Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 132: Knighthood


"Chocolate, shout!"

He shouted slowly, but still couldn't hear his own voice.


I can only see Chocolate's mouth moving, but I can't hear any sound. I think it is also meowing anxiously.

Wiping the blood from his ears with a towel, he rested on the table for a long time, and the dizziness and tinnitus in his head were slightly better. He immediately recorded the new knowledge he had just acquired.

First, the special ritual [Sound Preservation Array], in layman's terms, is to engrave the ritual array on a certain plane, which can record the sound for a period of time. Of course, the core material is something called a sound-absorbing stone, which Jenkins has never heard of.

Second, the golden divine art [Eternal Silence], after the ability is activated, with the user as the center, no sound can be made. The activation of the incantation ability needs to read the corresponding strange incantations. This ability can prevent some incantations that must be uttered by voice (most of the incantations can also be recited silently, but it takes a long time to practice), which is very useful.

It's a pity that this false god is not the object of Jenkins' belief, and he dare not learn the magic of false gods.

This is the only complete knowledge obtained, and the fragmented knowledge shows that neither the righteous gods nor the false gods seem to have a specific form. The statues of gods erected by mortals are only the imagination of mortals. This also reasonably explains why believers mostly face the holy emblem when praying, rather than the statue of the god. When the bestower uses divine spells, the holy symbol often appears, but the idol is not involved at all.

If this information is true, then an interesting question arises: what is the giant tree that Jenkins saw last time and the phantom of the woman he saw this time

The next day I got up early, put on my best suit, put on black leather shoes, and stared in front of the mirror for a while, until Chocolate cried out impatiently, before leaving the house.

The worker riots of the previous few days did not seem to have brought any change to the city, at least Jenkins did not see it. There was no mention of the martial law that night in the newspaper, but the reward offered by the man in black was higher again, now it was 3,000 pounds. The latest charge is that he attacked a thief who broke into the church and took the thief's stolen goods for himself.

Jenkins was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the church hoped to know the whereabouts of the daring robber through divination. But the unknown man had already been killed, and when he died, Jenkins happened to be in the black robe posture. Therefore, what they could see was that the man in black killed the thief, the mirror was left behind, and the only thing missing was the roll of parchment. Coupled with the fact that the man in black had a previous record of robbing treacherous things, it was only logical that he was considered to be black eating black.

But probably realized that the black-robed man was related to the newly emerged false god, and that false god helped the church by killing the demon. Now the reward offered by the man in black occupies only the size of a fingernail in the newspaper, which is in stark contrast to the previous one-third of the newspaper.

"I'm obviously a good person."

He stroked his cat and sighed.

There is a black carriage parked in front of Papa's Antique Store. Its shape is the same as that of common stage carriages on the road, but there is no conspicuous identification mark on the body of the carriage. In front of the store, there were four tall men standing on the left and right. All four of them were wearing white shirts and dark blue formal suits. Their hair was well combed. When they saw Jenkins approaching, they stretched their hands into their arms in unison. When he saw his face, he put his hand down.


Ignoring them, he pushed open the door of Papa's antique shop, and flipped the wooden sign over to read "Open", unexpectedly there was already a customer in the antique shop.

It was a very old gentleman, wearing a black tuxedo, with his chest up and his face slightly raised. On his head was a ridiculous white wig, and in his hand was a slightly curved yellow paulownia cane inlaid with red gems .

A ruby ring the size of a pigeon's egg is worn on the right index finger.

Seeing Jenkins' face, he was taken aback for a moment, but immediately changed into a warm smile.

"Mr. Williams, I didn't expect you to be so young. You don't look like 21 years old at all."

The tone is very gentle, but the accent does not sound like a native of Nolan.

"Hello, who are you?"

As he spoke, he looked at the old man who was sorting out the account books at the counter. The latter shrugged, indicating that this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Douglas Gerald, and you can call me Mr. Gerald. This presumptuous visit is to replace the Queen and confer on you the title of Honorary Baronet."

The old man quickly picked up the red tray on the counter, and Jenkins caught it. On it lay a coat of arms, an ornately decorated rapier and a certificate in a red cover.

"Baron William, I'm done with my business, so I will take my leave and wish you good health."

After speaking, he bowed slightly to Jenkins, and then hurried away without looking back.

"that's all?"

After waiting for the carriage outside the door to leave, Jenkins asked in astonishment. He thought there would be a grand ceremony.

"What do you think will happen, the Baron of Honor is nothing more than honor."

Dad said sarcastically.

But the voice changed, and he pointed out: "Do you know who that was just now? I didn't expect it to be him."

"who is it?"

Jenkins immediately asked, he really didn't know, and he couldn't remember the so-called "big shots" in the world when he read newspapers.

"Douglas Gerald, the queen's current steward, is himself a duke. At the same time, his grandfather's cousin is the long-dead Queen Elizabeth IV. It stands to reason that a small honorary baron does not need him to come here. .”

Dad explained.

"Father, you don't need to add that adjective, I know this title is worthless."

Jenkins smiled and said that the badge on the tray is the "National Contribution Award Medal". Anyone can get it as long as they donate 10,000 pounds to the kingdom. It was awarded to Jenkins in recognition of the great response to his storybook.

Although the sword is unsealed, its decorative value is greater than its use value, and it can be regarded as a symbol of title status. Jenkins made a few gestures and decided to hang it on the fireplace at home.

As for the certificate in the red cover, it proves Jenkins Redandput Williams's noble status, and he can take this book to the city hall to collect 5 pounds at the beginning of each month.

Of course, this money is to support the bankrupt nobles and maintain the basic decency of the noble status. After all, the royal family cannot take back the title of a wealthy gentleman and lady just because he went bankrupt. Therefore, considering their own face, the nobles who can live on will definitely not receive it.

PS: Repeat, the chapter numbers in the morning are wrong, seven chapters were updated, so the afternoon chapters are five.