Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 19: Father Oliver


Sitting in the carriage and looking at the newly awakened Nolan City, the smell of soot in the air is very strong even in the morning. To the people of this world, it's the smell of development and progress, to Jenkins it's the smell of cancer.

There is no [Spirit of Nature] church in this city, so the nobles, factory owners, and capitalists who colluded with the city council can be so arrogant in this regard.

Papa Antiques is located on the famous shopping street in Nolan City - [Fifth Queen's Avenue], which belongs to the main road of downtown Nolan, and ten minutes further east along this road is the real pier area. The particular location makes this street generally very good for business, but that doesn't include Papa's.

The antique store is located on the east side of the shopping street. There is only an old signboard with the name of the store in front of the store. At the bottom of the signboard is a line of small characters - [Selling antiques since 1821, credit guarantee by Oliver's father].

"This year is 1865 of the general calendar, and 763 of the Kingdom [Golden Chestnut] calendar, so this is a 44-year-old shop."

There was a brown cardboard [open] on the wooden door of the store. Jenkins hesitated to knock on the door, and when no one answered, he pushed the door and walked in.

Amid the crisp bells, Jenkins saw the somewhat messy interior of the store. Maybe the owner meant to have rows and rows of shelves, but now it looks like the entire store is full of clutter.

Fortunately, there is still room to walk.

"Is that Jenkins Williams?"

In front of the wooden counter facing the door, the tall and thin old man with small eyes asked. His face was very healthy and his voice was full of energy, but he looked at least sixty years old.

"Yes sir, I'm Jenkins Williams, are you Papa Oliver?"

The old man at the counter nodded.

"Yes. You look younger than in the photo, okay, now turn around and turn the cardboard outside the door, then close the door and come over, understand?"

"Good sir."

He turned around as required, adjusted [Open] to [Closed], then closed the door and walked towards Father Oliver along the path full of antiques.

The old man waved his hand, opened the flap of the counter and walked out, then walked towards the dark wooden door on one side of the room with a bunch of keys threaded with black wire.

Jenkins immediately followed.

Behind the door is a small yard, besides piles of crushed corrugated boxes, there is also a low tile house. "I live there."

He pointed to the upper floor of the store he just walked out of. Two rusty red copper steam pipes extended upwards along the base of the wall.

"This is the warehouse of the antique shop."

Then point to the tile house.

"I'm Clover Oliver, the owner of this place, your employer, and your guide. Any questions?"

He looked at Jenkins calmly.


"Very well, a wise man."

Dad nodded and led Jenkins back into the store again.

He returned to the counter and groped inside the counter for a moment with his hands. With a click, a downward passage was revealed on the ground on one side. Judging from the style, this should be the remodeling of the original cellar.

"Why are there such institutions?"

Dad certainly couldn't hear Jenkins' complaints. He didn't let Jenkins go down, and disappeared there by himself. Five minutes later, he came out with a roll of papers.

"Sit down."

Pulling up two chairs, the two sat in front of the counter.

"This is your apprenticeship contract."

He handed over a sheet of paper, Jenkins took a look at it, found that it was the one that Bincy brought yesterday, and signed his name.

"I need to make it clear that in the future you will not only follow me here to learn the knowledge of the bestower, but also the knowledge of antique appraisal, is it okay?"


Jenkins nodded immediately.

The old man showed a smile on his face, "That's very good. In ancient times, the inheritance of the bestowers was linked by the master and the apprentice. At that time, the apprentices had to bear a lot of responsibilities, including but not limited to servants, servants, and guards." But it’s different now. The Orthodox Church generously shares knowledge with believers. I just provide you with a place to learn and guide you on the right path. But correspondingly, as a guide, I don’t have to share with you. My unique ability."

"Sir, I'm not very clear about the ability. What is the unique ability?"

Jenkins asked immediately.

"Young man, how much do you know about supernatural abilities?"

Dad asked back.

"I don't know at all."

Jenkins answered honestly.

Father Oliver helped his eyes and nodded, "Okay, let me start from the beginning and listen carefully. Only the bestowers in this world can use supernatural powers because we can mobilize our own spirit. As for the spirit What is it, everyone has their own answer, you have to find it by yourself. Correspondingly, by knowing ourselves and the world, we can increase our own spirit, thereby increasing the level of the bestower. Level 0 bestowers can only have three After upgrading, every odd number will increase by one, and even numbers will increase by two. For example, I am now a level 4 gifter and can have 9 abilities, but in fact I have only selected 7 abilities to learn so far. "

He lied. After Jenkins secretly opened the [Eye of Reality], there were 8 light spots in front of the old man.

"It's not just through those light spots that you can use abilities. As long as any gifter knows the corresponding method, he can also use the abilities he has not mastered through the ceremony. But the ceremony not only requires precious materials, a specific location, but also the transformation of spirit and ability. The efficiency is also far lower than using the bestower's ability directly. Let me give you an example, the news from the church says that your soul essence ability is healing?"


Jenkins admitted.

"There are also many healing ceremonies in the church. The simplest one needs silver leaf grass, three-legged slugs, etc., and it is arranged under the moonlight at the time of the full moon, which can make the wounded within the scope of the ceremony, within three days Speed up the healing of severing wounds. But for the spirits needed to arrange the ceremony, at least two first-level gifters must be spared."

"That's why the healing ability is so precious."

Jenkins suddenly realized in his heart.

"The bestower's light spot ability can be obtained through learning, which also requires corresponding rituals and a lot of practice to truly condense the light spot. The bestower's ability is the biggest secret of the individual. Except for the ability obtained from the church, everyone There are more or less other ways, and these abilities that only you can master are unique abilities."

Like a legal party.