Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 35: subsequent impact


"Will a lot of people die because of this fire?"

It took a while to leave the scene of the fire completely, and Jenkins felt a little uneasy about his conscience. He lowered his voice and asked his father. At the moment, onlookers, fleeing residents, and municipal fire brigades in black fireproof suits completely blocked the intersection.

"Don't worry, that piece of residential area belongs to the wharf. At this time, the residents have to go out to work to support themselves, but there are also...may the goddess bless them."

Jenkins looked back at the soaring smoke column and the noisy crowd. He didn't regret what he did just now. If he didn't throw that spell, the cultist who got the item would definitely not let him go.


His left hand has been in his arms since just now, where he picked up a metal harmonica and a wrapped wooden sculpture from the explosion crater.

The former is a prop used by the cultist to make a strange singing sound, while the latter is left by the dead Mr. Brown.

"Get used to this world."

Jenkins sighed sadly to himself, then silently followed behind his father, escaped from the crowd at the intersection, left behind those who were scolding, crying, and roaring, and disappeared into the corner of the street.

The sky, which was already dim, was now even darker because of the gunpowder smoke that had not dissipated for a long time.

Captain Bincy stood in the burnt ruins, bent down, and stroked the traces of communication scratched by Oliver's father on the ground.

The firefighters have not left yet, and they have pulled up a cordon outside the fire site to completely prevent the resurgence of the dark fire. It is impossible for the police to come, not to mention that this is a slum, even if they come, such a fire can destroy all traces.

"I heard that your people discovered something extraordinary?"

asked the man in black with a black cross embroidered on his chest.

There is a unique quietness about him, and gazing at him is like gazing into a quiet coffin.

"Yes, the statue of [Lord of Billions of Glory] handed down from the last era has been temporarily sealed up. The local gangsters smuggled it in as an ordinary antique. As a result, the believer of the evil god came after hearing the news, and happened to be with him Our men collided."

Captain Bincy explained, stood up and clapped his hands, and walked to the pothole left by the explosion with the man in black.

"According to the report and the results of the current on-site inspection, the unregistered gang leader should have carried an item that would explode as long as the owner died. These desperate guys are always like this... but fortunately [Surprise][Transcendence] [Gifts] cannot be destroyed by ordinary explosions."

"Ordinary explosion?"

The man in black/Standing beside Binxi, several teams of law enforcement officers from the Orthodox Church appeared near the fire scene one after another. Everyone is active in Nolan and knows each other, so they simply say hello to each other.

"What kind of explosion can cause such a result, damn it! Did the gangster carry twenty explosion charms with him? Or did he put a steam bomb in his ass?"

The man in black cursed angrily.

"I don't know, that statue is very strange, all backtracking and divination have been led to outrageous results."

Bincy looked around the fire scene. Those poor people who suffered from losing their homes or families were stopped outside the fire scene, watching all this with a numb expression.

"The statue of the evil god was recovered by our people. On the most wanted list, the cultist [Flesh Puppet] who was offered a reward of 1,000 pounds was also killed. We even found a stronghold of the [Light Chaser Club] in this city. .It is a very good result... ”

"Hmph, more than 30 people died or disappeared due to the fire, and at least 200 people lost their homes. The amount of gold that the municipality needs to pay for the aftermath is even more unimaginable."

The man in black had a sneer on his face.


Bincy nodded, and turned to look at the requiemer from the Church of [Death and the End] with a blank expression:

"Are you mocking me? But it's not our fault. Moreover, the two heroes who intercepted the statue and killed the cultists donated most of the bounty, and the church is responsible for appeasing these people who lost their property .Although it cannot guarantee to make up for everyone's losses, it can at least guarantee that they will survive this winter safely."

There was a silence.

It is always like this in summer, the unexpected raindrops fell on the face of the requiem man, he shook his head calmly, and read in a low voice:

"May the dead rest in peace, and see the end in death!"

"May the sage bless you, and your brilliance will illuminate the way forward for mankind!"

The whole thing was like a dream to Jenkins. He experienced the first battle between the givers, the first murder, the first fire in a densely populated area, but the result was only two harvests. Only one item was handed in, and the subsequent events had nothing to do with him.

He later found out that the stranger who could resist bullets/bullets was called [Flesh Puppet], and he was a member of the [Lightbreakers Club] that believed in the evil god [Lord of Billions of Radiance]. Through an ancient and evil ritual, he refined his body into a puppet, and his soul manipulated his body like a machine. This method caused him to be trapped in the fourth level for a long time, unable to improve. But even if his strength is not high, because of his near-immortality and the fact that he is ruthless and murderous, he has been on the most wanted list of the Orthodox Church three years ago.

It was thanks to "Brown's bomb" that he was able to kill him this time.

This is the conclusion of Dad and everyone else, because the divination results were disturbed and many traces were destroyed by the fire, they couldn't think of the truth of the matter at all, it was just a poor-quality explosion spell.

Although [Flesh Puppet] was not killed by Jenkins and Oliver's father, the bounty was still counted on their heads.

The old man felt that he had just entangled the cultists for a while, and Jenkins was out of guilt, so the two discussed it and donated most of the bounty.

This matter is done by the church, so there is no need to worry that donations will go where they are not needed.

The Orthodox Church offered a reward of 1,000 pounds for the heretics, plus the police station offered a reward of 300 pounds for the murderer. Dad kept twenty pounds for himself as nutrition for his injuries, and Jenkins didn't ask for a copper penny.

He returned home that evening unscathed, with a broken right arm, which healed after the two returned to Papa's Antiques. The specific steps are that the father will reset Jenkins' broken bones, and he will use his ability to treat them directly. This is also the best news of the day.

There are also harvests, not just eradicating the cultists and seizing evil items. The thing that he sneaked away was still in his arms.