Lord of Glory

Chapter 81: Two in one


"Impossible, you are not my brother!" Alfred immediately retorted. But looking at Paladin's weird smile, I suddenly realized something, and said with a gloomy expression: "What did you do to my brother!" "Oh, you said that the fool named Paladin." Paladin said with his left hand. Begin to loosen the right glove. His eyes became gloomy: "I have been buried in the forest for several months."

"Die!" Although Alfred guessed the answer, he still went berserk when he heard the confession of the murderer of his brother. He raised his long sword and rushed up, slashing at Paladin's head. "Humph."

Paladin looked at this sword with disdain. Now he has a thousand light elements, and his strength is stronger than that of a great magician of the same level. What's more, what about this ordinary warrior who doesn't have any magic elements and can't form a circle of law? Just hear a bang. Alfred was shocked to see that the scum who pretended to be his younger brother actually grabbed the sword he slashed down with just his right hand! And he felt unbelievably that he didn't seem to be slashing on soft meat, but on hard metal!

"Alfred, you really shouldn't have come here to seek death yourself." Paladin said jokingly, his right hand suddenly glowed with golden light, and Alfred was shocked to see that the sword he was holding was slowly changing. Red and hot! This is the melting phenomenon caused by the extremely high temperature! I saw that the sword body that turned into red iron slurry didn't take a moment, and immediately fell to the ground. When Alfred didn't realize what kind of magic this was from his shock. Paladin swung his left hand up immediately, clasped Alfred's face at once, and fell to the ground with a bang. The latter immediately widened his eyes and spurted out a little blood.

Paladin leaned down, waved his hand at will, and immediately golden chains emerged from the air, binding Alfred up and down, unable to move. Paladin lowered his head and looked at Alfred's unbelievable gaze, and suddenly said with a smile: "You can be reunited with your brother, parents and sister in a moment."

For a moment, Alfred's eyes showed incomparable hatred, and he stared at Paladin with a grin, wishing to eat each other in one bite. Looking at this expression, Paladin suddenly continued sarcastically: "Oh? You don't know? You don't know that I killed your whole family? What a pitiful person. Hahahaha."

After saying that, he saw Alfred didn't say a word, just stared at him fiercely. Suddenly feel dull. He took out the death rain from his sleeve, shook the pale green liquid in front of him and said, "Do you know what this is? It's poison, and people who don't know dark alchemy can never see the cause of death. You It will only be considered as heart failure and death. Think about it, my Palatine family was killed, the only relative, my brother came to visit me. But because of the backlog of hatred and anger, my brother died of anger in the church. Hey, I I am the most pitiful person. I believe that after examining the cause of death, no one will suspect me, and even if they do, there is no evidence. What do you think?"

"Ah! I'm going to kill you, kill you! Even if I become a despicable undead, I will eat your soul!" Paladin listened to this guy who couldn't bear the curse of anger and hatred. He just opened the bottle cap with a smirk and refused to open his mouth when he saw that he was dead. Paladin twisted and dislocated his chin in his hand, and regardless of the latter's painful expression, he opened Alfred's chin and was about to When the medicine is poured down. An unexpected thing happened suddenly!

Hearing a bang, Paladin suddenly saw that his right hand was wrapped in a sudden flame. That flame is not ordinary red and yellow, but dazzling gold! But Paladin didn't have time to react, and the sharp pain from his palm suddenly made his eyes widen, and he couldn't bear the pain and roared: "Ah! It hurts me!"

Paladin immediately broke out in cold sweat, soaking his clothes. Throwing away the medicine bottle, Paladin subconsciously raised his left hand in an attempt to knock out the flame. But surprisingly, when the left hand slapped past, there was no burning sensation at all. Instead, it was just an illusion, and it didn't exist at all. However, when the flesh on his right hand was scorched and fell off, the bones inside were also broken by the burning roots, and the taste of severe pain struck Palatine's brain extremely strongly. He had to stand up all of a sudden, his face flushed red and he fell to his knees again, trembling Doom covered his scorched right hand.

Alfred was stunned, what is this! The guy who was going to poison himself was suddenly set on fire. And depending on the situation, the flame can't be extinguished, it can't be extinguished! This is simply the blessing of Inos, the god of light!

Alfred, who thought so, suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity for the Jedi to counterattack, and immediately struggled hard. Sure enough, although the golden chain of light was strong, with Alfred's efforts, the chain became darker and weaker. I believe that it won't be long before I can break the chains and let this beast who killed the whole family go to hell forever!

"Ah ah ah!" Palatine knelt on the ground, staring blankly at the golden flames that kept burning his arms. He couldn't figure out what was wrong, what was wrong. He could even feel that the golden light elements around him seemed to be rebelling at the moment, rushing towards his arms and attacking his master! "Backlash?"

Paladin murmured weakly, he was so hurt that he didn't even have the strength to shout. At this moment, his eyes are emitting more and more weakened golden light, but the light of the almighty eye emerging on his forehead is getting stronger and stronger. But of course Palatine didn't know that. But Alfred, who was struggling, could see it clearly!

"My Inos, what kind of monster are you!" Alfred looked at Palatine's three golden eyes, and a chill rose from his heart. But at this time, Paladin's vision was gradually blurred, and his ears were only buzzing with tinnitus. He could even feel that he was about to enter the hall of death. .

"Are you willing? How can you be willing. This power is too unstable, and now it turns out to be the host. Will I be burned by this flame and die here? I haven't got what I want." Paladin thought so. With a little tears in his eyes. There was despair in the depths of his pupils. But at this time, the black boy's weird smile suddenly flashed before his eyes, and that voice was like an urging to feed me, feed me. .

"Get out of my mind! You little brat!" Paladin roared, just as he was venting the suffocation in his heart. This black boy appeared in front of him again, only to hear his hazy voice penetrate the space and echo directly into the depths of Paladin's soul: "I won't let you die."

A miracle happened!

I saw that the Almighty Eye on Paladin's forehead suddenly burst into a splendid brilliance. Paladin only felt that the weak self just now was gone forever, and the boundless physical strength was replenishing his body. The ears are normal and the vision is clear.

Paladin opened his mouth and stared blankly at Alfred who also opened his mouth blankly. Suddenly, the golden flame in his hand disappeared. The right hand that should have been burned to the ground is now intact. No, it can't be said to be intact! At this moment, Alfred and Paladin both stared at Paladin's right hand. From elbows to fingertips exposed on burnt sleeves. This elbow, from the inside out, turned into a dazzling golden color, completely crystallized!

Paladin's crystallized arm turned in a daze, tried to move his fingers, and clenched his fist. He clearly saw that in the crystallized and translucent arm, there were no bones, blood vessels or meridians. All are golden crystallization, like a golden crystal as a whole. Paladin took a deep breath, he could feel the power that was even more peak than his heyday! The dazed face gradually showed a smile and muttered: "It turns out that it is not backlash, but evolution."

Paladin lowered his head, looked at Alfred's shocked expression, and suddenly walked towards him step by step, grabbed his face, and put his head close to his face. Looking at his full of despair, Paladin suddenly felt blessed, his hands covered his cheeks, and the almighty eye on his forehead was instantly golden, staring at Alfred. Only to hear Paladin say in a low voice: "Look at my eyes!"

"Ah ah ah!" Suddenly, the almighty eye shot a beam of light directly on Alfred's forehead. Paladin could clearly feel that there were 500 light elements on his body that were beginning to become unstable and gradually approached Alfred. Suddenly, it was as if the soul was torn in half. Palatine gritted his teeth at once to endure the pain.

Alfred's screams got louder and louder. At this moment, Paladin saw Alfred's eyes in the screams, and his eyes gradually radiated golden light like his own! As if the music stopped in shock, Alfred's screams stopped abruptly. There was an eerie silence in the house. After the beam of the Almighty Eye went out, Paladin immediately let go of his hands and stumbled into the chair, gasping for breath. Alfred, on the other hand, knelt on the ground as if dead, the golden chains on his body had disappeared, but he closed his eyes and said nothing.

Paladin saw that he had lost half of himself, leaving only five hundred light elements. But there was no sign of despair. Because the other half of his light elements have all become Alfred's elements at this moment! It is surrounding him, forming his Dharma ring! Or to put it another way, Palatine didn't lose 500 elements.

At this moment, Paladin closed his eyes very excitedly, and then slowly opened that moment. Alfred also opened his eyes at the same time. "Hello" "Hello" At the same time, Paladin and Alfred said hello to each other at the same time. Paladin couldn't help laughing, and the former laughed immediately.

This kind of feeling is very strange, obviously it is only myself, but it seems to control two bodies and share two perspectives! Paladin's thoughts moved, and immediately from another perspective, that is, Alfred's perspective, he stood up and looked at his avatar. He looked at his hands and feet and pinched his cheeks. Both laughed at the same time.

That's right, it's a clone! With the evolved Paladin, the all-powerful eye can not only read other people's memories, but even split up his clones, making Alfred a Paladin too! It's just that the body on the body is different. Paladin's thoughts moved again, his clone, Alfred immediately stepped forward and helped Paladin.

When he was about to go downstairs, he suddenly saw his burnt sleeve, and immediately stretched out his hand, and the moment he stretched out, the clone had already taken out the clothes in the cabinet and put it on Paladin's hand. Two in one. Whether it's Paladin or Alfred, it's Paladin. The two are actually one person. One person controls two **. Thinking of this ability, Paladin laughed heartily again.

Perhaps, only the increase in strength can make him smile sincerely.

ps: sh10125 book friend, you have so many suggestions that I am scared. . . . So much material certainly makes me happy, because it can enrich the plot and characters of the book. . . But that's too much. . . I can only apologize, I can't use up so many materials. .

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