Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 117: crime


"The deceitful land is a place where even the gods cannot gaze."/"Excuse me, which great existence do you have a relationship with?"

The two looked at the conductor at the same time, he was still calm, as if he hadn't spoken just now.

"I am a believer in the inheritance sage."

"Sorry, although this one is great, he is not qualified to let me change the direction of the train."

Jenkins was taken aback, saying this was implying that some gods might be eligible.

"I am a believer in the Dark Moon."

Women are trying too.

"Sorry, although this one is equally great, he is still not qualified to let me change the direction of the train."

Same answer.

"So, who can make you change the direction of the train?"

The woman asked again, but got no answer.

She was a little depressed, and she took off her hat and veil, revealing her delicate face.

"Boy, do you have any backing?"

"I do the math myself."

"It doesn't count."/"It doesn't count."

There was another sound almost at the same time, and the woman looked at the conductor in surprise, and then at Jenkins. Jenkins smiled shyly.

"By the way, I've heard of the Lord of Flowers!"

After thinking for a long time, Jenkins remembered this one.

Before the words fell, the conductor really spoke out.

"Sorry, honored guest, may I ask, are you a follower of the great Ninth Lord - [Lord of Flowers]?"

The face that had been calm from the beginning actually showed a deliberate expression of flattery, and even the straight body that was originally standing was slightly bent a few degrees.


Jenkins touched his face and replied embarrassedly: "I've only heard of this one."

The conductor immediately stood up straight, his face restored to calmness.

"Who is the Lord of Flowers?"

the woman asked puzzled.

"I don't know either, I heard from a strange thing."

Disappointment once again occupied the woman's face.

The train continued to move forward, although the living people on the train didn't seem to have moved at all. Jenkins and the still-unnamed woman tried many more keywords, but none of them got the conductor to speak again.

"never mind."

The woman grabbed the red wide-brimmed hat and stood up, sighing, "I still have the ability of divination, but it may not be accurate, do you want to try your luck?"

"I don't think I have a better idea right now."

Jenkins responded.

The woman stood up, touched her waist, and held out her right hand to Jenkins.

"Lend me a coin."

"Did you go out without money?"

Jenkins reached for a wallet from the corpse on the ground and threw it over.

"Why do you need to bring money when you go out?"

She asked amusedly, first she took out a copper penny, then threw it aside in disgust, and then took out a gold pound.

"Look at mine!"

As she spoke, she clenched her right fist tightly, her thumb clasped at the knuckle of her index finger, and the coin rested flat on her nails.

The yellow power spot lit up, the woman whispered something, and then threw the gold pound into the air.


The gold coin exploded instantly in the air, Jenkins got away from it quickly and escaped unhurt, and the woman seemed fine.

She trampled on the ground vigorously with her feet, made a rattling sound, and said to Jenkins: "I'm unlucky, last time... I was not caught, this time I encountered such a thing when I went far away. I give up, I wish you Good luck, I'm leaving first."

"You want to try your luck on your next stop?"


The woman shook her head slightly, fumbled in the hat for a moment, and took out a small piece of paper.

"A-11-5-2071, Mister Mischief's toy ticket. I hope that this space transfer will not encounter strange things, I hope that the landing point will not be in a strange place, and I hope that it will not attract the attention of Mr. Mischief."

She smiled apologetically at Jenkins, pulled the piece of paper in her hand, and disappeared into the carriage.


Jenkins spread his hands, unable to believe that he was the only one left unlucky in the end. The train has arrived at the station 7 times, and Jenkins doesn't know how far it is from the terminal, but he certainly doesn't dare to waste time here.



The moment the woman disappeared, the conductor actually spoke up.

"Are you talking to me?"

He pointed to himself in doubt, why is this, must there be only one living person left before the way of life will appear

"For the sake of knowing the great Ninth Master, I can remind you."


"You can try to bribe me. I accept Soul Gold, Blood Coins, Gluttony Brands, Bone Cores, Blasphemy Seeds, Foul Runes, Sex/Lust Gems, etc. Of course. I usually call them Sin Coins."

"But I don't have either."

"No, you have."

After speaking, he pointed to the two corpses on the ground.

Jenkins was taken aback, and quickly squatted down to search, but only found a round white coin on the man's upper body, with a hideous skull printed on one side and two crossed bones on the other side.

"That's not enough. But..."

The calm voice added a bit of cunning, "But this bone core is enough to bribe me and let me give you a way to withdraw a certain currency."

Jenkins felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, as if he had fallen into a trap.

"Where do I go to withdraw my currency?"

"Intelligent creatures, but the efficiency of extracting dead people will be lower. Guest, a warm reminder, the blood coins that can be extracted from these two corpses are the most, adding up to one hundredth of a coin. But it is still not enough, you may You can think about yourself."

"Did you say this on purpose after those two people left? What do you like about me?"

Jenkins narrowed his eyes.

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

The train arrived at the station again, the gate opened, revealing endless white light, and closed again a few minutes later.

"What can I extract from me? After extracting, what will I lose?"

"Soul gold extracts the soul, blood coins permanently consume blood capacity, bone core is the essence of extraordinary bones, gluttony brand is the embodiment of the sin of gluttony, blasphemy seeds come from blasphemy, filthy runes..."

He introduced 17 different currencies scatteredly, a few of which can cause permanent damage to the human body; most of them, such as gluttony brand, blasphemy seeds, etc., only correspond to certain characteristics of the creature itself, but for a long time It can only be drawn once, and it can only be provided by the living.

"Which currency is the most on me?"

"Sorry, guest, I can only judge the value of the dead, the living are protected by spirits. But, your soul seems to be extraordinarily special."

Jenkins ignored the malicious answer.

"Heh, it turned out that I was interested in my soul. How much currency do you need to help me return to my own world?"

PS: This chapter has a huge amount of information, and it can be regarded as the chapter that has the most involvement with the main line since the beginning of the book.