Lord of Glory

Chapter 87: conspiracy


"Karech! Why are you here!" Paladin blurted out when he saw the person coming. The surprise on his face was clearly not a feint. This oncoming person is exactly Kaleich, who should have been there! Kaleich was stunned when he heard someone call him. When he saw Paladin's surprised face clearly, his shock was no less than the former: "Paladin! Why are you here!" Paladin's face was a little ugly, and suddenly he became serious, and he stepped forward and grabbed Kaleich's arm, Pull hard into a tent next to it. When Tony saw this, he stood outside the tent smartly, inspecting people who might be approaching.

"Kaleich, tell me. What benefit did Harvey give you?" In the tent, Palatine squinted at Kaleich. That look is that if he can't give Paladin a satisfactory explanation, he will surely regret it. Kaleich blinked, and suddenly asked suspiciously, "Harvey? What does this have to do with Harvey?" As soon as the voice fell, Palatine suddenly threw one hand and clasped Kaleich's neck! A powerful force came from his right hand, and Kaleich couldn't resist it at all, so Paladin grabbed his neck and lifted it up like a chicken.

No matter how hard the former struggled, it was useless. Seeing that Kaleich's face was already purple, his pupils full of fear were filled with blood. Just as Kaleich was about to be strangled to death by the expressionless Palatine. He loosened his hand and watched Kaleich fall to the ground, coughing in pain. Taking care of himself, he picked up a folding chair next to him and sat down, and handed a pot of water in the tent to Kaleich, whose voice became hoarse and knelt on the ground in pain.

As soon as the latter took over the water, he immediately raised his head and poured it. After Palatine waited until Kaleich felt better, he suddenly asked again, "What benefit did Harvey give you?" "No, no benefit." Kaleich said so out of breath, but suddenly saw Palatine gloomy again. He immediately argued: "It's really no good! My identity is the count's mercenary, and now he is going to the battlefield, as long as I take his money, I must go with him!"

Paladin didn't look like a fake Kaleich. He suddenly frowned and said: "It's incredible, you go out with the army, and I go out with the army. Then the **** property will be left unattended. Humph! Harvey's greed is beyond my imagination. It's hard to say. Andrew and the others were also involved." Palatine said to himself, leaving Kaleich confused. Palatine rolled his eyes to look at Kaleich's bushy beard, and suddenly asked, "You've gone on an expedition, what about your wife and my godson?"

"Of course they live in **. Although they are very opposed to my expedition, there is no way. If I terminate the employment relationship with the earl, all the property I have acquired will disappear." Hearing this, Palatine nodded silently. nod. He suddenly increased his voice and said, "Tony, come in."

Tony heard the words and immediately got into the tent. Paladin immediately introduced to Kaleich: "This is my subordinate, priest Tony, Carles. Tony, this is my partner and close friend, the mercenary Kaleich." Speaking of which, Paladin also Meaningfully added: "Of course, Kaleich also operates some ironware."

"Oh! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Tony heard it suddenly, and immediately flattered the middle-aged man who was a dozen years older than him. Kaleich smiled and perfunctory, but saw Palatine suddenly say to Kaleich: "Do you know why I'm here? It's your friend Harvey's credit!" "He? It's impossible. He's not..."

Kaleich was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to fight for his friend, Palatine waved his hand to stop Kaleich's words, and said with resentment and cruelty: "Harvey must die. I will not tolerate anyone who hurts my interests. He can still live under my nose! I want his wife and children to be buried with me, and the heads of his family to be hung on the treetops and eaten by birds beyond recognition!" After speaking, Paladin's eyes appeared in his eyes. Fierce light. Only Kaleich, who was about to persuade him, shuddered and swallowed his words. And Tony bowed his head in fear. Because Paladin's eyes at this time made him have a trace of fear.

"What are you going to do?" Kaleich said with a sigh. Between Harvey and Paladin, Kaleich is a very wise choice and the latter. Regardless of strength, momentum and means. The old man Harvey was far from being a match for the young priest. Paladin shook his hand and said mysteriously, "You don't have to worry about that. Just know one thing, if you survive this war, your wealth and power will be far more than that." He looked over at Tony and said, "So do you."

Seeing the excited eyes from the two of them, Palatine turned to Kaleich and said, "After everyone is asleep, go to Harvey, tell him, talk to him about something important, and be by your side. Then." Speaking of this, Palatine turned to Tony and said, "Wait and call me when you see Kaleich and Harvey go out." "Is this really okay?" Tony said very said uncertainly. He wished Paladin could tell him in more detail. However, Paladin has no intention of revealing the plan at all. "Don't worry, as long as you don't betray me. Things can work out."

Give these people a sedative. Palatine let the puzzled them disperse. As night fell, the soldiers, the count and the knights went to bed. The flames of the bonfire were also extinguished quite a bit. Only twos and threes of soldiers stood guard around, sleepily lighting torches and standing guard. Crouching beside the tent, Tony, who was drowsy and devoured his spirit, suddenly saw that Kaleich and Harvey, who had time to take off the armor, came out of the tent and went straight to the woods next to him, carrying torches. Tony was about to lift the tent and wake up the Palatine. But suddenly I saw Paladin's face full of energy, looking at him without any sleepiness.

"Uh, Bishop, you haven't slept yet?" "Well." Paladin gave a undeniable graciousness, then stood up and looked at the firelight gradually entering the forest in the distance: "Loyal or not, Kaleich, immediately Don't let me down." Paladin, who muttered to himself like this, followed directly. Tony looked left and right, but it was not easy to make a sound in such a quiet late night. He had to pick up a dagger and put it in his sleeve, keeping up with Paladin's footsteps.

Walked for ten minutes. Only then did Palatine see Kaleich standing in front of Harvey, not knowing what he was talking about. Clearly Harvey was in a bad mood. It doesn't feel good to be woken up while sleeping. But Palatine walked towards the two of them in a dignified manner. There was no trace of his intentions to hide. Tony behind him was shocked! Afraid of being seen by Harvey, he was about to warn Palatine. Harvey's mocking voice sounded in the distance: "Paladin, do you still want to kill me?"

ps: Pit father! The good ones have planes instead of trains. Also euphemistically called miss the past! I can't code words all day because of your sister. I thought it would be nine o'clock tonight, and I could update today's chapter, but your sister's late! How dare your sister be late for the train! The slow speed makes me want to eat the conductor! Well, I got to the city at 11 o'clock, got on a taxi and went home. Once I got in the house, I went online to upload the chapter. Your sister's machine complained that it was stuck on for a long time, and it was just past 0 o'clock when it was about to be updated! I made a lack of updates on this weekend for no reason! I even have suicidal thoughts!