Lord of Glory

Chapter 82: Go to the front line


**Ba The crowd wandering outside the church was suspicious, wondering if the two would fight. Alfred and Palatine came out of the church looking very friendly. I saw Paladin patted Alfred on the shoulder and said, "Brother, the heavy responsibility of the family is left to you. I am a clergyman and cannot have heirs."

Alfred sighed with grief on the surface. But it can't be counted as Alfred at this time. Only part of the Palatine remains in this husk. "Brother, take care of yourself." Alfred said goodbye under Paladin's control, then stepped on the horse in front of the onlookers, raised the rope to stir up a cloud of dust, and galloped away.

The civilians around didn't dare to go to the Palatine until this time. One or two girls who were to be married said with stars in their eyes: "Father, who is that handsome and elegant person just now." "Ah, my brother." "Wow! I really can't tell it's a brother at all! If I can marry him..." "Stop daydreaming, I am worthy of such a knight!" Paladin looked at these with a smile on his face. In front of the garbage, there were bursts of exclamations and yearnings. Immediately, a sense of disgust spread.

Today Paladin is going to check on the towns of Chizilar and Faramir, which Bishop Andrew gave him. Just enough to push away those annoying flies. But at the moment Palatine is controlling Alfred at the same time, not only can he see the church and the noisy crowd in front of him. You can also see the speeding road and the receding woods. After Paladin confirmed that he had a doppelganger, an extremely lucrative and cruel way to make money surfaced. As long as there is cooperation between the main body and the avatar, this method can be achieved! Thinking of being happy, Paladin couldn't help laughing.

But one thing that made Paladin very speechless suddenly happened at this moment.

The avatar, who is currently riding a horse, is gradually familiar with and mastering this body. But at this moment, the **** white horse suddenly exclaimed, suddenly stopped the pace of galloping, raised his buttocks high, the clone did not pay attention, and flew up with a swish, carrying more than 20 pounds on his body. The light armor fell to the ground five meters away! "Cough cough cough... You bastard, you dare to dump me, I am your master!" The clone limped and stood up. Paladin felt that the ** he had just received was seriously injured at the moment. Gently touching his elbow, he bared his teeth and grinned in pain.

The very angry clone immediately turned to stare at the white horse and yelled. If it weren't for the fact that he had five hundred elements of the body at the moment, he could repair the damaged flesh and replace it with the original Alfred. "Ming Mingming!" The white horse saw that the suspected owner took a step towards him, and immediately retreated in panic, the horse's hooves kept kicking in a panic, as if warning this person not to approach him.

The clone stopped immediately, he pulled back the messy red hair, frowned and stared at the white horse. He could clearly feel the strangeness and even the fear in the eyes of this white horse. Unlike humans, animals do not recognize people only by smell and appearance. Animals are much more sensitive than humans. Therefore, this warhorse, who was close to the dead Alfred, was able to detect something wrong at the first time. This guy in the garb of the master will not be the master.

The clone clearly noticed the strangeness of the white horse. Immediately showed a fake smile, slowly approached the white horse, imitating Alfred in memory and said, "What's wrong? Dear Adam, have you forgotten me? I'm your friend. Remember the days in the fortress? I'm going around the fort with you. You like to swim in the moat the most. Every time the servants feed you, they keep complaining that you're soaking wet."

Perhaps it was an animal psychic, Baima heard the guy call his name, and saw the guy who was suspected of being the owner told his memories with a familiar expression and tone. Suddenly, Adam seemed to see his original master again, the master who fought side by side and crushed the enemy on the battlefield! In this way, the clone was gradually approached in front of him, and he gently stretched out his hand to stroke Adam's face. Although Adam dodged slightly, he did not refuse as much as before.

The clone smiled and gradually touched its fur. When he saw that the resistance in Adam's eyes became less and less, his expression suddenly changed and he jumped on his horse! "Ming!" Adam immediately screamed in fright, trying to shake off the clone on his back. But at this time, the face of the clone no longer had the gentle look it had before. Totally Paladin's expression.

I saw the clone slapped Adam on the back fiercely, and he almost fell to the ground regardless of Adam's shrill scream. The clone roared: "From now on, I'm your master! You stupid white pig!" "Ming!" Adam wanted to run, but he felt that the monster with the aura of Warcraft was too powerful. His four hooves were like being nailed to the spot. Can't move at all! There was only a cry of pleading. willing to surrender.

"Sir! Sir!" But at this moment, a rather immature call came from the front. The clone squinted and looked, but saw a young man with blond hair under fifteen years old in leather armor, riding a big chestnut horse, running over in a hurry. The clone was slightly taken aback after seeing the person coming. According to Alfred's memory, this guy is called Salander.

It is said that the body has a quarter of the blood of the desert Mulam people. So the skin looks slightly darker. But what has always troubled Alfred is, how did such a man of heretical blood become his squire? But to be honest, Salander's skills in taking care of horses are really worthless. Let the attendants of other knights humbly come to ask for advice. Full of face for Alfred.

"Sir! You suddenly left the Green Fortress. Master Hank will count the number tomorrow, and then follow the Grand Duke and other hundreds of nobles to go to the front line! Why are you here at this time? Come back with me!" The shivering white horse fell into contemplation. Hank is a baron loyal to Alfred, with fifty knights under his hands. Plus each knight with three or so attendants. That is, the apprentice knight.

There are also 200 cavalry troops. But what puzzled Paladin was that, according to memory, a stalemate with Ai Xinzhe had just formed a while ago. Why is there an all-out attack today? The clone doesn't understand, and I don't expect this attendant to understand. He just nodded and said, "Salander, today we're going back to the fortress overnight. We mustn't be late." "Let's go, sir, I'll carry the armor first. You lightly ride to the fortress. There are still I'm wearing a spare set of armor." The clone looked at Salander's nervous expression and knew that he also cared about his career. Without a second word, he took off the armor and handed it to him, and galloped away in only a robe.

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