Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 46: Divinity


"It's okay, it's a gift."

Jenkins found that his voice was still calm.

"That's not okay, I can't take more money from the guests... But I don't have any change with me this time, why don't I give you the equivalent money?"

As she spoke, she didn't care about the gazes of the two, and stretched her right arm into the basket, as if it was a bottomless pit, but she didn't take out anything.

"Sorry sir."

The little flower seller held the handle of the basket with both hands, as if she was about to cry: "There are too many flowers sold tonight, I can't find any suitable flowers for you."

Jenkins automatically translated the sentence as: "I've made too many people miserable tonight, and now I can't do more to you."

During the conversation between the two, the injured Brutt did not speak or move. He squinted his eyes and looked at the little girl. He didn't know whether he had encountered the person in the painting head-on and caused mental injury, or he was eager to escape from here. Unfortunately, he got a wrong answer.

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

With a low snort, he swiped his remaining left arm in the rain, and there were three exquisitely shaped ice needles in his hand. Before Jenkins could stop it, the ice needle disappeared into Brutt's hand, but... just disappeared.

"Oh, here's another gentleman!"

The flower girl's depressed face actually showed a smile, "Great, then I will make a flower to compensate you now!"

She spoke happily, tilting the basket, and lifted the dirty cloth covering the basket.

Jenkins heard the strange murmur again, as if penetrating through the fog of chaos, thousands of tentacles stretched out from the void to wrap him, and the sticky touch was very clear.

But what he experienced was just an illusion. In reality, several snake-like green vines crawled out of the dark basket in his eyes.

Brutt finally realized the weirdness of the scene, turned around and ran away, a layer of ice wall was formed behind him, and dazzling aura flashed on the wall.

But it was useless, the vines that climbed out of the basket sprang up like snakes, and the ice slag from the explosion hit Jenkins' face, and the vines pierced through the barriers of the rain curtain and the ice wall in an instant and pierced into Brut. body of.

He screamed loudly, and at the same time, a familiar figure finally appeared on the street in the distance, and support arrived.

"What's the situation?"

Surprised, Jenkins watched as all 15 light spots in Brutt's body shattered, turning into green spirits and passing along the vines to the girl's basket.

Brutt's voice became more and more miserable. He rolled in the sewage in pain, pointed his left arm at Jenkins, but immediately curled up again because of the throbbing pain that pierced his soul.

He finally lay motionless on the ground, his stature was at least two inches shorter, his pale skin was tightly attached to his bones, like a mummy buried underground for a long time.

"Sir, your flowers! Now your money is enough!"

The girl's voice sounded in his ears, and Jenkins was so frightened that he almost collapsed. He was just looking at Brut's miserable situation.

Turning around, the little flower seller was standing beside him holding an ice blue flower.

The petals of that flower were somewhat transparent and illusory, and dots of blue light continued to emanate from the petal itself. Jenkins swallowed, feeling the urge to eat the flower for some reason.


He stretched out his trembling hand to take the flower, only feeling that the girl's wet little hand also had a little body temperature, no different from a normal child.


He thanked him again, this time for saving his life.

Captain Bincy and dozens of strangers in a hurry had already stayed not far away. They saw the vines evacuating Brutt with their own eyes, and they also understood what was happening here, so they didn't dare to approach at all.

The huge floating steam airship above Nolan City was approaching here, but after receiving some orders, it slowly flew back above the burning church.

"Thank you too, sir."

Little girl looks happy holding her own basket.

She reached out and pushed aside the hair that was sticking to her forehead due to the rain: "I have stayed in this city for a long time, and I am going to sell flowers elsewhere, sir, goodbye."

Oddly enough, perhaps because he watched too many TV shows in his previous life, Jenkins asked a question that he regretted for a long time:

"Can we meet again?"

"Do you still want to buy flowers? That's great, but I don't know if I can see you again. May the [Lord of Flowers] bless us to meet again."

As she spoke, she bowed to Jenkins, stepped back slowly, and disappeared into the rain like a phantom.

Looking down at the ice-blue flower in his hand, Jenkins sighed long.

"Do you think this is over?"

The old voice suddenly came to my ears, and Bincy and his party who were running and Jenkins were taken aback for a moment. Turning his head, the corpse-like Brut was holding a wooden sculpture with his left hand like a dead tree branch.

The image of the woodcarving is completely incomprehensible.

"Goddess, how can there be such an exquisite sculpture in the world?"

Jenkins couldn't help sighing, he wanted to stand up and worship the wood carving, but the spiritual candle and the black robe trembled at the same time to wake him up.

The wooden sculpture is just a man with his hands up, holding a spherical object in his hands. The man was wearing an extremely simple long robe, but it seemed to be exuding brilliance. The face of the carved wood was blurred, and Jenkins couldn't determine if the rain was obscuring his view, or if there was something wrong with the statue itself.

"God! I will offer my spirit, my flesh, and everything I have. Please look at this dirty world!"

The mummy shouted loudly, and the statue in his hand immediately emitted a brilliant brilliance.

A streak of golden light shot out from the statue, illuminating and destroying everything around it.

"He awakened the divinity of the evil god!"

Captain Bincy shouted in the distance, the mummy was already lying motionless in the sewage, but the statue was still suspended in the air.

It exudes intense brilliance like the sun, and a phantom is slowly solidifying around the statue.

Jenkins jumped up and subconsciously stretched out his left hand to hit the statue. He did succeed, but the statue itself was not affected. On the contrary, Jenkins' left hand hung down uncontrollably as if it had been drained of strength.

The brilliance of the statue became brighter and brighter, and Jenkins had a flash of inspiration, and with his slightly recovered right hand, he picked up the flower and hit the statue again.

"[Simple boxing]."

He activated his own ability at the same time, the huge spirit merged with the cold air flow from his right hand at an extremely fast speed, and even the flowers in his hand melted into his palm. The white light spot in front of him gradually faded, and then a brand new red light spot appeared!