Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 141: pirate


"Just like no one knows what the demons appeared in Nolan for, and now no one knows the conspiracy of the cultists."

Mr. Black Cat said regretfully, but Mr. White Cat on the side added:

"The devil's conspiracy may never be known, but the cultists are still alive, and even some of them are still in Nolan, and they will know one day."

This sentence makes sense. After all, the demon is dead. Jenkins was not divine enough to read the memory by force. The truth may never be clear.

"Norlan City is so chaotic, illegal gifters like us should be more careful. I don't know if anyone has considered leaving here temporarily."

Mr. Black Cat then sighed.

"Will not."

Miss Magic, who had been silent today, finally spoke.

"It is rumored that every few thousand years in this world, there will always be large-scale spooky riots in some places. This means that this place has been chosen by fate to become a stage full of miracles in storybooks. What happened continuously in the past six months , has caused some bold people to speculate whether Nolan City can become the place where the legendary heroes or scum grow up, and I think there will only be more and more benefactors gathered here."

"Are they crazy?"

Mr. Black Cat asked.

"The higher the level of the bestower, the slower the improvement. There will always be someone who needs an 'accident' to help him."

Miss Magic said sarcastically, but no one could refute it.

After Jenkins was promoted to Level 2, the Eye of Reality had a benign change again. Now that he observes different benefactors, he will find that everyone's light spots are actually rotating, but the speed of direction is different. This allowed him to get rid of the method of judging acquaintances purely by the number of colors, and then there were fewer unnecessary surprises.

But everyone present, except for Miss Bailing, he still couldn't identify his real body.

The "legend" of Miss Magic was taken as the information she provided, and the next step was the trading time.

The new Mr. White Cat took out a learning method of the white basic ability [Paper Knife]. Although Jenkins was rich, he didn't have enough bubbles to talk to him. Like last time, he reminded Miss Bailing that he had obtained the trade item by cooling down the temperature with an ice fist, and then watched the other four exchange various materials with each other.

Miss Magic found the [Star Debris] spar at the last gathering, but Jenkins didn't come. This time the deal was finally done. It was a prismatic cone with a thirty-degree angle, and it looked like an exquisitely crafted glass product. But inside the transparent cone, there is still a light blue trace like a deep starry sky, which contains strange power.

A 100-kroner note was handed over, and Miss Magic was obviously taken aback: "Foreign currency?"

"Yeah, I'm not a local, and I still have some foreign currency in my hand. According to the current exchange rate, you don't suffer a loss."

When Jenkins first attended the party, he emphasized that he was new to Nolan, so this reason is very suitable.

The five people exchanged idle materials with each other in an orderly manner. Under the strange moonlight, no one knew the secret here.

Because Jenkins achieved today's goal, he didn't care about others, but looked at the sea. It's been a long time since I came to this world, and this is the first time I quietly look at this charming ocean.

There seems to be a black spot on the sea level in the distance.

"I'm dazzled?"

Jenkins thought of it in surprise, but he didn't expect the black spots to get bigger and bigger.

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt, is there something over there?"

he said immediately.

The four stopped their respective movements, and Jenkins saw the red light spot flashing in front of Mr. White Cat.

"a ship."

His eyes are obviously better than the other four.

"The speed is very fast, there is only one person on it. Not good, he bumped into it!"

Needless to say, Jenkins also saw a small raft with a diesel engine rushing directly towards the freighter.

Standing on the raft was a man wearing a black blindfold. He was laughing wildly, holding a wine bottle full of muddy liquid in his right hand, and a short shirt with a black skull printed on his thick muscles.


I don't know who shouted, and Jenkins immediately jumped off the side of the boat.

A muffled sound was heard in the water, and then a mess of debris and boards fell into the water together.

Jenkins swam to the shore and climbed up with difficulty, only to see that his companions were all around him, and under the moonlight, the laughing man stood on the flying raft, and the original giant ship had been completely shattered.

This is by no means a normal impact.

"B-04-5-1120, the Flying Sea Soul, can kill ordinary ships with one hit."

Mr. Hood's voice was low, water dripped down the brim of his hat, "This is the Pirate King, Fermisio."

"This is impossible!"

This was Jenkins' first thought. Nolan's status was similar to that of the Demon City in his previous life. Although the Demon City is close to the sea, there will never be pirates like Somalia. Nolan is also the same. The naval power mastered by Marquis Mihail is no joke.

The so-called Pirate Kings are the seven most powerful pirate fleets in the endless ocean. According to legend, they are all blessed by the ocean and therefore hate the mainland. These people are all like cultists and man-eating wolves in bedtime stories, and Jenkins has only heard of them.

"What a surprise, there are five little mice!"

The man laughed loudly: "Sacrifice your souls to the sea!"

Although the dock was remote, it was impossible not to hear the sound of the giant ship collapsing in the silent night. Jenkins doesn't know how confident the Pirate King is to go one-on-five, but he's not one to sit still.

Amidst the wild laughter, the originally calm sea suddenly surged with waves. The waves hit the shore, and the mist filled the air.

A deep chanting sounded from beside him, and he turned his head to see Mr. Black Cat holding a short staff. The gust of wind came from nowhere, and the mist was blown away immediately.

His heart throbbed violently, and Jenkins lowered his head subconsciously, only to hear the whistling sound of piercing the air passing over his head.

Blinking fiercely, a slender white chain exuding red light continued to extend from Fermixiu's hand, like a winding snake.

Mr. White Cat and Jenkins retreated together, and Mr. Hood chased them head-on. He stretched out one hand to grab the chain, shouted loudly, and made a footprint on the ground with all his strength. Pulled from the boat.

The bell rang from behind, and it was Miss Hesha's instrument again.

As if being hit on the head by a heavy object, everyone on the scene fell to the ground at the same time, and the black-robed girl immediately threw a few shining charms at the falling man.

This Jenkins knew, it was the Burst Charm.