Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 49: Return from the funeral


Due to the unfavorable situation of the [Knowledge and Books] church, everyone in the Ocean Church received an emergency transfer order shortly after. Jenkins' body could not leave the blessed bath, or it would immediately freeze, so he had to stay.

If Jenkins had searched his pockets that night, he would have found a note explaining the situation.

The little nun Natasha was also found by Jenkins that day, and he expressed his gratitude sincerely. She was a little shy, but she seemed to know that Jenkins had foiled the plot of the cultist that day, and changed the address of him from "sir" to "my lord".

That could lead to a long-lasting relationship, but Jenkins isn't in the mood for it just yet.

"Why does the battle last from morning to night?"

Jenkins was still puzzled about this matter until Captain Bincy brought Mr. Gilbert from Wangdu into Dad's ward and introduced him to him.

Mr. Gilbert was the man who used the flaming sword that night.

"There is a secret room in the underground of the church for the sealing of special items. Because of the special location of Nolan Diocese, the sealing circle used in the secret room is even more complicated. The [Ice Servant] is entangled in the ritual formation, so we can take the airship directly from the The capital of the king came to reinforce."

He claimed that he would not stay in this city for a long time, but was going to go directly to reinforce another royal capital scribe team that was trapped by the incident of the "Evil God Son" descending.

After both left the ward, Jenkins picked up the knife and continued to torture the apple in his hand. He chatted endlessly with his father, and when he saw the bouquet of flowers brought by Captain Bincy, he couldn't help shivering.

Jenkins has recently developed a flower phobia, and anything related to flowers can make him shudder. Dad thinks it's a psychological problem, and time will heal everything.

He also didn't forget the "Lord of Flowers" mentioned by the little flower seller when she left. He asked Captain Bincy, Dad and others about this, and even consulted the theology books in the church, but no one knew whether this was true or not. It was the name of a false god. Even Bishop Parode, who Jenkins knew with the most theological knowledge, had no impression of this title. He could only keep the matter in his heart.

A whole apple was finally peeled, and Jenkins handed it to Dad, who took a bite and let the juice fill his mouth.

"Is this the end of the matter?"

Jenkins lowered his head and sat on the chair in front of the hospital bed in a sense of loss.

"It's over for us, and they're busy with the aftermath."

Dad laughed at the support staff who were also scribes.

"It always felt wrong, we encountered so many things in a day, I almost even saw the figure of an evil great being, and ended up going to the antique store to scrub the floor in the next day."

Dad took the apple and laughed:

"Young man, the sages taught us that it is right to watch our own feet and walk. And we all survived, and that is the most important thing."

As he spoke, he asked Jenkins to take out a brown box from the bedside cabinet with an ordinary button in it.

"I asked someone to ask friends from the [Fate and Law] Church in Suvail City to hold a blessing ceremony, and within a month, luck can be slightly improved. Although things like fate are capricious, they can always lead to a better trend. Have you noticed that since you became a scribe, you have encountered troubles one after another."

Jenkins also understands what the old man pointed out, and it seems that it hasn't stopped after time travel. Is it a coincidence, or are there all black hands manipulating fate

"This button costs you 100 pounds, which is already very cheap. Don't ask me for a salary within two years."

"Father, two years is about 104 weeks, and you still owe me £4."

Jenkins answered him with a smile.

"I know your math is much better than your bad grammar, but the apple you cored just now is 4 pounds."

The battle that night killed many people, and the funeral of the [Knowledge and Books] church was held together. Since Jenkins and his father could not disclose their identities, they could only watch the public cemetery in the suburbs from a distance during the funeral, and they could only present a bouquet of flowers in person at night.

The so-called citizen cemetery should actually be called "a cemetery where only rich citizens can be buried." If most poor people are willing to be buried in Norland City, their final destination should be in the public cemetery not far from Sticks Hill.

Jenkins watched with some disappointment as his father placed a large bunch of white flowers in his hand one by one in front of the tombstone embedded in the ground, and then nodded to him, indicating that he could leave.

In the cemetery at night, the smell of rot and damp is particularly strong. They greeted the cemetery guards and exchanged a few pleasantries before walking along the stone-paved path to the carriage outside the cemetery.

The carriage is the property of the church, and the driver is also a trustworthy believer. Of course, because they had to go to such a remote place in the middle of the night, both Dad and Jenkins gave the driver some tips.

"If one day I die, I will probably be buried here, right?"

Jenkins said unlucky words, and kicked the stone at his feet into the grass beside him like a child.

It is now the end of August, and the night temperature dropped rapidly, coupled with the unique eerie feeling of the cemetery, even though he was still wearing a sweater under his black formal suit, Jenkins still couldn't help shivering.

"I'll be buried here when I die, you won't."

Dad didn't care that this topic was inauspicious at this moment.


"You sacrificed your divinity to the goddess, and the Holy See is still discussing your reward. But what is certain is that after you die, you will be canonized as the Holy Son, and then buried in a dignified place where only the cardinal, the pope, or the tribute Only the most outstanding believers are eligible to be buried in the [Temple Library]."

"Buried in the library? As expected, those who worship the goddess of knowledge cannot leave books even after death."

Jenkins muttered treasonous words in his mind, then turned his head to look at the shadowy cemetery.

"A reward? I thought the goddess would give me a few [gifts] or powerful magic spells on the spot."

"Don't talk about the sage's ideas!"

Papa warned.

Jenkins knew he had made a slip of the tongue, touched his hair and smiled embarrassedly, and then stopped talking about it.

While the award of the Holy See is still being discussed, the Diocese of Nolan has something ready for Jenkins.

Now it just so happens that he has been promoted to one level and can gain another ability, so the church specially took out several abilities treasured by the diocese for him to choose.

The good thing of providing materials for free is only available when you have just become a benefactor, so this time, the choice should not only consider the problem of ability matching, but more importantly, the thickness of your gold pound.