Lord of Glory

Chapter 65: Flamel family


"Ah! Huhu..." Paladin, who climbed up from the floor in the attic of the church again, looked at everything he was familiar with. Immediately relieved. This means that that terrible nightmare is temporarily over. But Palatine wasn't stupid either. After each fusion of light elements, it will enter this dream. And unlike ordinary dreams, you can't remember what happened. This dream is as real as being there!

Most importantly, the little baby in the dream and the huge inverted tree totem! The only time the Totem of the Fallen Tree was seen by himself was in the space where Ripley's scroll was sealed. A huge stone slab rising from the ground. At first, Paladin thought it was just a wild idea to have such a dream. But one after another, and the dreams that were not repeated, made Paladin realize that there was an extremely complicated meaning in it. It's hard to say, this dream has a major relationship with the Philosopher's Stone, that is, with the inverted tree!

Thinking of doing it, Paladin immediately jumped up and opened the piles of bookshelves, and began to read all kinds of bizarre alchemy books one after another. Palatine believed that since the Philosopher's Stone came from alchemy, the inverted tree should also be related to alchemy. There should be a description in the canon.

But unfortunately, Paladin has been rummaging through book after book, such as "The Encyclopedia of Alchemy", "On the Origin of Alchemy of Various Schools", "The Origin of Alchemy", and even "Dark Alchemy Digest". , but there is still no information about the inverted tree. However, just when Paladin was about to give up, he finally got a rare book, Heresy and the Gods, which could be used as a miscellaneous book, but it made Paladin's eyes shine.

What this book is about is nothing more than the five main gods of all races and beliefs on the Orosen Continent. The representative of hope and justice, Inos, the god of light. Belair, the god of darkness and despair. Nasius, god of thunder and storms of the sea. Jakono, god of nature of plants and earth. As well as "The Furnace and War" is that the major sects of the gods all accuse each other of being heretics. Your own God is the true God. But Palatine naturally doesn't care about these things.

What he paid attention to was that there was only one page in it, telling about a mysterious sect. called Illuminati. The people of this sect are a group of the most dangerous and terrifying God-defying people. A true heresy that does not worship any god. And the core idea of this sect is an illustration. The painting is the inverted tree that Paladin was tracking down!

It was scribbled on it. This pattern is called Kabbalah inverted tree. It is said that God drove the first human beings out of the supreme paradise. Because they fear that these creations will one day surpass them. Put the shackles on everyone. And this Kabbalah tree is the shackles that God has placed on people!

"Shackles?" Paladin frowned and thought carefully. But still can't understand why this pattern is a shackle? How could something without a keyhole be a lock? But reality didn't give Paladin more time to think about it, and there was a sudden knock on the door downstairs. "Hey." He sighed softly. Palatine closed the book and went downstairs. Seeing Aberle lying on the ceiling stretched out his tongue and looked at Paladin eagerly. The latter shook his head immediately. Just kidding, give this guy cannibalism in the daytime, he doesn't want to mix with Paladin! "Which believer? This morning's prayers haven't started yet!" Paladin said, putting on the robe of God. Put on the cross and take up the shabby scepter. The door opened with a snap.

"Oh, venerable priest, this is a letter to you." As soon as the door was opened, a young man with a corner hat politely handed a red-painted envelope in his backpack to himself. Paladin immediately picked up the envelope in confusion and looked left and right, and couldn't help asking, "Are you sure this is for me?" "That's right."

The messenger was a little uncomfortable with Palatine's insistence. This is an insult to his profession. But at least the other party was a priest, so he politely answered: "Your name is Paladin, Flamel. Father." "Well..." Paladin agreed hesitantly, in exchange for a messenger who was exactly like that. Appearance: "Look, this is sent to you. Look at the words on the cover." Paladin followed his words, but he saw a sentence written in a very beautiful font that almost made Paladin go crazy: "Send it to me. Son, Palatine, Flamel. Love your mother Aaron, Flamel."

In an instant, Paladin's expression changed dramatically! But in an instant, it returned to normal, and the face showed a warm look of reminiscence. "Father, it's your letter." "Well, thank you. I don't have much money, so I'll take these." Paladin smiled calmly, took three gold coins from his pocket and handed them to the messenger, like this The sudden surprise made the messenger uncontrollable: "Father, this is too precious!"

Who knew that Palatine suddenly waved his hand, took out a pen and paper from the table next to him, and immediately wrote a letter quickly. Then he sealed the opening with red paint and handed it over to the messenger who understood: "I would like to ask you to give this letter to Bishop Andrew of Adeley." "Okay. Thank you, Father!" The money was not in vain. He also said goodbye to Palatine happily, and immediately rode on the sorrel horse tied at the door, and galloped away in a swish.

After the messenger left, Palatine's indifferent face instantly turned gloomy. He took out the letter and opened it, only to see two or three short sentences written on it.

My son Palatine:

You've been away from home for two months, and you haven't sent a letter back. Make me and your sister worry all day. Come back to see when you have time. Your father's health is getting worse and worse. Your eldest brother went out to join the army, and he didn't know whether to live or die. If you don't want to send your letter back, we'll have to set off to find you!

love your mother.

Aaron, Flamel

The moment he saw the letter, there were only two words in Paladin's mind, that is: "Silence!" He twisted the fragile paper with force, and Paladin's face became more and more gloomy: "We must not let them come. I found out that I am not the original Paladin, but an impersonator. I can't help but waste my hard work in the past few months, and I am also wanted by the Principality of Kasmi, so I have to start over with a new look!"

Palatine muttered viciously to himself. He immediately thought about the eradication plan. He vaguely remembered that the Palatine family was located in the city of Fenrir in the parish of Fenrir. Although it is a small noble family, it is much more conspicuous than ordinary people. After calculating the distance, it would take at least a whole day to rush back and forth on horseback. Not counting the time spent in the middle of various silencers. Time does not wait, keeping this family is always a potential hazard that must be cleaned up at lightning speed!