Lord of Glory

Chapter 41: tougher than you


The next morning, Palatine was standing in front of the statue of Inos, accepting the prayers of the coming commoners. While holding a girl's hand with a smile to explain the grace of God, the door of the church was suddenly kicked open.

A wretched looking, fat body. A middle-aged man with an eight-legged beard and gorgeous clothes, along with two mercenaries in leather armor and long swords, scolded: "Paladin! You're a cleric! You're blaspheming Eno. Si's pity! People like you should roll into the abyss and be tortured to death by those demons!"

There was not the slightest anger at being insulted on Paladin's face. Instead, he turned to the stunned civilians with a gentle expression and said softly, "Please leave, everyone. I have something to say to this believer." The troubled commoner immediately comforted him, let go of the girl and ran away without a trace.

These are naturally fat businessmen willing to see. After he allowed the commoners to leave, he closed the door of the guard next to him, and said with a gloomy smile: "Paladin, you disregarded the teachings, and you deliberately killed the shop owner Prader and collected the ironworks in his name! You! It is because of the desire for profit, and has been poisoned by the devil very deeply!"

Having said this, he suddenly said in a low voice: "As long as you admit your mistake, transfer the contract of the ironworks to me for safekeeping, and sincerely kneel down and lick the soles of my shoes, I will not report it to the bishop of the diocese." "Humph. Paladin snorted disdainfully, looked at the businessman and said, "Smart people don't talk nonsense, do you want this ironworks?"

"You still have some brains, that's right! I only need the iron smelting plant, and you can come to me to help you solve anything that happens in Nuerba. Believe in a rich local businessman who supports and helps the priest, you will find that this is a huge sum of money. A cost-effective deal." The rich businessman nodded with a surprised look, and said his purpose directly and straightforwardly. Obviously, the behavior of the priest, who was very kind and even shy on weekdays, was very inconsistent with the past.

When Paladin heard this, the sarcastic smile on his face became more and more obvious. He ignored the wealthy businessman and looked directly at the two mercenaries behind him and asked, "You are Kaleich's subordinates, does he have any orders?" The two mercenaries looked at each other, but fell silent. Palatine nodded immediately, ignoring the rich businessman next to him who was a little angry because he was ignored and muttered, "Kalec is the guy who sees the wind. Do you want to see my ability?"

"Hey! I'm going to talk to you again! A priest doesn't even understand the most basic etiquette!" The rich businessman blew his beard and stared, and pointed at Palatine's nose and cursed. But Palatine glanced at him slightly, and with an expressionless flick of his hand, he fell to the ground with a slap. The right foot immediately followed and kicked deeply into the fat stomach! "Ahhh!"

The rich businessman let out a piercing scream, and the two mercenaries were startled. They were about to draw their swords, but they were forced to stop by Palatine's gloomy eyes. Because the two of them had a feeling at the same time, at that moment, it seemed that they were not being stared at by a priest, but were suffocated and oppressed by a huge and terrifying python entrenched in dead leaves! It seems that as long as there is a change, the next moment the huge python will wrap around him and crush his bones!

"You dare to hit me? Paladin, you don't want to be a priest anymore! I know the bishop of the diocese, you..." But Paladin didn't let the angry rich businessman finish his words, and just grabbed his fat man. He abruptly lifted the rich businessman who weighed more than 200 pounds by his neck, and pressed it against the wall with a snap!

"Ignorant and greedy inferior, you have nothing but gold coins. Tell me, are you here to buy an ironworks on your own behalf, or are you your colleagues eager to make a move?" The wealthy businessman, who was already a little scared, still had a hint of courage. , Immediately turned his head to look at the mercenaries who couldn't advance or retreat. Just as he was about to scold, the strength of Paladin's hand immediately increased, and the latter's face instantly flushed red.

"You haven't answered my question yet." The wealthy businessman, who was being pinched more and more uncomfortable, saw that the Paladin's eyes no longer had the piety and gentleness that a servant of God should have, but instead were boundless ** and crazy!

At this moment, the rich businessman was really scared, and a faint voice told him again, if he didn't say anything, this monster in the priest's robe would really kill him! "I said, I said! It's what they mean, Narui, Kira, and Doroner. I'm just a whistleblower! Don't kill me!" Who, seeing Paladin nodded knowingly. These people are all businessmen who accounted for most of the iron ore output in Nurbari. In other words, these people also represent all the iron smelters in Nuerba.

Paladin thought so, and immediately gave it away. The wealthy businessman immediately fell to the ground, and the warrior's red throat coughed. But the wealthy businessman, who was relieved thinking that the other party was feeling jealous, was suddenly shocked to see Palatine grinning and searching out the short sword he was wearing! The rich businessman can guarantee that he has no intention of killing anyone with the dagger.

It's just a gorgeous decoration. It has been worn on the body for several years and has never been pulled out. And just when the wealthy businessman was worried that this Paladin could not think of killing him, Paladin raised his dagger with a grin and stabbed it into his left arm at once! "Aah! Hahahaha. It hurts!" Paladin pulled out his dagger, and bright red blood flowed from his arm immediately. His eyes became more and more crazy.

"You lunatic." The rich businessman and the two mercenaries stared blankly at this scene. The fat rich businessman reacted first, showing a look of fear! But he saw Paladin raised his head in cold sweat, and said with a sinister smile: "In the early morning, disturbing the holy church, driving away believers, and murdering the priests of the Holy See! Hahahaha, you stupid guy, got into trouble. Someone you shouldn't mess with!"

But at this moment, the door that had been closed was suddenly kicked open by a kick from the outside. Kaleich walked in pretending to bring a vote of guards. Ignoring the curious people behind him, he shouted, "I heard that the holy church was blatantly provoked by some people! Huh? What's going on!"

Halfway through the lines, Kaleich saw two mercenaries carefully nodding at Paladin with a painful look on his face and a wealthy businessman lying on the ground with a pale face. Especially seeing the blood rushing out of Paladin's arm, the head that Zhizhu was holding went blank in an instant!

When Palatine saw the main lord coming, he immediately screamed and fell to the ground with a snap, clutching his bleeding arm and wailing. When Kaleich heard the scream, he immediately came back to his senses and ran over quickly, not forgetting to glance at the rich businessman. However, he saw that the other party's eyes were dull, as if his heart was dead.