Lord of the Ten Directions

Chapter 109: Secret realm


Now that he has displayed the Flying Sword of Immortal Slaying, Lin Heng has decided to no longer hide his identity as a spiritual master.

"No wonder Su Qian looked at you so tightly."

Qiu Mengying finally understood why Su Qian was so obsessed with Lin Heng, and even gave up Lu Bing's pursuit.

If Lin Heng is a spiritual master.

Not to mention Lu Bing, even Zhang Kuanglan needs to stand back.

"Please keep it for me."

Lin Heng said.

"I know." Qiu Mengying nodded, she naturally understood what it would mean if Lin Heng's identity was exposed.

"Then let's rest here for a while and leave, I believe no one will come here again."

Lin Heng said.

Several people found a relatively hidden place to recover from their injuries.

the other side.

Zhang Kuanglan also encountered aliens.

"Is the alien race dare to be arrogant in the land of my human race?" Zhang Kuanglan waved his fists and rushed forward, Zhang Kuanglan's battle was extremely overbearing.

Directly punch the aliens away.

"Master Zhang, do we still have to move forward?"

someone asked.

They encountered an ambush of an alien race here, and it seems that the front will be more dangerous, and no one knows what will happen ahead.

Zhang Kuanglan looked forward.


Zhang Kuanglan said.

Now that he has come here, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of flames, Zhang Kuanglan has to make a breakthrough, alien? He didn't want to go to the battlefield of the heavens, just to experience these alien races here.

Zhang Kuanglan did not mean to back down.

Dia walked forward, as if nothing could stop Zhang Kuanglan's footsteps.

on another channel.

Qi Wen and the army also encountered aliens.

They chose to evacuate.

Not knowing the situation, they decided to be safe, evacuated the cave, and made plans.

Qi Wen and Lu Jun led the crowd back, and Lu Jun came out of the cave and saw Lin Ya.

"Lin Ya!"

Army shouted.

"Master Lu!"

Lin Ya walked to the army.

"Why are you here? What about the others?" Lu Jun asked. Did he encounter aliens like them, and something happened.

"After we entered, we encountered aliens. I told everyone to evacuate, but everyone didn't listen to me, and I don't know what the situation is now."

Lin Ya explained.

"Then have you seen Qi Zhang?"

"No, Master Qi should be safe," Lin Ya replied.

"What about Qiu Mengying and Su Qian?" Qi Wen continued to ask. He wanted to know the situation and decided that they would go to the cave next.

They can't go back the way they came out.

So they can only choose Zhang Kuanglan or Su Qian and the others.

"I don't know." Lin Ya shook her head.

The army looked at Qi Wen.

"Qi Wen, which way do we go?"

"I think follow Zhang Kuanglan." Qi Wen said.

In comparison, Qi Wen felt that Zhang Kuanglan was relatively safe.

"it is good."

The army nodded, and since that was the case, they followed Zhang Kuanglan.

The crowd re-entered the hole in the middle.

Soon the army and Qi Wen saw the corpse on the ground and were grateful for the fight.

"Where did Zhang Kuanglan go?" Lu Jun looked around and said, but Zhang Kuanglan could not be seen at all at this time.

"His character should be moving forward."

Qi Wen said with a smile.

Zhang Kuanglan is conceited and extremely domineering, how could it be stagnant here, he will definitely look forward to it.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go and have a look," said the army.

Everyone went forward.

Slowly, Lu Jun and Qi Wen saw a group of light and shadow blooming in front of them, and a white ray of light at the entrance of the cave.

When I walked out of it, my eyes suddenly became bright and broad.

"This is?"

"Secret realm?"

The army looked around and said.

At this time, it was no longer the dark cave, but a small world full of vitality.

The mountains in the distance rise and fall.

Covered by trees, lush and full of spiritual power, a blue light appeared in the mountains and forests, which was a converging river, and the river flowed down, and the whole world gave people a sense of silence.

The blue sky and the endless scenery of mountains and rivers, everyone was instantly silent in the scenery in front of them.

"It seems that this is the tomb of the God of War."

Qi Wen said with certainty.

With the existence of God Transformation Realm cultivation base, how could the tomb be so shabby.

This place is like a paradise, which is in line with the status of existence at the level of God Transformation.

"Well, it seems that we have made a worthwhile trip." The army also said happily.

Lin Ya also looked at the scene in front of her and began to rejoice.


Someone suddenly pointed in a direction.

"what is that?"

"It looks like a medicine field."

"Medicine field?"

"Go and see!"

Everyone immediately moved towards the medicine field.

On the other side, Lin Heng brought Su Qian, Qiu Mengying and Zhu Jianxi to the entrance of the cave.

All three roads lead to the same place.

"It seems that we have arrived at the real tomb." Lin Heng said looking at the magnificent scenery in front of him. This place is like a fairyland on earth, and it is indeed the identity of a strong man.

"Well, I feel that the spiritual power has become richer."

Su Qian said with open arms.

"Cultivation here will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Qiu Mengying looked around and said.

"There must be a spiritual spring here." Lin Heng said, only the spiritual spring can make the spiritual power of heaven and earth become so rich, this little secret realm does not seem to be simple.

"There's someone over there!"

Zhu Jianxi pointed.

"It seems to be Qi Wen and the others." Su Qian glanced at them, and there were a few familiar people in the lead group.

"Lin Ya?" Qiu Mengying also looked over and saw that Lin Ya was also in the crowd. "This bitch!" Qiu Mengying said through gritted teeth.

"You have to restrain yourself."

Su Qian reminded Qiu Mengying.

"Let's go and see!"

Lin Heng said.

Now that you come across it, let's go and see it together.

Soon the two sides met on the edge of the medicine field.

"What a big medicine field!" Zhu Jianxi said obsessively looking at the medicine field in front of him, how much would it cost to bring all these medicines out of such a big medicine field

"Su Qian, Qiu Mengying?"

Seeing Su Qian and the others, Qi Wen and the army immediately walked up.

"Qi Shao, Lu Shao!"

Su Qian said hello.

"Have you seen Qi Zhang?" Qi Wen asked curiously. They acted together. It is impossible for Su Qian and the others to come here and Qi Zhang did not come.

"did not see."

Su Qian shook her head.

"Where are the others?" Lu Jun continued to ask. Su Qian and the others also had a lot of people when they entered.

"We encountered an alien raid, many people have dispersed, and I don't know how they are now." Qiu Mengying replied helplessly.

"Hey, it looks like you are just like us."

Army said.

They also met aliens.

"Sister Mengying, Sister Su Qian, are you all right? It's really great. I've been worrying about you all this way." Lin Ya looked at Qiu Mengying and Su Qian and said with a smile.


Just as Lin Ya finished speaking, Qiu Mengying slapped her directly.