Lord of Glory

Chapter 42: untitled


"Father, what's going on!" Kaleich ran to Paladin and squatted down, looking at the serious injury on Paladin's arm, he said in a concerned tone mixed with questioning. Paladin wailed in pain, glanced at the civilians who were standing at the door curiously watching, and immediately cried out in grievance:

"I was listening to the confession of the believers, and who knew he ran in. Saying that this Nuerba is the master of him, in order not to let me destroy the town controlled and enslaved by him, he deliberately planned the Prader family. My death is to rob Prader's ironworks! This guy didn't get what he wanted, he was so mad that he asked me to kneel, and then tried to kill me with the dagger in his arms!" Boom! Palatine spoke so loudly that the commoners outside could hear it. The uproar that was caused suddenly began to whisper.

Kaleich glared at Palatine, then turned to look at the wealthy businessman who had recovered from his senses, and said with a sad face: "Grandi, you are also a little famous in Nuerba. Unexpectedly. You would actually do such a thing, mutilating Prader, who you have known for more than ten years, and robbing him of his family business!"

"No, no! He's lying! The priest is lying! It's not like this, he's lying!" Grandy jumped up as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, arguing with a flushed face, and pointed to the two men at the door. One of the mercenaries he brought shouted: "They, the two of them saw what happened, it's not like this at all! Kaleich, these two..."

Kaleich frowned, he was worried that this bastard would pour all the bitterness on him, and immediately replied: "Yes, both of them are members of my escort. But I don't know why they did. Appeared here! You said, you have seen something, you must not lie and wrong others!" Kaleich stared fiercely, staring at the two mercenaries who were at a loss and couldn't speak. The wealthy businessman Grandi also looked at them very nervously, hoping to clarify the facts for him and kill the goddamn priest Palatine.

Paladin laughed very obscurely, and suddenly said very calmly: "You two, as the escort, you also have your own family size. You shoulder the stability of Nuerba. You will not wrong innocent people. "The subtext is that the two of you now have jobs, and you have a wife, child, mother and daughter, and you don't have to live a life of licking knives. If you dare to tell the truth, you will definitely destroy your family!

The two mercenaries immediately shuddered when they saw Paladin's warning eyes and the words with murderous intent! They glanced at each other, and finally it was the family who overcame their conscience. They bowed their heads and said, "It's the fact that Grandi wants to kill Father Palatine."

"Lying! Why are you lying! Why!" Grandi shouted in panic, but was interrupted by a faintly smiling Paladin: "Grandi, in this holy church, in the great Inos In front of you, don't you even have the consciousness of repentance!" "Grandi, you bastard! To do such a thing!"

"I've already seen that this dead fat man is definitely not a good person." "After all, evil is invincible, the great Inos free shipping, let this filthy villain be tried!" "Judgment! Judgment! Judgment!" Paladin As soon as the words fell, those civilians immediately indignantly held high the banner of so-called justice and began to criticize.

But on closer inspection, instead of hating for Grandy's crimes, they were happy that justice was done. It would be better to say that these idiots living in the inferior, just because they saw the failure of the superior people who were originally superior, they rejoiced in schadenfreude. To put it bluntly, it's just a narrow mentality that I'm not doing well, and you're not doing well either.

Paladin naturally disdain these ignorant and greedy commoners, but his face is sane, he suddenly raised the cross placed on the altar, and shouted righteously: "To steal other people's property, to kill others privately, to murder the Holy See. Father! I am Palatine, Flamel. I will judge you today, on behalf of the supreme Enos, according to the immortal code!"

Just as Paladin had just finished speaking, Kaleich said in a low voice with a solemn expression: "Paladin, he should be handed over to our guards and reported to the Count of Torch for normal handling." "Do you think an earl wants to pay attention to these civilians? Disturbing him and the other noble's daughter Aoi just because he murdered another commoner? Don't worry about Kaleich. I'm a noble too, I know that."

Palatine whispered to Kaleich, seeing that Grandi's face was dead gray, he immediately shouted in hot iron: "Prepare the stake!" Boom! A burst of excited shouts erupted from the civilians outside the house. They had never seen a stake dedicated to the execution of heretics in their entire lives.

"You can't do this to me, I'm a businessman! Not a heretic! You can't use the execution method to deal with heresy to me! I demand a fair and fair trial!" Grandi held the last glimmer of hope, and finally the lord of this town , the hope of Earl Torch, hissed and shouted.

But who knew that Palatine shook his head with a sad look, stepped forward and gently pulled up Grandi's messy hair and said: "You broke into the church and intended to murder the legitimate priests of the Holy See. What is it? Poor Grandi, may you return to God's arms, may you repent of your sins."

Grandi immediately opened Paladin's hand in disgust, pointed to his nose and shouted, "You bastard, this devil in a robe! I won't let you go! No!" Paladin ignored Grandi at all. The dying struggle, with a smile on his face, he gently rubbed his hand that was slapped red, and glanced at Kaleich. The latter understood immediately, stepped forward and slapped Grandi over, shouting loudly: "Grandi murdered others with the intent to assassinate the priest. Follow the priest's wishes and execute the burning!" After that, he turned his head to look at The subordinate beside him said: "Go, tie him up, and take him to prison for a while."

The surrounding guards immediately swarmed up, took out the twine and tied Grendy firmly. No matter how hard the latter struggled, it was useless. Screaming and being pulled by the guards, he left the church. "I'm going to find wooden sticks! I have a lot of thick wooden sticks in my house!" "Torches, get some more torches!" "I just chopped some wood back today, so I'll go back and get them!"

"Dad, let me help you too." Seeing Grandi being carried away, these civilians couldn't sit still. He gave Paladin a comforting roar, and immediately scattered back to prepare the materials for the stake. After a while, the building was empty. But at this moment, only a tear was heard. Kaleich saw Palatine very calmly tearing off a strip of cloth from the corner of his robe, pouring some spirits on it, and then binding the wound on his arm with a strip of cloth. A simple task of treating the wound is done.

From the beginning to the end, Kaleich looked at Paladin, whether it was the pain of rubbing the spirits on the wound or the technique of tying his arms. There was no expression on Palatine's face. As if it were a normal thing. At this moment, Kaleich seemed to feel that the mist covering Palatine's body not only did not lighten, but instead thickened. Ordinary pampered nobles will take care of their wounds? Moreover, the severe pain of wiping with strong alcohol will make people who feel it for the first time scream wildly. Is this Palatine really just a nobleman who paid for a priesthood? How is it completely different from those I've seen before

Paladin dealt with the wound and saw Kaleich looking at him in a trance. Immediately, he snorted and sarcastically said, "What's wrong with the captain? Don't you believe in my ability? Don't look at it, go to the prison and see this unlucky bastard. I still have some things to do." , a smug smile appeared on Paladin's face unconsciously, which only made Kaleich feel a chill pressing down on the back of his neck. .