Lord of the Ten Directions

Chapter 16: Continue to improve your cultivation


Su Qian frowned, Lin Heng couldn't have come back.

"How come?" Su Qian packed up a few things, "Lu Bing and the others asked me, you told them I went to find Lin Heng." Su Qian was going to find Lin Heng.

"Miss Su, I don't think you need to do this, maybe he was given by a monster..."

Chen Bin said gloatingly.

"For what?"

The voice came, and Lin Heng walked in with a smile from outside.

"Lin Lin Lin Heng?" Chen Bin didn't expect that Lin Heng was still alive.

"Sorry for worrying you."

Lin Heng walked up to Su Qian with a smile on his face and said.

"Be careful in the future."

Su Qian said.

"Lin Heng, do you know what will happen if you act without authorization? What if you attract monsters?" Chen Bin began to attack.

"Speak up."

Lin Heng glared at Chen Bin.

"Su Qian, I'll show you something!"

Lin Heng pretended to be mysterious and took Su Qian aside.


Lin Heng took out something.

"It's a berserker!"

Su Qian recognized it immediately. It was a kind of thing to trap monsters. The beast was briefly in a state of rage through the ultrasonic wave.

"That's right."

Lin Heng nodded.

"Look at his model S-5623. This is one of the most advanced models in the Imperial Capital. Its coverage can reach about two kilometers. I found several in a circle around the abandoned city. , brought only one."

Lin Heng whispered to Su Qian.

He was busy with it this evening.

"You mean that someone deliberately played the game?"

Su Qian was also a smart person, and immediately understood the meaning of Lin Heng's words.

The Berserker appeared in the abandoned city and it was a trap.

"That's right, I knocked down a group of people last night. Their purpose seems to be rushing towards you, and the other party can set a trap in the abandoned city in advance and let the Titan Python attack you. It can be seen that things are very complicated."

Lin Heng felt that it was very likely that Su Qian and the others had fallen into a trap laid by others.


Su Qian looked at Lin Heng speechless.

"What is your mission this time?" Lin Heng asked Su Qian directly. He felt that Su Qian and the others were not here to investigate the terrain.

"Flying dragon beast."

Su Qian also said it, someone said that there were flying dragon beasts near Nanyang City, so they came here.

"It turns out that there are no flying dragon beasts here at all, you have been fooled." Lin Heng said with great certainty, he still does not know whether there are flying dragon beasts in Nanyang City.


Su Qian looked at the berserker in her hand and fell into contemplation.

"Su Qian!"

Su Qian and Lin Heng were discussing. Lu Bing came out of the tent and saw that Su Qian and Lin Heng were standing together as if they were talking, so he walked up quickly.

"Lu Bing!"

Su Qian looked at Lu Bing and gave Lu Bing the berserker in his hand.


Su Qian said.


Lu Bing recognized it at a glance, and it was the latest model of the Berserker, and this one was worth about one million.

"Why do you have a berserker?"

"It's not mine, it was found by Lin Heng last night. He said that he met another team in the abandoned city."

Su Qian didn't say all the words. After all, it's just their guess. If the other party is not targeting them, they will come to hunt like them.

"Anyone else?"

Lu Bing did not wrinkle.

If someone Han Cong computer can not sense.

"Han Cong, has your computer detected traces of other people around here?"

Lu Bing asked Han Cong.


Han Cong replied.

"Lin Heng, I think you're deliberately making trouble, right? You're holding the Berserker on purpose to scare everyone, don't you have a sense of presence in front of everyone?"

Chen Bin said with a sneer, as if he had already seen Lin Heng's thoughts.

Lin Heng just wanted to use this to get Su Qian's attention.

Listening to Chen Bin's words, Lu Bing also had some truth. The relationship between Lin Heng and Su Qian suddenly became close, probably because of this violent weapon.

This may be what Lin Heng directed and acted.

"That's the way it is, you can't believe me or not."

Lin Heng shrugged without making excuses.

"Lu Bing, I think we should evacuate."

Su Qian looked at Lu Bing and said.

"Su Qian, you don't really believe him, do you?" Jiang Mei looked at Lin Heng and said, it would be absurd to leave here just because of a violent weapon.

The flying dragon beast has not been found yet, so going back like this should not be enough for their fare.

"I think we're still taking a look, everyone will be fine."

Lu Bing also felt that they could not leave so easily.

Everyone didn't want to leave, and Lin Heng didn't want to say anything. After all, it was Lu Bing and the others who made the decision, and he just reminded them of the danger.

"Today we are exploring the abandoned city to see if there are other people."

Wu Zhen, who was standing beside Han Cong, suggested.

If there is someone they go out to look for, they will not know.

"Okay, Han Cong, come with Wu Zhen!"

Lu Bing asked Han Cong and Wu Zhen to go out to inspect the situation, and the others stayed in the warehouse to continue their recovery.

"it is good."

Han Cong and Wu Zhen left.

Lin Heng immediately walked to his tent when he saw that he had nothing to do with him.

Su Qian looked at Lin Heng's back, not knowing what was going on, she always felt that Lin Heng was very familiar.

Go into the tent.

Lin Heng took out the collected blood.

"A windfall, it's really a windfall!" Lin Heng said excitedly, rubbing his hands together, if he hadn't had this mission, he wouldn't have had the chance to have so much free blood. It seemed that God was not kind to him.

Lin Heng took the blood.

"One step into the coagulation pulse!"

Lin Heng gritted his teeth and said.

Essence and blood gradually scattered in Lin Heng's body, and the powerful force merged into the soul realm, as if the sea was accepting hundreds of rivers.


Lin Heng shouted angrily, his spiritual power exploded, and the Chaos Monument in the soul realm began to shine.

One after another aura revolved around the Chaos Monument.

"It's done!"

Lingming Stone Monkey said lightly, and Lin Heng saw a vortex blooming with light.

"Old horse?"

Lingming Stone Monkey looked at Lingguang and said with a smile.

"After tens of millions of years, the deity has finally come out. It's really a long-lost feeling!" The Chijiri Horse Monkey appeared, with a long stick suspended in front of him, with a white jade pillar engraved on it.

"Did you let me out, kid?"


Lin Heng nodded.

"The deity is a red jiri horse monkey!"

"Hello senior!"

Lin Heng clasped his fists and saluted.

"I'm coming!" Just as Lin Heng's voice fell, a flash of spiritual light bloomed in the vortex on the left side. Lin Heng only felt that a figure flashed by in front of him, and another monkey in armor appeared in front of him.

"The talent is a little short, but it doesn't matter. Diligence can make up for the poor, and God rewards diligence. Let me introduce myself to sweep the Eight Wastelands. I am the only one in the heavens. My name is Yin-Yang Xuanhou. The Qi of Chaos and the Qi of Yin and Yang are combined. This is my weapon, Zijin. Yin Yang stick, when Nuwa mended the sky and erected the sky, one of the four pillars belonged to me."

The Yin-Yang Mysterious Monkey said proudly.