Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 2: weirdo


[Simple boxing (white base)]

[Contact Therapy (Green Life)]

Without asking Barnard, Jenkins spoke the text he saw. These two lines of words that look like skills are not the common language of Wang Guo that Jen Jin knows, but he understands them inexplicably.

"Okay, healing ability has always been the most scarce." Barnard said dryly, his eyes still fixed on the black figure beside the table, he seemed even more nervous than Jenkins.

Pulling Jenkins towards the round table: "I will introduce it here for the time being, and we will talk about everything later. But remember, don't reveal your ability to the outside casually. This is the most important secret for people like us."

"Of course I know, but isn't this to gain your trust?"

Jenkins slandered in his heart, and then mentally activated his last purple light spot:

[The Unknown Way Ahead (Purple Fate)]

So what exactly does this mean

Stepping on the thick dust on the ground to the table, the dust stirred up along the way made both of them feel disheartened. But Jenkins noticed that when the two reached the table, the man in black was not affected by any dust.

Jenkins now has some doubts about whether this is a living person. He never moved or made a sound. He just sat at the table, bringing strange pressure to the traverser who had just adapted to his identity.


A hoarse voice came from the opposite side, not like a human voice, but somewhat similar to a mechanically synthesized electronic sound. But judging from the background that the world is currently in the age of steam, electronic sounds are obviously just speculation.

He also noticed at the same time that the mysterious man spoke the lingua franca of the Fidetictli Kingdom, which was more standard than the accents of Barnard and Jenkins with the distinct Norlan dialect.

"Do we need to fight?"

Barnard nervously pulled Jenkins to sit on the two abrupt wooden stakes in front of the table, and asked nervously.

"No." The weird voice sounded again.

"That's good."

Barnard's appearance at this time reminded Jenkins of his elder brother secretly going out on a date behind his parents' backs, thinking he hadn't been discovered. But in fact, everyone in William's family knew about that incident.

"The ass is a little cold, is there ice under the stake?" Jenkins could only rely on these unreliable thoughts to distract attention, and the pressure to face the man in black was too great.

Probably misinterpreting Jenkins' strange expression as doubts, Barnard explained in a low voice: "[The Paradise] is a series of fragmented worlds formed due to unknown reasons. We extraordinary people need to clean them up regularly. Let's talk about the specific things. , all you need to know now is that we were very lucky to encounter a non-combat type of [Deception]. After all, I am not very good at confronting the enemy head-on, and you are just a rookie."

After saying this, the middle-aged man signaled Jenkins not to speak, while he cautiously asked the mysterious person opposite.

"Hello, what should we do now?"


The mysterious man answered quickly, and Jenkins even felt that there was no gap between his voice and Barnard's last word.

"It can't really be a robot, right? No, according to the world, it should be something like an alchemy puppet."

He slowly speculated, and at the same time pricked up his ears not to let go of any words.

But the man in black didn't speak anymore. During a moment of silence, the turbid air on the round table seemed to be distorted. Afterwards, ten small shiny golden bowls suddenly appeared on the table, surrounding candles that seemed to burn forever. stand up.

The outer surfaces of these golden bowls are all shallowly carved with branch-like lines, but Jenkins seems to feel that the shapes and postures of these plants are somewhat bloodthirsty and ferocious, rather like the so-called man-eating vines.

The inner surface of the golden bowl is extremely smooth, and the clear and transparent liquid contained inside, together with the golden bowl, glistens under the dim candle light.

Jenkins let out an exclamation very cooperatively, and at the same time praised his actor-like acting skills in his heart.

Seeing that the man in black was still silent, Barnard explained again: "Maybe we should drink it?"

The man in black nodded slightly.

"It's always like this in [Strange Realm]. As long as you complete certain goals, you can escape, and then the entrance to the real world will collapse. Of course, if we are lucky, we can also get some benefits from it."

"And what if it fails?"

Jenkins asked immediately, with an expression of excitement and panic mixed with nervousness, trying to put on an expression on his face.

Maybe I should have been an actor in the first place.

"Do you think the big octopus you saw just now crawled out of the sea?"

He didn't explain it in detail, but Jenkins could almost guess that two people would die if they failed, and the things in [Uncanny Land] would go to the real world.

I don't know if he has not fully accepted the fact of time travel, but Jenkins has no fear of the current situation, but feels inexplicably excited in his heart.

Steampunk, magic, supernatural

The excitement even made his whole body tremble, but Barnard seemed to think it was fear.

"That is to say, we need to drink the ** in these bowls before we can leave?"

Jenkins asked again in a low voice, his voice trembling, but the man in black on the opposite side did not make any reply.

"Maybe it's enough for one person to drink a bowl."

Barnard also guessed that he carefully looked up at the man in black, but there was still no response.

The narrow room is very stuffy. In terms of body feeling, it is probably the end of summer before entering the strange place, but here seems to be the hottest summer. Jenkins didn't know how long the original owner of the body had been running just now, but when he sat down, the sweat on his body evaporated quickly, and all the underwear stuck to his body.

He even doubted that the middle-aged man beside him and the man in black on the opposite side could smell the sweat on his body. After all, in his memory, the wild boy Jenkins was not a person who liked to take a bath.

"I'll come first."

Barnard seemed to have made up his mind, and turned to Jenkins and whispered.

He is now very glad that the person he just crossed over was a good person, at least, he didn't force the "poor little rookie" to step on mines.

"Sir, this is really..."

In any world, this kind of person is worthy of respect, and Jenkins is not the kind of ungrateful person.

"Don't worry, my luck is not so bad."

The middle-aged man muttered to himself as if trying to embolden himself, twisting his body on the stake.

"Sir, may I ask how to use my ability, the green one, maybe it can help?"

Only then did Jenkins remember what he had learned just now. Only magic can fight against magic. This rule is also useful in this world, right