Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 9: Coma and the Church


It is not difficult for the benefactors of the Orthodox Church to fill their own bubbles because of the support of the church, but as official personnel, it is difficult for them to come into contact with some secret arts that are circulated in private. Gifters who believe in false gods or those who don't want to register, although they lack the support of the church, they can exchange more with gifters from other schools and regions.

According to what they said, the ability limit of the bestower at level 0 is 3. After removing the world gift ability and soul trait ability, there should be only one bubble left. But Jenkins got rid of the one he got from drinking, and there are three more. Three bubbles plus three abilities are six, twice the normal one.

The acquisition of abilities requires corresponding rituals and a lot of practice, which not only requires knowing the specific steps, but also having precious materials, which is also the main part of the transaction.

"Okay, so let's stop here this time."

It was still Mr. Hood who announced the end, "Because Mr. Dagger's identity is questionable, for safety reasons, the time and place of the next meeting will be held in a different way. But the question now is, does Mr. Candle want to attend the next meeting?"


He didn't answer right away, but hesitated for a moment. After all, you can't make people think that you are very interested in these things. Now your image should be that of a benefactor with unclear strength who came from another country.

"Then can we trust him?"

Mr. Hood asked the other four.





"Then congratulations, Mr. Candle. Let me think about it, okay. Everyone, please remember that the time and place of the next meeting will be determined by the weather. When the first sunny day of the next week appears, you need to find the next day's newspaper. As for which one it is, it is arranged according to the sales volume, and the last digit of the sunny date is the answer. If there is no sunny next week, then next week.

You need to pay attention to the first paragraph of the newspaper advertisement section... "

He bent down to pick up a piece of gravel and handed it to Mr. Birch, who stretched out a finger silently. With a muffled bang, the stone touched by the finger exploded.

Mr. Hood bent down and counted the number of pieces he could find. Then he looked up and said:

"The 8th advertisement in the advertisement section, and then write down the numbers that appear in the text. This time, the code book uses the third volume of "The Legend of the Detective Knight". Please support the original version."

It sounds complicated, but it's really safe and fits the bill for a "legitimate" gathering. Everyone repeated what they had just said in turn, and then they were about to leave.

In order to prevent being followed, only one person can leave every five minutes. As for the order, it is decided by lottery. The picks are also six wooden picks selected from the garbage dump on the spot. The longest one goes first, and Jenkins is the second to last.

"Legal" gatherings are really prudent.

He didn't know where this was, so when it was his turn, he chose to go in the opposite direction from the last person who left.

After walking for five minutes under the light of the twin moons, this place seemed to be a poor area, and the narrow alleys kept branching out. Jenkins could only walk by instinct. His luck seems to be good, there is less and less garbage on the ground, and the sound of the bell of a carriage passing by seems to be heard in the distance.

Jenkins poured cold air into the black robe according to the method of retracting the candle just now, and a simple black robe pattern appeared in front of him immediately.

She smiled in satisfaction, but her eyelids seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. After walking like this for three minutes, the drunk man who was throwing up against the wall finally walked back to the main road. But Jenkins was exhausted. His ears were slightly ringing, his muscles were sore, and his eyes were dry and tired.

Before he passed out, his last thought was: "By the way, spiritual support is always needed when using supernatural abilities."

"The unknown ceiling."

I opened my eyes again, but my head still hurts, as if I have stayed up all night and lived for three days of activities. It seems that [Eye of Reality] has consumed a lot.

"This is where?"

He got up from the bed, and the neat room was lined with single beds, a bit like a hospital ward. There was a white porcelain water cup on the cabinet next to the bed. The sun shone on the cup, and Jenkins saw the symbol of an open book faintly imprinted on the handle.

Looking out of the window, he confirmed that this is the [Knowledge and Books] church located in the center of Nolan City. The original owner of the body has been here many times with his family, and Jenkins also played behind the church when he was a child.

"you're awake."

Pushing the door open was an old man with a white beard, wearing a white robe and glasses. He walked to Jenkins' window with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Bishop Parode."

Jenkins hurriedly arranged his clothes, and then greeted him respectfully. This is not a stranger. As far as Jenkins can find, the first time he came to the church with his father was the person who received him. At that time, he was just an ordinary monk. More than ten years later, "Naughty Jenkins" became "Wild Jenkins", and Brother Parode became Bishop Parode.

"You don't come to church very often lately."

The old man said with some reproach, but the smile on his face remained unchanged.

Jenkins seemed to have found the embarrassment he had when facing the elders in his memory, he hesitated and argued:

"I was going to come today."

Only then did he remember what happened last night, and reached out to touch his pocket, only to find that his clothes had been changed.

"Don't worry, all your things are here, and they will be returned to you later."

"last night… "

he asked hesitantly.

The old man smiled and shook his head, "Are you in such a hurry? Well, the patrolling scribe team found you last night, and the church received the news from Mr. Barnard from [Dark Moon] almost at the same time. , child, I didn't expect you to go on this road. I know you still have a lot of questions, but I can't answer these questions, can you wait a moment?"

Out of trust in the bishop, Jenkins nodded slowly. He obviously only attended a "legal" gathering last night, but he didn't expect to be immediately known by the Orthodox Church he believed in.

He reminded himself that the time to test his acting skills had just begun. He was eager to find a foothold in this strange world, so he was unwilling to give up his identity as Jenkins.

After the old man left, the door was opened again not long after, and this time a middle-aged man entered. Compared with Barnard who had "lived and died together", his expression looked very serious, his clothes were meticulous, and there was no beard on his smooth chin.