Lord of Glory

Chapter 99: Pay attention to


"Oh! My Inos. This is simply impossible!" Seeing only a few seconds, the wound on Alfred's shoulder was immediately intact. Countess Olina jumped up in shock as if she saw Inos' real body descend. Not only that, even Baron Hank and Bob next to him looked at the intact skin in disbelief.

Everyone sitting here is aristocratic. Especially Olina, as an earl and head of the battlefield, there are countless wounds, big and small. Naturally, he fully understands how high a healing technique a priest can perform. Ordinary priest, systematically taught, and has years of experience using healing techniques for a long time.

Then, like the big hole on Alfred's shoulder, it would take a full half of the magic power, and it would take an hour to heal. Among the outstanding ones of the Holy See. Archbishop Sariel, who came to the front lines of the fort as a wartime medical priest, Toronto. His healing skills were unattainable in the Principality of Kasmi, including the other six archbishops. Although such a wound does not cost him much magic power, it cannot be completely healed with a wave of his hand! It is conceivable that this little-known Alfred's younger brother has such a powerful talent that he has not been discovered!

Just as Olina fell silent in the shock of the Palatine's mastery of healing. However, Paladin stood up like a normal meal, looked back at the other stupid attendants with a face as usual, squatted down with a harmless smile again and said, "Mr. Apprentice Knight, your leg is injured." "Huh?" A young The attendant suddenly came back to his senses. He didn't know his leg was injured. But when Paladin took off the leg armor, the large purple-black spread under the skin represented that it was seriously injured.

"Look, it must have been hit by a mace. Although the skin is not broken, the bones and muscles have been injured. If you don't treat it quickly, your leg will be useless." Paladin said so, gently He pressed the purple-black spot, and the attendant who was still suspicious immediately cried out in pain. In disguise it proves that what Paladin said was correct. These wounds were a bit unfamiliar to Paladin, but they couldn't help him. He couldn't sleep every night, and he opened all kinds of books to pass the time. Not only alchemy, but also all kinds of history, mathematics, art, medicine, etc. have been more or less exposed. This too obvious internal injury can be seen at a glance. Instead, it appears that Paladin is a very experienced healer.

At this moment, the countess, whose eyes suddenly widened, immediately opened her mouth to see that Paladin still touched her with such an internal injury, and after a while of golden light flashed. The attendant cried out in comfort immediately. The original purple and black place has disappeared. Perfect as ever. "Oh! Baron Sindup, is this really your brother?"

The countess looked at the brothers with the eyes of rare animals. One fights fiercely, bravely and honestly. Full of chivalry. The other brother, although he looks ordinary, has a kind heart, and his knowledge of healing is so high that she is surprised! She, Olina, made up her mind to talk to Archbishop Salil when things were over. How could such an outstanding priest be buried on the battlefield! You know, cases of manslaughter of priests on the battlefield are not uncommon.

The clone stood up and nodded slightly, but suddenly turned his head to look at the busy Paladin and scolded: "Brother, this is the earl's tent, you broke in abruptly, and you haven't apologized to the earl!" Paladin was shocked and immediately embarrassed He looked back at the countess, and was about to hurriedly kneel down on one knee to atone for his sins, the countess was very generous and generous, and asked curiously: "Flammel. Very familiar surname, your parent. Woolen cloth?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the clone and Paladin's body immediately dimmed. On the bright side, the avatar of his brother immediately said sadly: "Father and mother... Not long ago, they were slaughtered by mysterious gangsters and Fenrir." "Ah! Please forgive my presumptuousness."

The countess was taken aback at once. It was only now that she remembered why this surname was so familiar, when the magician who made a lot of noise some time ago attacked the nobles. Isn't that the last name of this Flamel! I still remember that at that time, the angry Marquis Camon and the Grand Duke pointed at the person in charge of the Kasmi Principality of the Forest of Helllit Towers and cursed aggressively. Let the person in charge reluctantly declare that Ai Xinzhe's Saruman is a heretic and no longer belongs to Hewlett, but he executes the order of execution.

Thinking of this, the countess's eyes suddenly turned with pity, watching the pair of brothers spinning around. I especially looked at Alfred, the melancholy beauty revealed under the red hair. Immediately, a maternal love and pity emerged, and the urge to hold Alfred and love him in his arms became more and more intense.

Fortunately, at this moment, another person broke into the tent, interrupting the count's fantasy. Everyone raised their heads, only to see a tired-looking Kaleich walked in wearing a Chinese dress. Raising his head, as soon as he saw the earl and everyone watching him, Kaleich immediately became smart, and under the gaze of Paladin who was veiled, he immediately knelt on the ground, and said with a sincere expression: "I'm still Lord Earl, please forgive me for my presumptuousness. I am Ser Kaleich, the head of the infantry regiment to which Earl Torch belongs."

Seeing the outsider, the countess immediately replied with that cold expression. But I saw Palatine immediately explained: "Kalec is a good friend of mine. He was worried about my brother's current situation and rushed over. He is a nobleman with chivalrous spirit. With his help, my life in the parish was settled. He is not only my benefactor, but also my elder, my dear friend." Hearing Palatine's words, the countess's expression gradually softened. However, Kaleich gave Paladin a very strange look, such nauseous words came out of this kid's mouth, out of understanding him, he would not be happy at all, he would only feel that there was a conspiracy in it.

The countess, who was still about to say something, suddenly realized that the delay was too long, and immediately picked up the sword and pinned it to her waist, and said to everyone: "I can't tell the story just now, I will go to see the Grand Duke and ask him to give orders. Everyone. After a hard battle, they are all warriors who can survive, and each one will be rewarded with a gold coin, go back and have a good rest." After that, the countess immediately walked away with her head held high, but when she passed Alfred, she was surprised. A very careful look. Hope to keep this true knight in my heart.

When the earl left, the clone and Paladin, as well as those attendants and Bob also left. The clone suddenly realized that Bob's expression was wrong, and turned away without saying a word. Just as he was about to ask him if he was feeling unwell, Baron Hank, who had been standing beside him with a cold face, suddenly approached him and whispered with anger and sarcasm, "Give up your oath, and go backwards for the sake of your future. This old woman. Alfred, you have not only defiled the coat of arms on your chest, your knighthood. You have also defiled your Flamel name!" But such a mean language did not allow the avatar, or the Palatine angry. He just turned his head with a smile and said with a victorious attitude: "Please call me Baron Sindup."

ps: Break through the 100 chapters mark, spread flowers~~~~ Everyone, help me to publicize it. .