Lord of Glory

Chapter 5: Conscience and Desire


Feng Lier's face was full of pride. She was looking at Francis who was lying on the ground with a dagger that he didn't know where to get it. He smiled and said, "The outcome is decided, Francis. The scroll is mine!"

The stone that shocked Paladin who was hiding behind the mushroom, Francis, who was rotting, even spoke, and the remaining eye stared at Feng Lier with hatred and said in a low voice: "Feng Lier! You thought you killed me. , the scroll is yours? Do you think the organization will watch you swallow the scroll for nothing?" "The organization..."

For a moment, a trace of fear flashed in Feng Li'er's eyes, and then it was filled with waves of **: "The organization treats the two of us as abandoned children. Although the organization has spent countless years looking for the scroll, there is not a trace of it at all. The harvest! Over the years, the organization has painstakingly placed spies into the Free Masons Association. But so far, no one has been able to enter the high-level!

The two of us, although we are professors and tutors, but in this branch, there are still the dean who suppress us, and some Xin secrets are so tight-lipped that they don't even mention it! The old stubborn who doesn't accept any interests! We were treated as discarded children, and were thrown into this branch like rubbish! Do you understand Francis! "

That Francis' gradually rotten body trembled, and the only remaining eye moved away unconsciously. He had already recognized it in his heart. "That's right, Feng Li'er is right, the organization has abandoned us, and we haven't had normal contact for three years. It's been very obviously abandoned. That abominable Illuminati, the Alliance of God-defying Gods!"

Seeing that Francis was silent, Feng Lier suddenly shook the dagger in his hand, and laughed at himself: "Everything is over, Francis. For the sake of how good the past few years have been, I'll give you a good one. Right. It's ugly to rot to death." After that, Feng Lier walked towards Francis step by step, and raised the dagger in her hand.

"Bitch! If I can't get it, don't even think about it! Sleep here with me!" Francis suddenly shouted with hatred, and the hand that was about to rot his muscles suddenly lifted up and pointed at Feng Lier.

But unexpectedly, Feng Lier didn't even need to think about her face, and her body subconsciously jumped to the left! boom! The place where Feng Lier was standing instantly exploded a deep hole. Feng Li'er's body hanging in the air clattered and let out a miserable scream, knocking down several mushrooms and falling to the ground powerlessly.

Paladin stood up in surprise, and suddenly saw that Feng Lier's legs Qigan were blown off! Screaming again and again lying on the mushroom. "Ahhh!" Feng Li'er covered her disappearing legs with a bitter face, and she could feel the strength of her body passing by rapidly. The extremely unwilling Feng Lier roared bitterly: "Francis! How dare you... how dare you!" Looking back with difficulty, she saw that Francis on the ground was motionless, and his eyes had lost their expression. Perhaps the blow just now used up the few lives he had left.

"Cut, dead old ghost, don't let me go." Feng Lier's eyes were full of despair. Now that her legs have disappeared, even if she got the scroll, she still can't figure it out. After the time has passed, the seal will recombine. . I can only bleed and die in this ghost place!

blah blah blah blah blah! But just when Feng Lier had the urge to commit suicide, the sound of footsteps coming from behind was undoubtedly like the dawn of hope. "Why are there still people here!" Feng Lier looked back with difficulty, and saw a young man with shabby clothes and messy hair walking towards the stone statue with a greedy look on his face.

When she saw this person, Feng Lier's pupils shrank instantly, and she couldn't help but said, "Paladin who is doing errands? What are you doing..." But unexpectedly, Paladin didn't pay attention to Feng Lier at all, and looked at him without squinting. The Ripley Scroll in the distance treated Feng Lier as air at all.

Feng Lier's hair stood up instantly, because he saw Palatine's eyes, this ordinary-looking, low-level slave without rights and freedom, but there was a blazing flame in his eyes! That is the fire of chaos and desire, destruction and greed! At this moment, Feng Li was so frightened that he kept silent, silently watching Paladin walk into the Ripley Scroll.

"Ah... this is... God?" Paladin walked to the stone statue and picked up the scroll on the iron box with trembling hands. Open it carefully. . . Contrary to Paladin's expectations, on this scroll, in addition to the three ancient characters at the bottom, it is a pattern, a very strange and strange pattern.

There was a circle of naked male and female humanoid creatures on it, kneeling on the ground in pain, forming a circle, a perfect circle. In the middle of the circle, a complex array is depicted with four patterns on it. Paladin, who has studied alchemy in depth, can see at a glance that this is the basis of magic and alchemy, the theory of the four elements!

It represents the regular tetrahedron of fire, the regular icosahedron of water, the cube of earth, and the regular octahedron of wind. This is the composition of all things, the four elements! In the very center, it depicts a huge human figure with no face, clouds above its head, and land below its feet. Without a chest, the lower body is smooth. Represents asexual or bisexual. This symbolizes the gods!

And that blank chest, but a heart was carefully portrayed. Exudes radiant light. Right in the center of the whole circle! And that ancient script is the most ancient, and there is still not much deciphered devil language! Paladin is self-taught, and has some expertise in deciphering demon languages. What is written on it is the Philosopher's Stone! "Philosopher's Stone! The great alchemy medicine in heretical legends, the fifth element, the panacea!"

Paladin's face was full of shock, and cold sweat dripped from his body. This legendary Ripley Scroll is not difficult to understand, even surprisingly simple. Paladin, who has seen many alchemists' manuscripts borrow a lot of code words and riddles, can see at a glance how this Philosopher's Stone is made and what it is. But because of this, he was shocked!

"How is it possible... this Philosopher's Stone, regardless of the size of its mass, can decompose and reorganize matter at will?! This... is really the realm of God! But... he uses the lives of countless living people to make it. Material refining! Countless living people..."

At this time, the morality and conscience in Palatine's heart were awakened and began to attack his sanity. Paladin couldn't help but take a few steps back, and the scroll in his hand suddenly fell to the ground without knowing it. The monstrous waves are rolling in my mind!

"People, the lives of countless people! Do I have to sacrifice other people's lives if I want to gain power? Do I have the right to take away other people's lives? I, would it be wrong to do so? But this power, really It's tempting... no! I'm a human, a real human being! If I do this, what's the difference between a beast!"

ps: Don't be fooled by the end of this chapter. .