Lord of Glory

Chapter 46: deal with


"Big brother, you promised my father!" But at this moment, Paladin heard the question from the girl behind him. He turned around immediately and closed the door firmly. A terrifying smile appeared on his face. Looking at the girl with tears in her eyes, she grinned and said, "Your father? Burned, as you said, burned away. Dead, understand? Your father was killed by you! Hahaha!"

"No, it's impossible! Brother, you said that as long as Dad burns, he won't leave us!" the little girl asked loudly. But in exchange, Paladin approached step by step: "Yes, I have not broken my promise. You and your father will be reunited soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, Paladin threw it away, and the urn of Grandi immediately fell to the ground, scattering the ashes all over the place. Only to hear Palatine's sarcastic voice coming over: "Come and see, this is your father. Daddy burned to ashes!" "Wow!" Seeing that Paladin's shadow was about to cover up the young girl, she was lying on the ground. His wife suddenly burst out with unprecedented strength and jumped up at once. Pick up the cross used for Mass on the table and chop at Palatine's head!

But how could Palatine be afraid? I saw him wave his hand casually. The three hundred elements surrounding him immediately poured into the magical framework of Paladin's condensation. In an instant, two chains of golden light converged and shot out immediately, tying the mother and daughter firmly, and fell to the ground unable to move! Although his wife is illiterate, she also knows the existence of magic.

She watched this magical chain appear out of nowhere. I immediately knew that I had underestimated this scumbag. The power of magic wiped away the last trace of her fighting spirit. I saw her suddenly pleadingly looked at Paladin and said, "Father, please let her go, she is not even ten years old this year! I will do whatever you want me to do, please don't hurt her!" Paladin was disdainful. With a hum, he ignored the plea at all and grabbed the mother and daughter by the hair, regardless of their miserable screams. Drag it directly to the door of the basement.

The wife, who was not sure what Paladin wanted to do, suddenly saw that Paladin was facing a stone wall, and then stretched out her palm and pressed it on a very inconspicuous magic circle on the stone wall. In an instant, in front of the stone wall, there was a tall circle of people, which filled the center with countless strange runes arranged in an orderly manner. Very skilled, Paladin raised his other hand and moved the runes in the circle floating in the air, as if arranging some code.

Finally, the moment he let go. The magic circle disappeared in an instant, and the wall of the stone wall suddenly separated, and a door came into view. Paladin took out the key again and unlocked the door. I saw a long staircase below, extending into the invisible darkness. Both mother and daughter had a very bad feeling at this moment. But before he could speak, Paladin grabbed the mother and daughter's hair with both hands again, and dragged them into the door abruptly.

When the figures of the three Paladins disappeared into the darkness, the door closed immediately, and the stone wall slowly closed again, as if there had never been a door here. When the stone wall was opened again, and Paladin walked out leisurely from inside, the mother and daughter were never seen again. Instead, there was a bright red stone the size of a soybean in his hand. This beautiful and frantic philosopher stone. However, Paladin did not rush to merge, he just served the commoners who came to repent and waited silently for the night to come.

So, darkness fell.

In Narui's house, as one of the big rich men in this town, he was lying comfortably in bed, preparing for the coming drowsiness. All kinds of things during the day have made him very tired. Now, he just wants to sleep well and talk about what he has to do tomorrow. But obviously, he can't wait for the dawn of tomorrow.

At some point, the bedroom window was opened. Paladin, who was dressed in black, walked quietly to the head of the bed and looked at Nari who was gradually snoring. Paladin remembered very clearly that this Nari was among the characters that Grandy confessed to yesterday. All Paladin had to do now was to let him meet the earlier Grandi. Carefully take out the magical medicine refined with alchemy. Paladin gently opened the bottle cap, letting the powder inside fall on the tip of Nari's nose. As the snoring became more and more intense, the pale green powder was inhaled into the nasal cavity, into the lungs and head. In just three minutes, Narui, who was snoring violently, gradually stopped snoring. Has completely fallen into a deep sleep.

Palatine smiled slightly, took the prepared hemp rope from his waist, hung it on the beam, and tied it with a dead knot. Lifting Nari with ease, he slipped his neck into the loop in the knot. Then hold the other end of the rope hanging from the beam and pull it hard! Click! Even with the great effect of the drug, Narui woke up instantly under such severe pain and unable to breathe! When he woke up, he only saw that arrogant kid during the day was pulling the rope with a grin. Immediately, the severe pain in his unbreathable neck made Nari open his eyes in pain, stretch out his tongue, and kick his feet indiscriminately! He wanted to shout but couldn't, and he couldn't shout if he wanted to. Unwilling and desperate, he took a deep look at the grinning Paladin, and finally his body softened and hung weakly in the air. The complexion is already the black and purple of the four.

Paladin, on the other hand, took a rope and tied a knot at the head of the bed very calmly, came to his desk, took out a pen and paper, opened the records and diaries written by the old man before, and began to write a suicide note imitating the notes. . Following the notes, this is not too difficult for Paladin who has read too many miscellaneous books. In the past, the master of the gang ran out to buy items. People won't trust a little kid. At that time, he was very diligent in taking model notes in order to keep purchasing. Because of this, he was able to deceive the entire federation and quietly buy expensive books that were not available in the federation. Speaking of his history of forging notes, it is more than ten years old.

After writing, looking at the content of the suicide note, Paladin smiled proudly. I saw it read: "Seeing Grandy on trial today, my conscience has been bad. Grandy died because of me. It's all three of us fault. Kira and Doren. We I really shouldn't have been obsessed with Prader's shop. I can only die. My child, please forgive my selfishness. This family business, which is maintained with blood and swords, cannot be left to you. I plan to Leave it to poor Grandi's wife and daughter, so that they can make up for it." Seeing that the writing was correct, Paladin carefully sorted it out, and after confirming that there were no mistakes, he quietly climbed out of the window and closed it carefully. disappeared into the night again.