Lord of Glory

Chapter 86: Tony, Carles


But what about the Count of Torch, Paladin didn't want to worry about it. What he cares about now is his own money. Obviously, Andrew and Nakalava abandoned themselves. And just now Paladin also clearly saw Harvey walking in the army. He grinned maliciously at himself. Therefore, Palatine can confirm that if he really honestly goes to the front line as an accompanying priest, the efforts of the past six months will be in vain. Therefore, first of all, you must establish your own partisan forces.

With that in mind, Paladin turned his attention to the priest who was accompanying him. At first glance, these priests were all excluded or untrusted by Andrew. An enemy of an enemy is a friend. Paladin had to select from among these priests the priests that could be used by him. Because most of these priests are true Inos believers. Faith fanatic. Others were suppressed because of conflicts of interest with Andrew. These people are what Paladin needs.

Looking at the petals flying all over the sky, accompanied by warm cheers. This roughly eight-hundred-strong army left Adley and set off towards Green Fortress. The sun on the side of the day was gradually sinking in the west, and it was already hanging on the side of the mountain. It is possible to sink into the darkness at any time and usher in the era of black domination.

Because the army was too large, Earl Torch camped on the grass not far away in order to avoid harassing the village. Eight hundred people brought out bread, dried bacon and wine. Clusters of bonfires were lit by the soldiers. Occasionally, I still have some money to go to the village to buy some fresh vegetables and meat, and cook a pot of thick soup on the bonfire. The tents were erected. The originally empty grass immediately turned into a forest with staggered passages.

Palatine came out of his tent and immediately saw a dozen priests surrounded by a bonfire not far away, eating the bread and wine in their hands. Paladin glanced at it, took the bacon he had bought from the soldiers, and walked straight to the priests.

"Hey, there's bacon here, who wants to order it?" Paladin tried his best to make his expression look kind, and directly found a place to sit down and dangled the bacon in his hand in front of these people. "Hmph, Your Excellency Auxiliary Bishop, as a priest, you openly eat meat, are you sorry for your position?"

Paladin raised his eyes and saw three of them showing disgust, and immediately excluded the three of them in his heart: "Don't call me an auxiliary bishop, everyone knows it, Andrew sent us out, it is a disguised exclusion. I, the auxiliary bishop, only exist in name only." But as soon as Paladin had finished speaking, one of the priests directly sneered: "Please address the bishop, Paladin. I don't understand the rules at all." After that, he and Several priests stood up immediately and left the bonfire without saying a word.

The other priests were silent, but Paladin ignored the few people who left, and continued to laugh: "Everyone here is rejected by Andrew, which means that everyone is a friend who shares weal and woe in the same boat. Come to me." "Bah, you and Andrew have the same virtue, they are both villains! We don't care to be with you!" The remaining seven priests immediately stood up with displeased faces, turned around and left. Immediately, only Palatine was left by the campfire.

But Paladin didn't show any expression, just broke a piece of bread, cut a piece of bacon and ate it himself. But he lamented in his heart: "They are all idiots, don't they even have a truly talented person?" At this moment, when Palatine was very disappointed, these priests were not talented. A young priest who was walking at the end suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the Palatine, and then looked at the companions who had left. Suddenly, as if he had made up his mind, he turned back to Paladin and sat beside him.

"Tony, what are you doing, come here, Tony!" At this moment, the priests suddenly found that the priest named Tony was not there, but when they turned around, they saw him sitting honestly in this hateful and dirty Palatine around. A priest who had a better relationship with him called out at once. But what chilled them was that Tony didn't say a word, didn't pay any attention to these companions, just sat there, watching the blazing flames in front of him.

"Tony!" The priest also tried to call him, but the priest next to him realized Tony's decision. He stopped the priest with a look of contempt on his face, and said disdainfully: "Stop screaming. He is trying to get along with this Paladin!" "This... Tony, you..." Tony kept silent, still watching intently flame. Those priests put the vitriolic vocabulary on him, and turned away in disappointment and disdain. It represents a complete break between the two.

Palatine glanced at this Tony slightly. Ordinary short brown hair, ordinary face, useless appearance. Paladin smiled vaguely, this Tony was just like him. So Palatine handed over the bacon and knife in his hand, and said softly, "Do you want to eat bacon?" "Thank you, Your Excellency." Tony immediately took the bacon very respectfully, and cut slices of bread sandwiched between them. Start your late dinner with a glass of wine.

"Your friends are gone, why are you staying? You realize that just now, you lost seven or eight friends." "Yes, Your Excellency." Tony swallowed the bread in his mouth. After a quick sip of wine. Only then did he turn his head to look at Palatine and said very seriously: "I lost a lot of friends. But I got a bishop who can change my life. Your bishop, my full name is actually Tony, Carles. My The family has fallen, and I have to rely on some money to make me a priest. But the life of a priest is not easy, especially for me at the bottom. Not only do I have a lot of things to do every day, but there are few opportunities to make real profits.”

Speaking of this, Paladin was expressionless, but there was a light in his eyes. And Tony continued with a bit of loss: "I have achieved nothing, even the funeral of my mother after her death is personally arranged by me. I can't even afford a decent coffin! Your Excellency, I heard that you are also a nobleman. And different It took me less than half a year to become a priest for three years, and you became an auxiliary bishop from a priest! And I heard that the ironware business of ** has a great relationship with you.” Tony Try to choose nice words, hoping not to disgust Paladin.

But instead of being disgusted by the rash words on Paladin's face, a deep smile appeared on his face. "Tony, Carles. You're a nobleman, just like me. You crave wealth and fame, glory and status. Because you're a nobleman, you're worthy of the name Carles. As long as you're willing to help me. "

"I'm willing! I'm willing to do anything!" Tony immediately lowered his voice and said eagerly. But Paladin couldn't put the man who had only met for half an hour on the trust list. He just smiled slightly, stood up and patted the dust, and said leisurely: "Go, it's hard to talk here. Let's go into the tent and talk about it." Tony nodded and said yes, but at this moment, a man walked towards him with wine. The middle-aged man with a beard standing on his face made Paladin's eyes stare!