Lord of Glory

Chapter 39: destroy


This huge and boundless underground city turned out to be the very mysterious headquarters of the Free Masons Association! These lunatics who devoted themselves to researching alchemy and exploring the truth have built the headquarters into a huge city! And just behind this stone statue is a castle without walls.

Instead, there are stairs leading to the castle in all directions. Vaguely, you can also see that in the castle, all kinds of alchemists are holding documents or potions, walking through the gorgeous promenade. And what's really amazing about this castle is that on top of the castle, a huge tower is suspended in the sky! Under the tower are all large crystals, exuding the luster of magic, and thousands of sequence runes blessed with alchemy! Suspend this behemoth in mid-air!

At this moment, on the top floor of this suspended magic tower, there is a dark round table hall where you can't see your fingers. Suddenly a white light lit up in the center! With the help of the white light, this round table hall suddenly came into view. A round table surrounded by eight people with masks. Silently looked at the huge crystal ball glowing white in the middle.

What is shocking is that what is displayed on this crystal ball is the situation in which the Free Masons Association branch has been infiltrated and searched by various forces in the past ten days and a half months! But the amazing thing is that the crystal ball only flickered for less than a minute, and it showed the events of half a month, and then annihilated the brilliance and fell silent. The entire hall suddenly returned to darkness.

In such an uncomfortable atmosphere, none of these eight eccentric people spoke. The silence continued to torture the atmosphere until the atmosphere was overwhelmed, and an elderly man sitting on the west side said: "Willis, Division 22 is under your management. Please report your situation and situation. seriousness.”

As soon as the voice fell, a man sitting on the east side sighed slightly. Then the tiny magic light that came in from the window saw the unpretentious golden mask worn by this man named Willis. But the outline of this mask is exactly the same as the face that appeared in the mirror in the branch that day!

At this time, Willis slowly opened his mouth and said: "The lunar eclipse appeared, and the scroll surfaced. It is exactly the same as the record in the Prophet's Letter. The Illuminati and major forces mixed in and searched on a large scale. I like the Great Seal of Aemonric. If it is not found, even if it is found, it will not be able to be cracked in just half a month.”

As soon as the voice fell, the seven people around didn't say a word, and Willis continued to speak, but there was a hint of reproach in his words: "Frodo, it's certain that the game was not able to detect the date of the lunar eclipse in advance. You are in charge of divination. Bureau, this responsibility also belongs to you."

The old man named Frodo who spoke earlier nodded, regardless of whether others could see it or not, he said to himself: "I take this responsibility. After the meeting, I volunteered to go to the Disciplinary Department to receive the punishment. But according to the prophet's rules Judging from the deciphering of the letter, most of the scrolls have been burned. Our mission has been accomplished. What about these major forces that have infiltrated the branch?"

Frodo had just finished speaking when the huge crystal ball suddenly lit up again. A strange man with a wooden mask appeared in the crystal ball. When Frodo, Willis, and the other six saw it, they immediately pushed aside the stool and stood up, bowed respectfully and replied: "President." "Sit down, I have something to delay, specifically Things are understood."

Willis and others sat down after hearing the words, but heard the president say in a low voice: "Today is the day when the scroll completely disappears. Our federation, in accordance with the prophecy of the Prophet's Letter, handed over the scroll to the truth to destroy, Leave it to the world to destroy. I have confirmed that the magic mark left by the president Uruk thousands of years ago has been destroyed. The scroll completely disappeared from the world."

Willis and the others breathed a sigh of relief, but they were still a little reluctant. After all, it is the highest achievement of alchemy. Although it should be classified as dark alchemy in terms of how to use it, it is alchemy anyway. But Willis was relieved. The president said that, his own responsibility was much smaller.

After a while of silence, the president suddenly turned his head and asked Willis, "The head of the branch, I remember this naughty boy Kahn, how is he?" After seeing the lunar eclipse, Kahn knew that the Prophet's letter fell on his head, and he was greatly stimulated. He also avoided being caught by people from other forces, coercion, and temptation. Family staying at headquarters."

"Hey, this kid Kahn, I watched him grow up. Okay, three hundred gold coins are allocated to his family, which is enough for them to live." Willis nodded, but saw the president in the crystal ball. Suddenly he raised his hand very seriously. In an instant, dense runes appeared in the entire dark hall. A complex and huge alchemy formation floated on everyone's table, swimming on it like a current of water. The eight fell silent immediately.

I just heard the president say in a slightly unbearable voice: "Vote, those who agree to destroy the No. 22 branch of the Free Mason Federation, please make a statement." "Agree." "I agree." "I agree too..."

The eight expressed their positions one after another until Willis was left. Frodo sighed and said: "Willis, let him destroy what should be destroyed. We are sorry for those innocent children who died in vain. We will repay this debt sooner or later. In order to block the selfishness of the major forces to pursue the scroll, They can only destroy." Willis was silent when he heard this. Finally nodded slightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Agree."

The president looked at Willis deeply through the crystal ball, and suddenly said majestic: "The eight people agree, according to the stonemason agreement, with my position as president, I will give and destroy!" As soon as the voice fell, the floating The huge and complex alchemy array on the round table suddenly changed, and the countless runes on it immediately moved and deformed. It actually aggregated into thousands of small alchemy formations! Willis saw and saw one of the small alchemy formations floating in front of him. In the center of the Alchemy Array is written in ancient language: "The 22nd Branch of the Free Masons Association!"

If you look back and forth at this time, you will be shocked to find that there are hundreds of thousands of alchemy formations around, such as No. 23, No. 25, No. 76, No. 450. No. Wait! In other words, this terrifying alchemy formation not only indirectly controls all the branches, but there are thousands of them, enough to cover the entire continent!

At this moment, the president in the crystal ball nodded slightly. The eight people, including Willis, immediately stretched out their palms and pressed it on the huge alchemy array floating on the table. The Alchemy Array of the Free Mason Association immediately burst into a dazzling light, and the surrounding runes scattered one by one. The entire alchemy formation almost came back to life from this phantom!

At this time, the Free Masons Association Branch No. 22. The faces of the black-haired man and the dragon Odovic changed dramatically in an instant! The two exchanged glances, and Odovic immediately jumped up, opening his mouth at the city gate to highlight a few incomprehensible syllables. Immediately, a huge scorching fireball burst out from its mouth, and it blew up the city gate! And the black-haired man didn't give in too much, and immediately shouted: "Everyone run away! Damn alchemist, he has such a heavy hand!"

Morris, Windsor and others peeped face to face, wondering what happened, and still wondering. A dazzling light suddenly burst out from the floor outside the blasted city gate, spreading to the feet of Morris and the others at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, the mage in the Forest of Helllit Tower was so frightened that he threw away his wand and looked in horror at the dense runes under his feet. Thousands are floating on the flagstone! If you didn't look carefully, you would think that this group of people stepped into the river water that overflowed their knees!

The barbarian who was about to say he was going to stay and explore the search scroll immediately swallowed the words in his mouth. They glanced at each other, and a young magic swordsman who was ignorant and did not know the severity suddenly shouted with excitement: "Ow! These alchemists must be scared! Chief, let's rush into the castle now and find the scroll. The dawn of our magic swordsmen is coming!"

Who knew that the stunned leader of the magic swordsmen cracked open his hand and slapped it, and shouted in horror: "If you miss, stay! We have to go! If you find the scroll and don't die, my position is You can take it!"

At this time, everyone understood that the countless runes on the ground were definitely no joke. Invariably, the people of these five forces immediately swept aside their dicks and ran towards the blasted city gate. The old mage, who was very weak, also shouted in frustration: "Damn alchemist! He even painted the entire castle with the decomposition alchemy array! If I Philip didn't die, I must..."

"Hey, don't be so, just run for your life first!" A savage beside him picked up old Philip very simply, and strode towards the city gate. "Let go of me, you savage and rude guy, won't you be gentle!" In the distance, there was a faint sound of old Philip's angry curse.

ps: I have written too much about the turmoil, and it's finally the pig's feet. I've made you wait for a long time.