny to swallow. The latter shivered all over immediately, and his limbs slumped weakly. Seeing the blood-red blade with no problem, he immediately flashed out of the room to check the situation outside.

As soon as he jumped out of the room, the blood-red blade saw a sharp blade flashing with white light emitting a light slash, and suddenly split a mentor in front of the blood-red blade in half!

With a swipe, the blood-red blade was drenched in blood. The two icy eyeballs exposed in the hole of the mask, when they saw who was coming, instantly exuded a violent solemnity, and couldn't help crying out: "The Thirteenth Secret Order, the Order of the Martyrs. The Inquisition. !"

The long sword filled with white light dropped to the ground. Revealing the handsome and fascinating face in the white hood. In addition, there are five people behind him who are holding cross swords, wearing silver fine armor and wearing hoods. Isn't this the Maurice Six who met Palatine!

I saw Morris slightly raised his white gloved hand, placed it on his chest and bent over to pay tribute. Regardless of the fact that the entire huge square is full of Hassassin assassins who were cut in half, he said calmly: "It's rare. Today, we actually met the observers of Hassassin. I, Morris, can also stand for the great god today, Get rid of you rubbish that pollutes the earth."

"Crazy believer! Say your name, you have this qualification." The blood-red blade became colder and colder, but shouted loudly. Morris was not provoked, but shook his hand gracefully and said softly: "I'm sorry. Morris, CEO of the Sixth Inquisition. These are my subordinates. They are all servants of the great God. Come. Here's to eradicating heresy."

"Humph!" The blood-red blade hummed disdainfully, and the two hands were entwined with red light, immediately transforming into ferocious and huge demon claws, and shouted arrogantly: "One of the eight observers of the Hasassin Alliance, code-named the blood-red blade, Destroy all enemies!" As soon as he finished speaking, Maurice's gentle expression immediately sank. Two beautiful eyes exuded a frightening killing.

Not only him, but his five subordinates also raised their heads angrily and bowed down. As soon as Morris gave an order, he stepped forward and shredded the heresy. And although Morris is still indifferent, his tone is no longer as gentle as before, but filled with endless disgust: "Hassassin, humble and dirty, you have abandoned the dignity of human beings and used black witchcraft rashly, Open the Black Gate. Make a contract with the reptiles of the abyss!"

Before he finished speaking, Maurice was already hideous, and he could not tolerate the existence of demons. That was the greatest blasphemy against the true god Inos they believed in. And this Hasassin Assassin used the power of demons in front of them. Simply challenge their bottom line!

Before the blood-red blade could speak, Morris, who was full of killing intent, raised the cross sword in his hand, emitting a dazzling white light! With a pious look, he shouted: "What are you!"

The five executive officers behind him immediately knelt down on one knee and raised their cross swords above their heads. At this moment, the figure of Bai Shidao suddenly flashed from outside the city gate. They all fell to one knee behind Morris, and the cross sword in their hands was also held high.

In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of people kneeling behind Maurice, and the white robes on his body made it converge into a white ocean. The blood-red blade took a step back, and although he was not proficient in the method of restraining the breath, he was also very powerful. But I didn't even notice anyone outside before! Either these people were able to hide their breath-holding method, or they rushed to the vicinity in an instant! Obviously, the latter is more credible.

At this moment, hundreds of executive officers behind Morris immediately shouted loudly: "We are short knives, poison. It is the broom of the true God! Sweep away all sins!" Morris shouted again, the cross sword in his hand became more and more dazzling, Even the gorgeous white robes on the body have white arcs flowing: "What about your beliefs!"

"Short knife in the left hand, poison in the right hand. Shout the name of the true god Enos, hang on the cross! May become the Holy Spirit, join hands with millions of compatriots, and fight to the death with countless demons in the abyss!" The execution behind him As soon as the mandarin was finished, Morris put down the raised cross sword, bowed his body, looked at the shocked blood-red blade with endless killing intent, and roared in a low voice, "Amen!" The sharp blade takes the head of the blood-red blade!

Just as Morris moved, the executive officers who were kneeling immediately followed and raised them, and the cross sword in his hand rushed towards the blood-red blade with the white light. In the hundreds of pairs of eyes, in addition to anger and hatred, there are fanatical beliefs that ordinary people cannot understand.

With such power, the Blood-Red Blade can understand that as long as it is not a fool, it is still a very strong madman to fight against a group of lunatics. It's a big loss business. The blood-red blade is not stupid, on the contrary, he can be smart. The moment Morris rushed up, he immediately flashed red all over his body, provoked it with a swish, and ran to the house of Vinny, the head of the mercenary regiment.

"Don't run! Lowly heretic demon!" Maurice roared, chasing after him. However, the Hassassin Alliance's escape ability is one of the best, and the distance between the two sides has gradually widened. Hearing a snap, the sprinting blood-red blade ignored Maurice who was screaming behind him, and smashed the door of Vinny's room with one kick.

But because he saw the situation inside, he was instantly stunned! It is because of this moment of negligence that Maurice, who has a quick eye and a quick hand, waved one hand in the air, and a few white chains immediately changed around the blood-red blade, and quickly wrapped his body tightly! A moment of trance was awakened by the restraint of the chain, and for the blood-red blade, such fragile magic can be broken with just one breath.

But the reality is, he doesn't have that much time. The next moment, a large group of executive officers who followed behind Morris saw this, and they didn't need any orders at all. With a quick flick of their hands, hundreds of white chains swarmed up immediately, completely binding the blood-red blade. stand up.

"Ah! Despicable, despicable!" The blood-red blade was tightly bound by the chain, and it would not be able to be untied for a while. Under the mask, there were extremely angry eyes, and inadvertently looked back at the room, revealing a little sadness.

It turned out that in the room, Winnie, who was supposed to be paralyzed and unable to move, was slashed to the head by someone with a sword, and the one who had already died could no longer die. The blood-red blade understands, he understands very well. Vinnie, unsurprisingly, had to be the Illuminati's other eyeliners. The emotion of being fooled and being killed by someone came instantly. The eyes beneath his mask shone with destructive red light.

Morris didn't care so much. Seeing that the blood-red blade was temporarily trapped, the cross sword flashing with dazzling white light was about to slash down, once and for all. The blood-red blade suddenly fell to the ground, and the red light in his eyes could no longer be controlled and sputtered out like a rampage!

Deng! Hearing the sound of a metal collision, Morris was shocked to find that the holy lightsaber he had cut down with all his strength was bounced alive! Looking down, Morris instantly raised his throat! I saw only a shallow white mark on the forehead of the blood-red blade!

There was a loud bang, and a black light suddenly shot out from a mountain far in the sky, breaking through the sky. But in the blink of an eye, the sky above Morris's head also burst open, and the black light flew down, hitting the blood-red blade who was kneeling on the ground! "Black Gate! You brought out the Black Gate. Be careful, everyone!"

And at the moment when Morris was shocked, the red light in his eyes drilled out of the blood-red blade of the mask, and suddenly a ferocious voice that was not human-like, full of excitement and destruction: "I am here... the world!"

ps: First of all, thanks to voread Mu for the valuable comments. Ah, I was inspired. Among them, I also seriously thought about the clear level thing mentioned in the suggestion. The level should be listed, but it won't be intermediate or advanced like in other books. Isn't the most intuitive concept of level the number of bubbles in the book

This represents Mana and Magic Strength and Elemental Affinity. It is the basis for deciding whether a mage is strong or not. However, the level on the bright side is still there, but it will not be so rigid. And the book friend death-fate, I don't agree with your point of view. However, it is undeniable that the current protagonist is still in the primary stage, and it will change more and more in the future. As for the murderer you mentioned. . . . The protagonist does not become a murderer, a human, a lowly and base creature who cannot match the identity of the protagonist.

Again, thank you for your suggestions, right? If you don't speak up, don't I think I'm the only one writing the book? Talk more, scolding me is okay [——]