Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 142: visit


There was another loud noise, and the chains were swept out again after the smoke cleared.

dang lang~

No one saw what Jenkins was holding, but he briefly stopped the chain.

A large piece of light appeared on the pier in the distance, and someone was coming.

Everyone closed their hands tacitly, and Fermixiu retracted the chain and jumped back to the boat in the sky, and then went straight into the water.

"The next meeting time will be confirmed as last time."

Hood whispered to everyone, turned around and disappeared in the darkness.

Jenkins also ran in the opposite direction of the light, bypassing the warehouse in front of the pier, passing the gravel booth, and entering the coconut grove before stopping.

"It's really bad luck."

He turned his head and said to Miss Bailing who had been following behind him.

"Don't waste time, hurry up, we may cause trouble. Also, let me remind you one last time, although the chain ability can completely shield any mental damage for a period of time, the hidden danger is not small."

she said impatiently.

Jenkins threw the rapier over.

"As long as it works."

"Is this the one that blocked that chain just now?"

the girl asked in a disguised voice.


"Okay, this is for you, don't go back on your word!"

As she spoke, she put a roll of parchment on the ground, and then hurried to the other side of the coconut grove.

The shadow of the tree swayed, and she soon disappeared.

Jenkins took a step forward, bent down and picked up the parchment on the stone pile, on the top was written in small characters: [Prayer (white foundation)] [Stainless fantasy (white foundation)] [Inscription of Faith (yellow spells] )] = My god is here.

He had an ominous premonition in his heart.

After unfolding, look directly at the final effect of the chain ability, build a holy symbol of belief in the gods in the soul, and use the holy symbol to suppress the soul after triggering the ability chain, and shield any spiritual pollution and spiritual damage before the soul collapses due to the power of the holy symbol.

"Cheap is not good quality… "

Jenkins would never change his soul indiscriminately, not to mention that it might cause the soul to collapse.

The pier soon became lively. Jenkins, who was standing against the wall in the shadow of the alley, looked at the somewhat familiar benefactors who hurried past, and suppressed the urge to attack Miss Hesha and spank her at the bottom, and turned to Barnard. home of mr.

It has been quite a while since the evil spirit incident, and there is reason to believe that the Church of [Night and Secret] no longer pays attention to it. Sure enough, after going around the alley several times with different camouflages, no one appeared. Jenkins turned into the yard of Mr. Barnard's house, created a curved piece of broken iron in the air, and dug up in the soft soil.

He quickly found a small locked box and opened the lock with a wire. Inside were some fragmented banknotes, some of which were not even gold pounds. The total amount of money inside was almost 500 pounds.

He pursed his lips, looked at the dark room, took out a few more banknotes from his pocket and carefully put them in, then locked the box again.

Without disturbing the sleeping women and children, they used the wire to open the mailbox again, stuffed the box in, locked it again, and then left without looking back, with their hands in their pockets and close to the shadow on the wall, turning around the street corner.

"Good-bye, Mr. Barnard."

(Dividing line)

Sitting at the dinner table and eating fried eggs, the headline on the "Nolan Daily" was indeed news about the Pirate King - Destroyer Fermisio.

"The fifth branch of the Nolan Newspaper reported that at midnight yesterday, the notorious pirate king and saboteur Fermisio appeared in the port area of Nolan City by boat, and had a fight with the patrolling police officers..."

Jenkins read the text in the newspaper in a low voice, which recorded in detail the evil deeds of the destroyer Fermisius since he became famous 20 years ago, and the common reward of the three kingdoms - 10,000 pounds.

"It's just a small amount. If you can catch him or kill him, the church's bounty is even higher."

Dad sat on the fake antique rocking chair and sighed, while Jenkins carefully copied the tadpole text.

"I didn't expect this lunatic to appear here."


Jenkins was surprised.

"Yes, he stole the [Ocean and Discovery] church's relic, C-04-2-0098, the pure heart of the ocean 20 years ago. This [gift] gave him the blessing of the sea, but it also made him His spirit has been severely injured. This is the third most powerful but the least powerful of the seven pirate kings. The disciples of [Storm Lord] have been following him for many years, and it is basically certain that he is in a half-mad state. In short No better than the patients in the Black Forest Mental Hospital."

Choco's ears shrunk into hairballs, and his eyes showed interest.

After lunch, Jenkins originally planned to borrow the warehouse in the backyard of the old man's antique shop, use the new materials traded last night, and hold a ceremony to apply [Minor Frost Enchantment] and [Toxin Attack] to the bullets/bullets, but the old man asked him to Go and see Mademoiselle Michael.

"Didn't she say that she came to visit me after recovering from her illness?"

Jenkins asked in bewilderment.

"If I didn't cherish your writing and math skills, I really want to hit your head a few times."

The old man said that he hated iron for being weak.

"I still have some books to read and a Frozen story to prepare..."

Then Dad got really mad.

Jenkins is very sure that on the night when he turned into a god again, the people who survived and were rescued by him should not leave any hidden dangers. But since Miss Michel is still recuperating, she must have been frightened, and I hope she can learn a lesson.

She is currently living in an unnamed high-end hospital on the outskirts of the city. The hospital is hidden in a forest, not far from the hiding place of Mr. Corpse.

Coincidentally, Jenkins, the coachman, knew him this time, and he was the one who took the chocolate to the pet management center last time.

"Sir, what a coincidence?"

The driver also recognized Jenkins and chatted with him politely.

"Yes, are you usually around here?"

The wheels rolled over the stones on the ground, and the hooves of the horses rattled.

"Basically, the Public Horse Carriage Management Association has regulations. Horse carriages like mine can only carry passengers at specific locations during the day. I heard it's for the convenience of management."

The driver's voice was a little low. The place where Jenkins boarded the car was not a downtown area, and it was not easy to pick up guests there.

The carriage moved forward along the curving streets, and the barefoot children hid in the depths of the alleys, secretly looking at the bustling world "outside" or looking for targets for theft. The officers passed by, gave them a warning look, and continued on their patrol.

"Guest, can you interrupt for a moment and help me to see what is written here?"