Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 111: start


In the eastern area of the Hall of Life and Death, more and more supernatural beings came, and demigods appeared one by one.

A bald and thin old man strolled along.

"Brother Chao." The temple master Si Kongyang immediately got up when he saw a thin old man in the distance. Although he is the master of the water source Taoist temple, he is a super master who ranks among the top three on the human side. But when he was very weak, Chao Qing was a demigod who could destroy the world! And he was quite optimistic about him, and also saved his life, so Sikong Yang has always respected Chao Qing.

"Guanzhu." Chao Qing grinned on his withered face, nodded slightly, and did not walk over, but walked in another direction.

Dong Bo Xueying and his ten Chaofans from Anyang Province were chatting together when they suddenly saw Chao Qing's Deputy Temple Master, and they all got up quickly.

"Sit down." The old man Chao Qing said with a smile, and then his eyes fell on Dongbo Xueying, "Boy, don't embarrass us at the Water Source Taoist Temple. Anyway, we have to win the first three games. Of course, it's best to win eight or nine games." of."

"Yes." Dongbo Xueying responded quickly.

The old man Chao Qing did not come over, but continued to walk into the distance.

At the farthest corner of the entire viewing area in the east, there is a hunchbacked old lady sitting. There is a faint blood-red mist around this hunchbacked old lady, and no one within tens of meters dares to approach it! But the old man Chao Qing walked over directly, and the blood-red mist automatically moved out of the way, allowing the old man Chao Qing to sit down next to the hunchbacked old lady.

"Miss Ye, you are here too." The old man Chao Qing laughed.

A hunchbacked wrinkled old lady, called a big beauty, is indeed interesting.

But the old lady looked at her face carefully, and she could barely see that she was very beautiful when she was young.

She is the tenth on the list of demigods, 'God of Killing' Ye Mei, the leader of the Blood Blade Tavern, the number one killer in the world! It is also the only one among the two special forces of the Earth Temple and the Blood Blade Tavern that can be ranked among the top ten demigods.

The ranking of the demigod list does not absolutely indicate a person's strength.

For example, Ye Mei, her assassination and killing methods are extremely terrifying, and her frontal combat strength is ranked tenth, but if she is assassinated... everyone in the world will be trembling.

Another example is the Lord of the Sea God Palace, although he is the eighth in the list of demigods, but if he fights on the sea, then he is the undisputed number one! Even if the top three demigods on the demigod list join forces, they can't do anything to the Palace Master of the Sea God Palace in the ocean area.

Because each of them comprehends the nature of the world and walks on a different path!

Because of the artifact in charge.

Demigods, each has its own special features!

"You're not coming, you bad old man?" Mrs. Ye laughed.

"This is the young genius of our Water Source Taoist Temple, of course I have to come." Chao Qing raised his head proudly.

"Yes, the youngest." The old lady Ye sighed, "Seeing the young extraordinary, feeling their youthful breath, sigh, we are all old, a group of friends we knew when we were young, one by one or Died early, or died of old age, there are not many, fortunately, and you, a bad old man, are older than me."

"You are not much different from me. You are the second oldest person in the world." Old Man Chao Qing said.

"You old man, are you really angry with me? Seeing how proud you are now, the young genius of your Water Source Taoist Temple will lose early, and see how proud you will be then." Mrs. Ye sneered.

"Losing? He can win at least six games!" Chao Qing stared.

"You said it!" Mrs. Ye's eyes lit up, "We just make a bet, I bet this kid can't win six games!"

"Gamble, bet, who is afraid of whom?"

An old man and old woman were arguing.

But the extraordinary people in the distance dare not approach, because the older the demigod, the more terrifying, this kind of old guy... no one knows their real strength, it is He Shanzhu, Sikong Yang Guanzhu and others who are against the old man Chao Qing. , Mrs. Ye are quite respectful.

Of course, these two old men and women are the oldest among human beings, and they cannot count the Warcraft family and the natives of the extraordinary world.

Like the Warcraft family and the natives of the extraordinary world, because of their bodies, their life spans are different from those of humans!

Another demigod walked beside the temple masters Si Kongyang and He Shanzhu. This is a demigod with an extremely stunning appearance. She was dressed in white and sat down gracefully. Although she was a very beautiful woman, she had a pair of sword eyebrows. ! With a heroic spirit.

"Buchengzhu." Sikong Yang and He Shanzhu were quite polite.

The person who came was the lord of the "Cloud City" among the six extraordinary organizations. She was known as the most beautiful among the demigods. So far, two demigods have been pursuing her.

"Sikongyang, it seems that you are very proud of yourself." The city master Bu sat down and said casually, "But young geniuses don't mean they must be powerful. From ancient times to the present, many geniuses who were very young when they stepped into the extraordinary... all died in the end. Everyone! Maybe, Dongbo Xueying of your Water Source Taoist Temple is such a little guy, and it's even possible that he can't even win three games this time."

"City Lord Bu is right!" Si Kongyang immediately agreed.

Master He Shan also nodded beside him.

Just kidding, who among them doesn't know Bu Santo's temper? Bucheng Lord is indeed the most beautiful among the demigods, and he is also one of the best masters in the world who is listed among the demigods, but in terms of 'so strong' and 'dominant', none of the human demigods can match him.

"It's boring." The city master Bu casually picked up a jug of wine, sat and drank casually, overlooking the bottom and waiting for the start of the extraordinary life-and-death battle.

"Boom~~~" The gate of the Hall of Life and Death slowly closed.

Immediately, the entire vast Hall of Life and Death fell silent, and the hundreds of thousands of mortals in the western viewing area were very quiet, all looking down and watching the battlefield below.

"Snow Eagle, it's time to start." Chi Qiubai, Peng Shan, Cheng Lingshu, Hai Ruzhen and others all looked at Dong Bo Xueying.

"This battle is a battle that you, Dongbo Snow Eagle, showed in front of the extraordinary in the entire human world." Chi Qiubai said, "And the Fire Palace will also evaluate your potential based on this battle! The Blood Blade Tavern will also evaluate you Potential, if your potential is extremely high, even if someone wants to offer you a reward... the price given by the Bloodshed Tavern will be very high! The Salary Fire Palace will also pay attention to you, and has resources to favor you."

"Young Chaofan doesn't mean you will be great in the future."

"However, among the amazing Chaofan in the battle of life and death, none of them are mediocre!" Chi Qiubai encouraged.

Dongbo Snow Eagle grinned: "I will try my best."



A loud sound resounded throughout the Hall of Life and Death.

Dongbo Snow Eagle had known the rules of the entire Chaofan life-and-death battle for a long time, and knew that the sound of the drum meant that he was about to enter the arena.

"Everyone, I'll go first." Dong Bo Snow Eagle got up, and then moved into the battlefield surrounded by flames.

There was originally a magic circle covering the battle field, completely isolated.

But this magic circle is also controlled by people from the Fire Palace, so Dong Bo Xueying easily passed through and fell into the battlefield. For a while, all the extraordinary people in the east and countless mortals in the west were all shocked. I saw the black-clothed youth who fell on the battlefield!

this moment.

The eyes of countless people in the entire Hall of Life and Death fell on the young man in black in the battle field. More than 70% of the human beings present today are extraordinary! There are eight demigods in total! Strictly speaking, it was the most lively life-and-death battle of the extraordinary in the past two thousand years. The people watching the battle had different thoughts. Some people wanted to see a surprise happen, while others wanted to see a joke happen!

It is indeed a joke to lose after only winning two games.

They were all waiting, waiting for what kind of strength this young extraordinary man named 'Dongbo Snow Eagle' could display.

Dong Bo Snow Eagle, who was wearing ordinary black clothes, walked barefoot to the weapon rack next to him.

In an extraordinary life-and-death battle, it is forbidden to use all the extraordinary weapons that come with it except for stored treasures! Including combat boots, body armor, clothing, etc., are prohibited. The extraordinary life and death battle is based on one's own true strength, so Dong Bo Snow Eagle is only wearing very ordinary civilian clothes and bare feet!

"These weapons." Dongbo Snow Eagle looked at the large number of weapons, including knives, guns, sticks, sticks, swords, spears, etc., including some strange weapons, as well as hidden weapons, etc.! These weapons are only made of good materials, there is nothing special. Of course, the most basic thing is to transmit power perfectly. I can only choose these weapons for my extraordinary life and death battle.

"Wow." With a wave of Dongbo Xueying's hand, the entire weapon rack was put into the treasure storage.

Take all of them first, and maybe use them in battle.


There was another heavy drum sound.

Dong Bo Snow Eagle knew that this was a reminder for his opponent to enter the arena.

"Are you coming? The first round?" Dong Bo Snow Eagle sensed the entire battlefield for several miles through the power of heaven and earth!