Lord of Glory

Chapter 79: brutal reality


"You, you, and you. You are more flexible. Go in and see what this priest is doing!" After the Paladin closed the door, Harvey instructed the three soldiers with a gloomy face. No wonder Harvey was weird. A priest suddenly wants twenty prisoners! What does he want to do? It's not enough to make Harvey unsuspect.

But because of the orders of his friend Kaleich, this Palatine is unfathomable. Don't provoke him. That's why he didn't rush in with someone and pointed his sword at Paladin to ask why. Only let three subordinates peek at what he is doing. It's already very nice. After all, they are not friends, and even the value connection of mutual use is very fragile, and it is reasonable to turn their faces and not recognize people.

However, after waiting for a long ten minutes, Harvey felt that something was wrong. Half an hour after instructing a soldier to sneak in. Palatine opened the door. "Captain Harvey, what's the matter with you? Why are you waiting here? Do you want to come in for a cup of hot tea?" "Father, can you see my men?"

Harvey realized that something was wrong, but he asked calmly. However, Paladin who responded to it just shook his head hypocritically. Suddenly a bag of thirty gold coins was thrown over to Harvey. In an inscrutable tone, he said, "Take it well, Captain, there are four more prisoners you gave me. You can't be wronged." After saying that, he smiled contemptuously and slammed the wooden door shut. Only Harvey, who was embarrassed, held back for a while before roaring in a low voice, "Let's go!"

Paladin, who was staying in the house, dragged the twenty-four unconscious people into the basement swiftly. The clothes and armor of the four hapless men were also pulled off and thrown into the backyard. As soon as he entered the basement, the light of the white phosphorous flowers blooming on the corpses piled up next to him shone a bit strangely in the gloomy basement, and in this strange darkness, two blood-red eyes suddenly lit up.

A burst of low and wild voices came over. Paladin casually left a comatose woman on the cold floor, glared at the monster in the dark and shouted, "Aberley! Come and help, don't you want to fill your stomach!" Sure enough, when I heard Paladin's words Rebuking, the monster blinked its blood-red eyes, and its huge body came out of the shadows. , it was Aberle who was locked up for a day.

Wait until Aberle carried all twenty-four people into the basement. Looking at the full basement in front of him, Paladin pointed at a fat middle-aged woman and said to Abelly, "Take it and eat it. Don't bring the bones back." With a sound, he lifted the fat woman on his shoulders and disappeared into the church in a few moments.

Paladin calmly closed the door of alchemy and began to depict the stone of truth on the ground again. Water, soil, fire, blow air. When the alchemy door in the basement was opened, Palatine came out again. In his hand, there is an extra stone of truth the size of a potato! Correspondingly, there were also twenty-three terrifying mummified corpses in the basement. Shi Shiran returned to his room, which was also on his alchemy platform.

Palatine locked the door with his backhand, took out a scale and placed it on the stage. The thumb and index finger of the right hand were pinched together and suddenly opened, and a golden light beam appeared between the two fingers. I saw Paladin swipe lightly, and the Stone of Truth immediately separated in half. You can even see the faces looming inside from the cut holes. These are the results of the imprisonment of flesh and soul.

Therefore, at this moment Paladin is like a financial, careful calculation, constantly measuring, constantly cutting, so that the two separated stones of truth are balanced on the scale. After that, cut a thumb-sized stone of truth from it and put it on the other side. Paladin has already made plans, and the fusion of light elements will seriously consume his own vitality. Then just divide the stone of truth into two pieces to absorb, one to increase life, and one to merge light elements. Wouldn't it be enough to cancel two or two? That extra portion will increase your life, and you will be prepared.

Very satisfied, Palatine swallowed the extra stone of truth into his mouth. Immediately, the Stone of Truth, which looked as solid as a stone, entered his mouth, as if it suddenly turned into water, and instantly flowed into his stomach and spread to his limbs and bones. Indescribably comfortable and enjoyable. When the sky was bright and the sun shone into the house, the pain of the fusion of light elements still made Paladin miserable, and after all, he shook his head and fainted again on the ground.

In the same dream, Palatine sat in the circle of gluttony, looking at the black baby in the distance. When I touched it, I didn't feel any pain. The broken arm of my left hand was missing, and it turned out to be an empty chaos. Paladin was not only surprised by this, but he was even more surprised by the black baby! At this point, it is no longer possible to describe this thing as a baby. As if he had grown up, a pure black teenager sat opposite Palatine, with an intriguing smile still on his face, and kept calling: "Hey me, feed me." "Do you know me? Why did you eat my arm? What's your name? Do you have parents?" "Um..." To Paladin's expectations, when he finished talking about these unanswered questions, the boy who had been feeding me over and over again suddenly nodded. nodded. The little hand gradually lifted.

Paladin's pupils contracted violently! Because the black boy raised his finger and pointed at Paladin himself, squeezing out the boy's slightly shrill voice: "You..."

"Huhuhu..." Paladin suddenly turned over and sat up. A cold sweat soaked the robe. Every time he saw this black monster, Paladin had the purest fear wrapped around him. It felt really bad to say. But in the next moment, Paladin suddenly turned the clouds into the sun, and the happy smile happened! If you look closely, there are thousands of golden light elements around you!

But the smile that had just bloomed on Paladin's face didn't last long, and suddenly collapsed. Because he counted it carefully, he found out that although there were more golden elements, there were only 1004! "That's all? This is the stone of truth for 11 people! If you count 60 light elements, it's at least 1,500!" Paladin's face showed shock and solemnity. Suddenly he realized what he really wanted. The frustration on his face was obvious to anyone.

"The amount of elements for seven people is 420. I used to have 600. The total is just over 1,000. But there are still four people's share... 1004..." Paladin suddenly sighed deeply, mixed with With unconcealed loss and frustration, he said: "After breaking through the amount of one thousand elements, can an ordinary person's life only provide one element? It's too harsh, it's too harsh!"

Paladin stood up angrily, with an endless frustration on his face: "Isn't this asking me to use thousands of human beings to refine the stone of truth! If this goes on, if you want to become a real strong man , 100,000, millions of elements! Not to mention a parish, even if I eat up all the people in the Principality of Kasmi, it's not enough!"