Lord of Glory

Chapter 44: Betrayal of relatives


The comatose Grandi was gradually awakened by the sharp pain spreading from his mouth. He barely opened his heavy eyelids, roared wildly, and the frenzied people spitting at him appeared in front of him. In an instant, Grandi woke up. Only then did he realize that his hands and feet were firmly tied to the wooden stick. At this time, he patrolled back and forth in shock, and immediately saw that he was tied to a wooden cross, and the soles of his feet were all dry wood.

The civilians in the surrounding tides spat at themselves, threw rubbish, and foul language came from time to time. And some friends who had friendship saw that Grandi woke up, and immediately shouted angrily: "Grandi, I misread you! You actually killed the Prader family for the sake of gold coins and an iron factory! Still using such evil black witchcraft! Bah!"

"This old bastard, I have long thought that he is not a good person. You don't have to be merciful, throw whatever you want!" The surrounding civilians immediately picked up the stones from the ground, smashed them hard at Grandi's body, and immediately threw them away. Blood dripped from the latter's forehead.

Only then did Grandy notice that this is Nuerba's square, and almost all Nuerba people have come. Even his old buddies are hiding in the corner, watching all this with cold eyes. He tried to explain, but found that he could only make a whimpering sound.

Immediately remembered the horrible memory of Palatine shoving red-hot coals into his mouth! Immediately, his heart became cold, even the bloody wound on his forehead and the saliva on his body could not hide the coldness from the bottom of his heart. He played. Even the ability to defend at the end was deprived by that priest.

Standing on the high platform of the square, Paladin looked at the awakened Grandi with hopeless and empty eyes. After a veiled smile, he showed a holy, gentle and dignified face and shouted: "Everyone, stop for a while! Please listen to what I have to say!"

The boiling people below immediately looked up to see Palatine, and immediately dropped the stones in their hands. Some elderly people even said respectfully: "Ah, Father. Thank you for finding out this despicable bastard. If you have any other orders, we will definitely I will try my best to help you achieve it." When the people around heard it, they nodded in agreement, and looked at Paladin with friendly and close eyes.

Paladin smiled and bowed to the people, and said slowly in a sentimental tone: "Grandi has lived in Nuerba far longer than me. Although I am still young, I can see that Grandi Di is not a bad person. He opened factories, but he also took care of the workers who worked hard every day. He loved his daughter, loved his wife, and helped the weak, which really made me, a priest in the Holy See, ashamed."

Speaking of which, the people below were still listening to his words carefully, Paladin laughed at the untraceable gloom, and then said with a sad expression: "But even this can't hide that Grandi's eyes were covered by darkness, To do such a heart-wrenching thing. Our good friends, the good elders of the Prader family, and the child who can't speak. Under the evil black magic and crazy thoughts of Grandi, returned to God Arms. May we be here to pray for them. Amen."

The people below immediately clenched their fists and prayed devoutly. There are also some people who are very affectionate and close to the Prader family and silently shed tears. At this time, Kaleich, who was standing beside him with several guards, became more and more solemn: "This kid, has he ruled the people of Nuerba in less than a month?"

After half a minute, Paladin falsely wiped away the tears that did not exist from the corners of his eyes, and said with a serious gesture: "Grandi committed such a serious crime, what should you do!" "Burn him, burn him, burn him Kill him!"

The people below waved their arms excitedly, eager to burn this Grandy to death immediately. And listening to these words, Grandi, his eyes were blank at this time, and he fell into despair completely. He still can't figure it out, he just came to test and threaten this priest, let him know how the powerful actions have developed to this point? And in the corner far from the edge of the crowd, he instructed several big local businessmen of Grandi, Narui, Kira, and Doroner. He was staring angrily at Paladin on the stage and whispered:

"This kid is so arrogant! Now he dares to put our people to death in a grand manner! He doesn't take us seriously at all! Kira, don't you know the bishop of this diocese? Ask him to take care of this ignorant young man. The golden-bearded old man called Kira sighed feebly: "Nari, you say you know each other? You can only talk about acquaintance. Strictly speaking, I am flattering him. People don't even want to. Pay attention to me. This Paladin is technically his subordinate, and I go to him and sue his subordinate? I don't want to do business anymore?"

At this moment, the gray-haired old man said, "This kid is too arrogant and arrogant. In the morning tomorrow, I will go to Baron Fitt and ask him to speak to the earl for us. The kid also knows how powerful it is." The three old men planned secretly, but the Paladin glanced at Kaleich and said, "Grandi committed a crime of waiting, but his wife and daughter are innocent."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and Kaleich immediately winked, and several guards immediately brought up the dazed Grandy's wife and his dazed daughter. When Grandi was tied at the stake, seeing his relatives, he immediately struggled to say something, but his tongue and throat were severely damaged, and he couldn't say a word at all. If you look closely at his mouth shape, you can understand a word that keeps repeating in his mouth: "Flee!"

The crowd below looked at the mother and daughter, and a plot of pity for the weak immediately spread. Palatine turned to stare at the ordinary-looking, red-haired wife of Grandi, "Madam, you also know what your husband has done. Is there anything you want to say to him?"

The wife raised her head timidly, looked at the nervous-looking Grandi, and then looked at the guard beside him holding the long sword at his waist, remembering what Paladin had told her in private not long ago: "Your husband kills people, and he tries to kill them. Me! There's only one way for you to survive. It's to cut ties with Grandy completely! Otherwise, you and your husband will be burned at the stake! Even your daughters are no exception!"

Thinking of these words, the wife's idea of survival finally prevailed. With tears of shame in his eyes, he blurted out, "Grandi, I have nothing to do with you anymore! Your daughter will never be your daughter!"

At this moment, Grandi's heart was ashes. His eyes, which originally had a little bit of expectation, were instantly empty, and he slowly lowered his head, tears falling from his collar. When what Paladin saw was done, he immediately smiled gently: "You did a good job." But

It was the wife who did not dare to look directly into the eyes of the young priest. At this time, in her eyes, the priest's eyes were like blades, cutting open her husband over and over again. Paladin smiled indifferently, then suddenly squatted down and looked at the bewildered little girl in front of him and said, "What's your name?"

"I, my name is Fanny." Paladin nodded brightly, took out a candy from his pocket and stuffed it into Fanny, "Brother gave you candy, you want to tell my brother something, okay?" Fanny seemed to Thinking of something, he immediately took the candy with joy and nodded happily. At this moment, the frightened wife suddenly felt that something was wrong. But can't say it's wrong there.

Only to hear Palatine say in a gentle voice: "Your father has done something bad and is going to be burned. Do you want him to be burned?" At this moment, the people in the entire square immediately listened. However, I saw this young girl with a naive, happy look and kept nodding her head: "Burn, burn, burn!"

ps: I forgot to write the hierarchy of the Holy See, it's my fault. . . But isn't the power of the protagonist very clear? Three hundred elements. The combat power is twice as strong, that is, six hundred. There are a thousand great magicians. That is, under the great magician. I thought these things would be understood without writing them down, but do I still have to write them down