Lord of Glory

Chapter 7: Philosopher's Stone


Paladin crawled out of the tunnel in embarrassment. Collapsing in the library. As soon as his body went up, runes appeared at the entrance of the tunnel, and it turned into a flat ground. Only the engraved seal remains, proving that everything just now is not a fantasy, but a real existence.

Paladin grabbed the scroll in his arms, and after confirming that it was not lost, he breathed a sigh of relief. When preparing to escape this place of right and wrong. Suddenly there were hurried footsteps outside the door! Paladin stomped and was about to dodge, but it was too late.

A guard covered in armor with a hooked scythe saw Paladin at first sight, and immediately picked up the tip of his spear and shouted at Paladin: "Who are you! The dean ordered that all the students go back to the dormitory, what are you doing here!" Paladin unconsciously Take a step back, rummaging through the solution in your head. But he was a little horrified: "The dean ordered martial law? Could it be about Ripley's scroll? Does he know something? It's not good!"

The guards who were on guard suddenly saw ice slag scattered on the ground beside the door. There were still meat and blood in the ice slag. There are even eyeballs and hair. His eyes widened immediately! At this moment, Paladin's eyes flashed fiercely. When is this time still

Palatine jumped up. Picked up a porcelain bottle on the table, and patted it under the front of the guard! With a bang, the guards also called out before it was too late, and the whole person fell to the ground in response. Without saying a word, Palatine immediately took off the guard's armor and clothes, and put it on. Seeing that there was no one else in the passage, Palatine immediately loaded up the guards from the large sack under the table for books. Kang quickly rushed to his small attic.

"Look around! As soon as you see a student or a tutor who is out, he will be executed immediately! This is the order of the dean!" Running down the aisle with difficulty, Paladin immediately heard a hundred or ten guards gathered below, listening to the leader's words. .

The former agreed immediately, took the long sword and the hooked sickle spear, and began to search everywhere. "We have to hurry, we can't stay here any longer. We must escape from this place." Paladin in armor made up his mind, stepped up his strength, and ran to the tower quickly.

With a bang, the dilapidated door closed tightly. Palatine dropped the guard at will. Without saying a word, he started to take off his armor. "Huhuhu..."

Wearing 20 pounds of armor, he carried a person for so long. The sweat on Palatine's body soaked through his clothes, and he lay on the ground and gasped for breath. But at this time, there is no time for him to rest. Paladin decisively took out the Ripley scroll and spread it out, and immediately took out the carving knife and started carving according to the magic circle on the scroll.

According to Paladin's self-taught technique for many years, carving a magic circle is a piece of cake for him. Paladin still opened the carving knife, looked at the four positions on the array that contained the four elements, and immediately took the water bottle on the table and poured it on the icosahedron. Then take a wooden stick and set it on a regular tetrahedron. Sprinkle the soil from the flowerpot on the cube. Then he gritted his teeth, dragged the fainted guard to the center of the circle, and immediately jumped away, blowing lightly at the regular octahedron in the last position. . .

Quiet. . . Still quiet. Nothing happens! With a panicked look on Palatine's face, he immediately took the scroll to take a closer look. He murmured in his mouth: "Why... why didn't the magic circle start, why didn't it start?"

Paladin's pupils, who looked at every inch of Ripley's scroll, shrank instantly, because he saw the heart of the humanoid figure that symbolized the god at the very center! "Yes, the heart, the heart that moves without blood! My blood, my Philosopher's Stone! My coat of arms!"

As Paladin muttered to himself, he recalled what the instructor said when he overheard the instructor's lectures: "You must have a key to activate the magic circle. That is the key to unlocking the operation of the circle. What key to design?"

Paladin paused, immediately picked up the carving knife from the ground, and without hesitation, separated his finger from the opening and tapped it on the guard's chest, but hesitated. "The coat of arms... what coat of arms... ah! God! Philosopher's stone against the gods... Hahaha!"

Paladin's face was twisted and twisted, and without hesitation, he quickly drew a bloody reverse cross on the guard's chest! Buzz! The magic circle on the floor immediately lit up with a dazzling red light and made a rumbling sound of tinnitus! Palatine jumped away immediately, watching all this frantically.

Xu is the sound of the magic circle awakening the sleeping guard. The guard with a splitting headache reluctantly opened his eyes, but happened to see Paladin standing in front of him, his eyes filled with madness and **, smiling happily! This is the last look.

"Ugh!" The guard instantly felt as if his whole body was being bitten by countless mouths, and the pain penetrated the bone marrow! Can't help screaming! Paladin suddenly saw that the guard's body and blood were melting at a rapid speed, turning into a skeleton in an instant. The flesh and blood that turned into smoke immediately gathered. It condensed into a small, almost invisible, pale red stone, which fell to the floor with a crisp ticking sound.

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Paladin immediately stepped forward and grabbed it in his hand. Indistinctly, it seems that I can feel the uneasy scream of the soul from the philosopher's stone. The excited Paladin suddenly calmed down, and a new question lingered in his mind: "The Philosopher's Stone is forged. But just the Philosopher's Stone, I did not gain strong power. At best, it is just free decomposition. , it's just a tool for reorganization.. Wait! Fusion! Disassemble and then reorganize, isn't it fusion!"

Paladin's eyes flashed! If the philosopher stone can be fused regardless of the material, doesn't it mean that even the magic elements can be directly fused? "Hahaha! Combining with magic elements is really bold! This is simply the power of gods, the power of gods!" Paladin's face full of madness, it was obvious that he had this bold idea in his mouth, and he was going to try it without hesitation!

But then, Paladin was a little embarrassed. He is destitute, let alone the magic core that stores magic energy, and he has never even seen a magic scroll! Where can I find magic to fuse? And just when Paladin was secretly anxious, time had flown away unknowingly. Soon it was early morning. The first ray of sunlight broke through the thick clouds, shot directly into the window in Palatine's room, and sprinkled on the tabletop.

"Huh?" Palatine suddenly smelled a faint burnt smell, and couldn't help but look back. I was seeing the magnifying glass on the table, through the stronger and stronger sunlight, the light was gathered into a single point. Point on the white paper and burn a small hole.

That burnt smell came from here. "This..." Palatine's mouth gradually cracked a sinister arc. He doesn't have the magic element, so I don't know if the sunlight can be merged? To put it bluntly, the sacred magic of the Holy See is similar to the essence of sunlight!