Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 83: This is just the beginning


As if falling from a cloud, the sense of loss and emptiness drives one mad.

Opening his eyes, he quickly got up from the cold floor, surrounded by the mirror that just exploded because of the reflection of the great face.

Jenkins took a deep breath to calm himself.

"That piece of gel, is divinity?"

This was the first thing he thought of.

"It should not be the divinity of [Eternal Blazing Sun]. The information I just obtained does not clearly point to the mystic knowledge of [Sun]."

[Gift] seems to have a different meaning for Jenkins, but now there are a few troublesome things to deal with.

First of all, the memory just read is similar to what Jenkins understood a few days ago. The evil spirit was just an ordinary person, died with great resentment, fought with the bestowers of the five churches and was sealed. But some demon found her, broke the seal, and gave her an item to create a spirit.

No, he didn't see the specific cause of the woman's death. She turned into a powerful evil spirit, which might also be the method of the devil. But the woman could not see the image of the devil at all in her memory, he never really appeared, everything was just a black shadow doing things.

Silently feel the soul that has just returned to the body, and the three [gifts]. The black robe was summoned. This time, the summoned black robe did not pretend to be a disguise, but directly turned into a black robe and draped it on Jenkins' body. This is the change caused by the brief contact between the black robe and the divinity just now, but unfortunately it should only be used once.

Crouching down, sweep the dust left by the powerful evil spirit into the small bottle. [Spiritual Matter Powder], this is an extremely precious material that cannot be wasted.

"Burning my divinity, actually turned me into a god for a short time?"

He pushed open the door of the ward and came into the dark and dilapidated corridor. This series of actions did not make any sound, and the black robe concealed all whereabouts.

"I see."

The knowledge in divinity is like a complicated ball of thread, but Jenkins finally filtered some useful information from it:

"Things that can become gods are not here."

This is the first piece of information about becoming a god, and Jenkins can only "see" this one so far.

He shook his head, there are more important things to do now.

The long tail of the black robe swept the dust on the ground, and Jenkins left the abandoned building as if sliding.

The night watchmen patrolling the hospital passed Jenkins, but they only felt a gust of cold wind, and didn't notice the deep black shadow at all.

He stopped and squatted down in front of a flowerbed, and dug in the soft soil for a few minutes. Jenkins took a yellow bone tied with a red thread that looked as if it had been scorched.

In the memory of the evil spirit I just saw, this is what the sulfur-smelling man gave her: A-12-3-9991, [Spirit Lair], also known as the Spirit Breeder. There is only one characteristic mentioned by the man. When it is held by a spirit body, it will produce a spirit body similar to the holder's existence form on a large scale in a short period of time.

If there is no restriction, this bone can produce an army of dead souls enough to flood the entire city within half a year.

The red thread is a special item blessed by ritual magic, which restricts the aura of this strange thing from being noticed. Otherwise, there is no need for evil spirits to kill people, just the mental pollution brought by ghosts can directly turn a general public hospital into a single-specialty mental hospital.

"Sulfur smell? Demon?"

While thinking, Jenkins continued to dig in the soil, and soon saw the rotting woman's body in the soil.

Slightly tired, he sighed and dug out the poor woman from the slum. After a moment of hesitation, draw the holy emblem of the sage on his chest:

"May the sage bless her, and your light will illuminate her way forward!"

The slums in Nolan City have never lacked such poor people. The number of corpses abandoned in sewers, streets and alleys, and slaughterhouses is astronomical.

Jenkins pities her, but doesn't forget the innocents who died because of it.

In the memory of the evil spirit that was read, there are a total of 6 innocent people possessed by other spirits, and they are now located in various corners of Nolan City.

Jenkins can't kill them, leave that to the Church. But there are some people he can save.

Wearing a black robe and walking all the way to the end of the hospital courtyard, behind the low yellow earth wall are three small piles of light spots gathered. Jenkins opened the door silently, and saw three bodies lying horizontally.

These three were all illegal gifters in Nolan City. They were captured by evil spirits and tried to replace their souls, but they were wiped out because they coveted Jenkins' body before they could do anything.

The one closest to the door was Miss Hesha, whom I hadn't seen for some time. Jenkins burned the green and rotten wounds of the three of them with candles, and slid silently into the distance under six eyes of confusion and fear.

In the sky that Jenkins wasn't looking at, a brand new star was glowing purple.

Many people were going to lose sleep that night. The vision in the sky showed that a brand new false god had been born, but no one could judge the scope of the priesthood of this great existence by its position.

On the outskirts of Nolan City, [Starry Sky and Equilibrium] Church, the astrological tower, the top of the tower.

Miss Eve Garden, a follower of [Vientiane Starry Sky], and Miss Audrey, a follower of [The Hermit of Destiny], nervously looked at the star map in their hands.

"It's really in Nolan, the prophesied [unknown road ahead] is here."

Audrey murmured to herself.

"But there are nine savior candidates predicted in C-07-0-0001 [Epic of Time], why..." Eve Garden looked at her best friend with some concern, and the paranoid expression on her face was abnormal.

"Now [unknown way forward] [world tree seedlings] [twin demons] are all here. Nolan City will be like the frozen towers and barren temples recorded in the great history. The chosen saviors will gather together Gather here, this place will become the duel stage of fate!"

Miss Audrey repeated her words affirmatively, shook her hair, and rolled up the star chart again.

"The purple star of destiny prophesied in the epic has appeared, and the morning star at the end of the era will also appear in the starry sky within fifty years. Our time is running out, before the catastrophe begins, before the final monster-the disaster Before the beast appears, we must find a savior. The epic of this era has reached the last chapter, and the theme of the last chapter is [Steam], and the last cataclysm should be related to this. The world must not end in this era!"

Jenkins couldn't deal with the monster bone. After digging out all the rotting body of the woman and neatly placing it in a conspicuous place, he hurried home in a black robe.

PS: This book is not invincible. To briefly summarize, Jenkins only did four things during the short apotheosis state: reading the memory of the evil spirit, investigating the function of the purple light spot, visually watching the evil spirit to make it collapse, and confirming that it was the traverser who devoured the aborigine and not the aborigine Merged with the traversers.