Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 106: Prepare


The ten extraordinary people gathered, drank and chatted, and gradually became acquainted.

Peng Shan put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "Snow Eagle, I'm the oldest here, so I'll just say a few more words. You just came to Xiadu City... the most important thing is the upcoming life-and-death battle of Chaofan! Haha, you are the youngest person who has entered Chaofan in a thousand years. I don't know how many people want to watch your extraordinary life-and-death battle, and I'm afraid some demigods who are subconsciously cultivating may come to a few."

Demigods have a long lifespan, and generally rarely get involved in ordinary and extraordinary things.

"Yes, you are favored by many people, at least you have to go through six games, otherwise you will lose face." Zong Tu continued, "Don't think that six games will be easy! Brother Changfeng only had six games back then. .”

"It's hard." Chi Qiubai nodded, "Master He Shan only played three games back then! The main thing is that the more you get to the back, the more weird and unpredictable the natives of the supernatural world sent by Xinhuo Palace. I was defeated! And the strength of these natives became stronger and stronger as time went on, and I was considered good at fighting, but I stopped at six rounds."

Dong Bo Snow Eagle nodded.

Chi Qiubai is indeed famous for his proficiency in combat. He constantly breaks through himself in battles. At the beginning, the mystery of the wind of all things seemed ordinary, and he exerted relatively strong strength. Later, he mastered the "true meaning of space cutting" in one fell swoop. Famous all over the world.

"Brother Xueying, don't be under pressure. You can do as much as you can. Although during Chaofan's life-and-death battle, there are demigods watching the battle who can help at any time. But Chaofan fights too fast, and I'm afraid I will lose my life in an instant!" Cheng Lingshu persuaded.

Dongbo Snow Eagle was a little sweaty.

Call yourself Xueying brother

But I have nothing to resist, the youngest of the group in front of me is Cheng Lingshu, who is also over a hundred years old. Bigger than my grandparents!

"Fight hard, Xue Ying once awakened the ancient bloodline, and his body has strong resilience, so he won't die so easily." Peng Shan said, "And this is also a rare opportunity, the best opportunity to obtain extraordinary contribution points. To take advantage of."

Dongbo Snow Eagle smiled slightly.

He really wanted to fight hard in the extraordinary battle of life and death! First of all, the more dazzling the light is, the more attention the demigods at the highest level of human beings will pay attention to. Even if anyone wants to offer a reward to Dong Bo Snow Eagle, the reward price given by the Blood Blade Tavern will be even more astonishing. The second is to sharpen oneself. Where can one find such a low-risk and extraordinary life-and-death opportunity? The third is for extraordinary contribution points.

One contribution point is equivalent to one catty of origin stones!

Winning the first game is 10 contribution points, the second game can get 20 contribution points, and the third game can get 40 contribution points... Keep doubling!

The most powerful person in history is the eleventh game, and the total contribution points obtained exceeded 20,000! That is more than 20,000 catties of origin stones, and the source stones left by Elder Lei Zhen are only more than 3,000 catties.

Of course, we can't compare it with the most powerful player in the entire history of the Xia Clan. The most powerful player in the last 10,000 years is called 'Shan Qingyan' who has won nine games and gained more than 5,000 contribution points in total!

"This is the easiest way to earn contribution points. After the extraordinary life-and-death battle, you need to take on life-and-death sharpening tasks one by one. For ten contribution points, you have to work hard." Peng Shan said with emotion, "So if you miss this time, But there is no chance like this.”

Dongbo Snow Eagle nodded slightly.

"Snow Eagle, after the life-and-death battle of Transcendence, when you are going through life and death in some dangerous places in the Xinhuo World, you must not only be careful of those natives, but also be careful of Human Transcendence," Peng Shan said.

"Be careful with them?" Dong Bo Xueying frowned, "Could it be that they will do something wrong?"

"Superfans have different personalities." Chi Qiubai said softly, "There are all kinds of people! There are sinister and selfish people, and there are crazy demons! Although killing Chaofan will be investigated by the Fire Palace, once the investigation is confirmed The truth will be punished, even executed! But you have to understand... The prerequisite for the punishment is that the Fire Palace finds out, if not? What can you do?"

Cheng Lingshu also said: "Yes, there may be few people who directly kill you, but it is very common for them to cheat you. If you are cheated, you can only blame your ignorance."

"Many supernatural beings are still restricted by the Firefire Palace's regulations, but there is one place that is not restricted, and that is the Bloodblade Tavern." Chi Qiubai said again, "If someone offers a bounty for your life, the Bloodblade Tavern will directly send a killer Deal with you! Even if you asked for help, we rushed there, but if he has already killed you, he is innocent if he accepts the task to kill you!"

"Just let the Bloodshed Tavern go like this?" Dong Bo Xueying frowned, he always felt that the Bloodshed Tavern was too domineering.

Chi Qiubai shook his head helplessly: "Let me tell you this, behind the Temple of the Earth and the Bloodshed Tavern, there are amazing existences in the God Realm! Some ancestors of our Xia clan who entered the God Realm also passed on the word that we can turn against the Temple of the Earth , Kick away the main hall and temple, and seek refuge with the other side of the God Realm! But you must not turn against the Blood Blade Tavern."

"Ah." Dong Bo Xue Ying was taken aback.

The background of the Blood Blade Tavern is amazing!

"Blood Blade Tavern is just a simple killer mission, and they also have rules, so they won't cause any grievances." Chi Qiubai said, "If you want to offer a reward, the more evil you are, the more amazing the bounty will be, so Chaofan is offered a reward, or Very rare."

Dong Bo Snow Eagle nodded.

The Bloodblade Tavern is a killer! The asking price is super high!

"By the way, Xue Ying, are you interested in being a teacher at my Changfeng Academy?" Chi Qiubai suddenly said, "Don't worry, Chaofan's teacher is just a name, and I will give advice occasionally. At most, I will meet some very good seedlings , take in a few disciples, our Changfeng Academy already has four Transcendents, and they are the most powerful in Anyang Province."

"Changfeng." Peng Shan said dissatisfied, "You dig people so fast, I haven't done it yet."

Dongbo Snow Eagle smiled.

Chi Qiubai founded the Changfeng Academy, and Pengshan also created a 'Demon Sword Academy'.

"Let's wait for later. I have just become a superhuman, and I still concentrate on my cultivation. I may become a teacher in the future." Dongbo Xueying said, "By the way, my younger brother Dongbo Qingshi is going to Changfeng Academy soon."

"Your brother, okay, Changfeng College welcomes all talented young people." Chi Qiu smiled, "I met your brother last time when I went to your place. He is a good mage seedling. Of the three extraordinary mages, we have two in Changfeng Academy, Zi Che and Old Man Hai!"

"Don't worry, I will observe your younger brother carefully. If the talent is good enough and hardworking, it is a trivial matter to accept a disciple." The white-haired old man Hai Ruzhen said.

"Why do you accept it? Maybe he prefers to be my disciple." Zi Che Gufeng also said.

That being said, if the two of them really looked down upon them, at most they would accept a registered disciple, which would be regarded as giving Dong Bo Xueying face.

After all, everyone is extraordinary in Anyang Province, so they have to save face. What's more, Dongbo Xueying is so monstrous, everyone feels that he has a very high chance of at least stepping into the holy level.

The ten Chaofans kept drinking and chatting until it got dark at night before they dispersed.

Dongbo Xueying also returned to his mansion.

"Master." The housekeeper Xu Qin had already been waiting at the door, "Master, someone from the Fire Palace has been waiting for more than an hour."

"Ah." Dong Bo Xue Ying was a little surprised.

Immediately walked towards the main hall.

There was indeed a young man sitting there waiting silently in the hall. When he saw Dong Bo Xue Ying walking in from outside the hall, the young man immediately got up and respectfully said, "My lord Dong Bo, I am here to inquire. Do you know when Master Dongbo is going to start the extraordinary life-and-death battle?"

The extraordinary life-and-death battle must be carried out within one year after breaking through the extraordinary! If it exceeds one year, it will be treated as an automatic waiver.

"Yeah." Dongbo Xueying thought for a while, and then said, "In half a year, I will fight for the extraordinary life and death battle in half a year."

"Okay, then I'll report it now." The young man continued, "Don't bother me, take my leave."

Dong Bo Snow Eagle nodded.

The Fire Palace envoy immediately left.

The time has been counted since the day I left Heifengyuan, and I have to fight the extraordinary life-and-death battle within a year. Now it has been a month, and I have just broken through, and I haven't practiced fighting qi or secret techniques, so I still need to prepare a little bit. Half a year is enough!

"It's time to get ready."

"For the imminent start of the extraordinary life-and-death battle." Dongbo Snow Eagle immediately decided to start practicing tonight.