Lord of Glory

Chapter 61: buy slaves


Paladin's face was expressionless, but he cursed the bastard slave owner in his heart. This is an obvious starting price! Generally speaking, an adult man can sell for one to two gold coins. It's already the limit. Three gold coins, that's a price only for women. This slave owner is clearly deceiving Palatine as a priest!

However, you can't bargain. Paladin clearly wears a mask of justice, but once you bargain, it gives people the feeling of a philistine. Absolutely no bargaining. I saw Paladin nodded in the expectant gaze of the five young people, took out fifteen gold coins from his pocket and handed them to the ecstatic slave owner: "Let them go."

"Okay, okay, you're a guest, you can say what you say." The slave owner couldn't keep his mouth shut. Immediately let the thugs next to him open the iron cage. Paladin squatted down immediately, untied his shawl and draped it over the sleek man, and said with a great expression: "Come on, follow me. Get out of this dirty place." "Well... brothers, we It's time to go home!" The leading man held Paladin's palm with tears in his eyes, walked out of the cage with the other four excited companions in the cage, and looked at Paladin with grateful eyes.

At this time, Paladin clearly saw many nobles whispering and snickering. Xu thought that Palatine was an idiot, and snickered in a good way. Seeing this, Paladin immediately said to the man headed with a holy face: "Do you know why I save you and not others?" "Ah?"

Five men you look at me, I look at you. In addition to confusion in his eyes, he was also suspicious. Paladin smiled and picked up the handkerchief, helped the man wipe off the stain on the scar on his chest, and said with a serious face, "Because you have hope in your eyes. But they don't. It's worth saving you."

Immediately, the snickering nobles fell silent. Paladin's words not only explained his reasons for saving them, but also said that these slaves had lost the courage to live. He also scolded these nobles with a pun: "You are dressed in gorgeous clothes, but you refuse to do these kind of labors. What is the difference between you and a slave with a dead heart?" , but bowed his head, bearing the condemnation of his conscience.

But this is not in the scope of Paladin's consideration. When he was about to make a full scene, he called a carriage to take him back to his church in Pakistan. In an iron cage behind him, an inhuman howl suddenly sounded: "Hoohoho!" Paladin immediately turned his head alertly, but saw a steel cage that was obviously reinforced and then reinforced, a man three heads taller than himself, and his arms A big man as thick as his own waist, an iron cover was placed on his mouth, and his hands were firmly tied with iron chains. He looked at Paladin with red eyes, and wanted to eat him in one bite. And at this moment, the slave owner wailed and said with a displeased face: "It's miserable, the beast woke up. It's impossible to do business today!"

"Beast?" Paladin frowned, looking at the big man. He was surprised to find that this giant man not only had lush body hair, but his pupils were erect like a wild beast. The fingers of both hands are covered with sharp and thick hooked claws. In the mouth covered by the iron cover, neat and sharp teeth can be vaguely seen! But this slave owner ignored the secret laughter of his peers, frowned at a thug and scolded: "What's the matter! I want the sleeping pills for ten people? Why did you wake up so quickly!" "Boss, I do not know either."

Paladin, who was familiar with alchemy, closed his eyes and was very surprised. Sleeping pills for ten people, those who put it in for ordinary people will die! But the tone of the slave owner is to fight every day! What kind of monster is this giant! "What's going on with this person? Judging by his body, he should be a barbarian from the north." The helpless slave owner heard Paladin's question, and immediately rubbed his hands and smiled and said, "Yes, this thing is a barbarian from the north. But even his peers say he is a monster." A middle-aged noble next to him immediately laughed: "The barbarian among the barbarians, hahaha."

Paladin ignored the teasing of these nobles at all, looked at the crazy-eyed monster, and suddenly reached out to touch it. "Be careful!" The slave owner was startled and hurriedly wanted to stop it. Paladin immediately saw the monster staring at his hand, leaning forward with thirsty efforts, the mouth inside the iron hood kept biting up and down, trying to eat the hand into his stomach.

The slave owner hurriedly pulled back Palatine's hand and warned nervously: "This monster eats everything, even people! A mercenary stretched out his hand before, and was bitten by the monster to smash the iron cover, and then pierced through the armor on his arm. Iron armor, tear off the entire palm!" Paladin sighed, becoming more and more interested in this monster. It seems that there is no reason, only the ** and survival instinct of the beast. Paladin suddenly decided to buy this monster. "Boss, how much does he want?"

"Ah? What did you say?" The slave owner was startled and suspected that something was wrong with his ears. The surrounding nobles also looked at the Palatine with great interest. Who knows that Paladin said with certainty: "I want to buy it, how much will you pay?" "This... Father, it's really for your own good, this thing will only kill you!" "How much."" Alas...you don't listen to my advice, don't blame me if something goes wrong. If the priest really wants, a gold coin will do." The slave owner's face was helpless, but his heart blossomed with a smile. I can finally sell this monster that hasn't eaten much yet! As for whether the priest will be eaten or not, this is beyond the scope of the slave's main consideration.

Paladin took out a gold coin and handed it to the slave owner, and the five men beside him immediately asked puzzled: "Respected priest, why do you want to save him?" "Because, he is not desperate." Paladin felt that he was a philosophy at this moment. Family. After talking about a lot of things that he didn't even care about, the key is that these idiots really nodded ashamed. Almost made him laugh on the spot.

Paladin with a face full of virgins turned his head to look at the monster who wanted to eat him in one bite, narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand again with a smile, and said, "Hello, my name is Paladin." The slave owner watched silently, and the goods sold If he goes out, he won't be responsible for the accident. And he also vaguely expected this childish priest to be bitten, that kind of hilarious scene.

But at this moment, the 300 light elements around Palatine were frantically restless, and in case, they meant to bombard this monster. At this time, the monster that was longing for flesh and blood suddenly discovered that the delicious meat in front of him had turned into an extremely terrifying and ferocious monster! The terrifying and deadly aura made him conform to his instinct, and the weak obey the beast instinct of the strong. The ferocious eyes became fearful, and he lowered his head timidly, trembling all over, feeling Paladin gently stroking his hair, making a whimper of begging for mercy.

"My Inos! What's the situation!" The slave owner was dumbfounded, and the surrounding nobles who knew the monster's power were dumbfounded. The slave owners around are even petrified! They saw things they didn't want to believe. A crepe priest even touched this monster's hair! What's more, this brutal monster in the past actually bowed his head very obediently! Paladin smiled slightly, ignoring the stunned scene of everyone present, squeezed a few words from his lips, and said in a low voice, "Good, good dog."

ps: I was wrong, I was really wrong! I played Dynasty Warriors 6 day and night for three days. I was so fascinated by it that I couldn't take it back all of a sudden. When I played until it was almost dawn, I suddenly realized that I didn't code words all day! I was wrong, I have to go back to my hometown the day after tomorrow. . . It's even more impossible not to play.