Lord of Glory

Chapter 40: Ability development


On the mountain outside the Free Mason's Association branch, Morris, Windsor and others, all in a state of embarrassment, were stunned to see that the magnificent castle was wrapped by an incomparably huge beam of light and quickly disintegrated. We can still vaguely see that some apprentices who didn't have time to escape, wailed on their knees among the violently floating runes, and quickly disintegrated into dust and disappeared together with the screams.

When the beam of light that was soaring into the sky gradually disappeared, the Princess of Windsor trembled and whispered in fear: "Everything is gone... everything." At this time, the original magnificent castle was no longer there. The spoon digs out a piece, which is flat and has a circular depression with a regular arc. In this eerily silent moment, everyone was reluctant to speak. The dragon Aldovic glanced at the mysterious warrior, and the two left quietly.

The great turmoil of the Free Masons Association was naturally unknown to Palatine who was in the distance. At this point he was still obsessed with developing and understanding his powers. After discovering that the golden light element can be captured by its own element. Paladin had to establish a fact. When darkness falls, a night without a trace of sunshine, it is impossible for me to supplement the missing elements. In other words, at night, Paladin is very vulnerable. Once the three hundred elements on the body are used up, unless the day comes, it will only be a mermaid.

This fact made Paladin sigh, but he developed the use of daytime elements even more. If the element can be caught endlessly, wouldn't it be infinite magic during the day? The temptation is too great. But Paladin had to sadly discover that once he used the magic that the elements were condensing to reach the upper limit that he could hold, he couldn't absorb the elements.

Because his upper limit at this time is 300, if he is condensing an arrow of light with 300 elements in his hand, he must use up the magic to absorb the elements. Cannot use magic to absorb elements at the same time. The amount of elements is not infinite. The previous attempt to continuously replenish, using thousands, or even tens of thousands of elemental magic, suddenly became a futile.

There are gains and losses, Paladin comforted himself.

However, Paladin also discovered that absorbing elements through the Philosopher's Stone would greatly consume his own life. You must use the same amount of Philosopher's Stone to restore life, otherwise it will become the tragic situation of almost dying of old age. Fortunately, the amount of elements expanded by the Philosopher Stone will not decrease due to aging. It finally gave him some comfort.

At present, Paladin still has little contact, and I don't know that a wizard with more than a thousand elements like Nashurah, the great ice magician, is a rare master on the mainland! To put it simply, those who reach one thousand magic elements can become a great magician. Those under 1,000 are ordinary magicians. It's just that they have to have magic items to test, and Paladin just needs to see. Above the great magician, there is the sorcerer.

In terms of power, it is only five thousand elements. But once you become a magistrate, you will have 50,000 elements! Already possesses powerful magical energy capable of destroying an army. He has been feared and flattered by the great kings, and has become a legendary figure.

As for the Great Magister, currently only the leaders of the three ** divisions have reached the level, and the exact extent is unknown. And like the mythical St. Magella. It was awarded the title of Saint by the Holy See. Although he doesn't know his strength, it is said that he alone used his magic power to overwhelm the spellcasting of ten great magisters!

Unfortunately, the Palatine can only see the elements. In other words, only the ability of the mage or spellcaster can be seen at a glance. As for a hundred flowers blooming all kinds of warriors and assassins. For example, magic swordsmen, barbarians who use bloodline power, assassins of Hasassin, and some powerful warriors or knights. Palatine couldn't see it.

It can only be compared with the ten levels that the warriors have set themselves. Just as there are sorcerers, great magicians, sorcerers, sorcerers, great sorcerers. The first five ranks of warriors can fight against magicians. After the fourth order against the great magician. The last rank is the pinnacle of warriors, and can only barely cope with mages. It's just that the power of magic is too strong, no matter how you practice, you can't fight against the power of this world.

This will lead to the current situation where the law is expensive and the war is cheap. It is precisely because of this that countless warriors have found new ways to pursue various powers to enhance themselves against mages. Among them are the magic swordsman's double cultivation of magic and martial arts, the barbarian's bloodline method, Hassassin's power based on instant bursts, dragon knights to strengthen themselves by making friends with dragons, paladins to use divine power and so on. Unfortunately, without exception, they cannot resist the powerful and wise mage group.

Thinking about the strength of his 300 elements, although the strength of magic is only comparable to that of an ordinary magician, the elements he masters are too strange. Plus his suicidal elemental control. Even if the combat power is against a magician who is twice as tall as himself, there is no danger. Thinking about it, Paladin waved his hand, and the three hundred light elements hovering around him immediately gathered in the palm of his hand.

Condensed into a small ball of light. Exudes a dazzling sheen. Paladin has been working hard on sacred magic these days, not only learning the arrow of light, but also the other two magics that require less than 300 elements. A sacred chain specially designed to bind enemies. The effect is normal. It didn't make Paladin so happy.

Instead, it was another tasteless lighting technique that made Paladin's eyes bright! As the name suggests, Illumination is nothing more than creating a magic lamp to illuminate the surroundings. However, under the random display of Paladin, he found that this illumination technique is one of the only magics that can be used without any magical structure! He is not like a fireball technique. Although a large number of elements can be used to increase the power, once the number of elements exceeds the limit of the magic frame, the magic will disappear because the structure is squeezed and scattered.

Just like a wooden bucket, half a bucket of water can take a bath, but more water can be added. However, once the amount of water is mostly the limit of the wooden barrel, it will be poured out and wasted. However, Illumination does not have this defect, because he simply used elemental condensation to increase density and generate light and heat. But because there is no frame constraints, you can use all your elements to use! It doesn't seem like much, at most it's brighter, but Paladin's golden light element is full of violence and aggression. The result was quite different.

Paladin looked at the light ball in his hand with a smile on his face, and all the three hundred golden elements in his body immediately concentrated wildly! The light ball, which was originally only the size of a soybean, immediately swelled like a water-absorbing sponge. Bigger and bigger, when the three hundred elements of Paladin poured out, this ball of light was already as big as the mouth of a bowl! Even, Paladin was pleasantly surprised to see the faint sound of a crackling energy collision coming out of the light ball.

Without a second thought, Palatine sensed the extremely dense elements on the surface of the photosphere, as if piercing a small hole in a balloon with a needle. Paladin flicked his hand and aimed out the window! Hearing a tinnitus-like buzzing sound, the ball of light the size of the bowl in his hand immediately sprayed out a golden light beam the thickness of a finger, in an instant, in less than an instant.

The golden beam immediately crossed the church, passed through the houses, and hit a big tree a few hundred meters away! It was as easy as cutting tissue paper with a razor blade. This at least 100-year-old tree was cut open in the middle without any hindrance. The incision was exposed to a little spark caused by high temperature, and it smashed the house next to it with a bang! The emptiness of the instant exhaustion of elements did not make Paladin uncomfortable. At this time, he looked at everything he had caused with a frantic face, and the corners of his mouth cracked a sinister arc: "This is what I want!"

ps: Cry, the manuscripts have run out, and it’s time to code words!