Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 113: Extraordinary natives


Countless mortals in the spectating area to the west are excitedly looking forward to it. They come to watch the battle... what they are most looking forward to is the duel between extraordinary humans and extraordinary natives!

"This Dong Bo Snow Eagle is proficient in marksmanship, and his subtle defense of all things is impeccable. This third match should be won."

"It might be! The supernatural natives have different talents, and maybe they will meet one who restrains Dongbo Snow Eagle."

"Yeah, it depends on luck."

The extraordinary people are also observing and discussing, their vision is very vicious.

Being stared at by hundreds of thousands of mortals and most of the extraordinary powerhouses in the human race, Dongbo Snow Eagle stood on the top of the hill in the battlefield, still calmly sensing all movements, and for him, he didn't need to worry about others , The extraordinary life-and-death battle is a rare opportunity for him to accumulate experience.


A human figure fell from the sky and landed in the battlefield.

When he landed on the ground, an invisible evil spirit permeated the air.

"Huh?" Dongbo Xueying frowned slightly and carefully stared at the opponent more than 500 meters away. This extraordinary aborigine was in human form, more than three meters tall, and quite thin! Wearing loose white clothes, carrying two swords. It's just that his skin is turquoise, his eyes are fiery red, and his hair is also fiery red.

"Extraordinary native!" Dong Bo Xueying didn't dare to be careless.

What are extraordinary natives

It is a life naturally bred in the large extraordinary world and the small extraordinary world.

Just like the primordial beings bred in the earliest days of the material world, the primordial beings were conceived by the heavens and the earth, and all of them have unimaginable means of power, among which the top ones have the power comparable to gods!

The material world is too perfect.

The rules of the extraordinary world are simpler, so the life bred by the heaven and earth is much weaker. The strongest indigenous life bred in a large extraordinary world is only a demigod! And the strongest indigenous life bred in the small extraordinary world is only the holy level.

In a word - the extraordinary natives are equivalent to a weakened version of the ancient life!

They have many talents and means, so they must not be underestimated.

"Human!" The green-skinned Transcendent native stared at Dongbo Snow Eagle from a distance, his fiery red eyes flickered with lightning, and the corners of his mouth were turned up with sarcasm, "The powerful existence among you caught me and tortured me, and now you still use me To hone you... But sometimes, the result is not the same as expected. You will die in my hands, and I will be free!"

"But I think you're going to die! Be the first extraordinary native to die at the hands of my Dongbo Xueying!" Dongbo Xueying stood on the top of the mountain holding a spear, extremely calm.

"Really?" The green-skinned extraordinary native smiled coldly, and pulled out two swords from behind with both hands.

Loose white clothes, holding a sword in both hands.

He is also barefoot! It's just a pair of big green feet.

"Whoosh!" He moved instantly, and lightning flashed around his body. His whole body was like a thunderbolt, turning into a zigzag, flashing and approaching in an instant. The distance between the two sides was more than 500 meters, but in the blink of an eye he disappeared. He had already killed Dong Bo Xueying, and at the same time, the two sabers struck directly with a trace of lightning.

"So fast." Dongbo Xueying was startled, and immediately circled the spear in his hand, covering the front.


The electric light figure of the green-skinned extraordinary native twisted slightly, and suddenly turned to Dong Bo Snow Eagle's side, and at the same time, the two knives slashed again.

As soon as Dong Bo Snow Eagle's spear turned, it turned to the side, covering a large area as well! There is a water current swirling around the spear... All defend against all incoming attacks.

Shuashuashua... The three-meter-long figure of the green-skinned extraordinary native, in the eyes of ordinary people, suddenly turned into dozens of densely packed figures surrounding Dongbo Snow Eagle, slashing wildly! Dongbo Snow Eagle stood on the spot, relying on a long spear to defend.

In just one breath, the extraordinary native retreated two hundred meters away in a flash.

Countless mortals held their breath for it, it was too fast, all they saw were phantoms flickering, but these mortals didn't know... The weapons of the extraordinary native and Dong Bo Snow Eagle were never touched from the beginning to the end!

"It's so fast." Dong Bo Snow Eagle breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time was speechless, "This extraordinary native is very ordinary, and his sword skills are also very rough! My marksmanship is much more subtle than his, but he is extremely fast Hurry up, look at the lightning around his body when he moves, his talent should be thunder and lightning, and what he is good at is speed, with such speed, he has completely mastered the initiative, and I can't even touch him!"

In terms of the speed of instant burst and change of direction, his speed is twice that of Dong Bo Snow Eagle! The double difference in speed... is actually more exaggerated than the double difference in strength, and the other party will have absolute control.

What concept

It was him who, relying on very rough sword skills, was able to besiege Dongbo Snow Eagle all by himself!

"It's pretty good defense." The green-skinned extraordinary native in the distance sneered, "My weapon didn't touch your weapon from the beginning to the end, and you can defend so perfectly. What if it did?"

Dongbo Snow Eagle's complexion changed slightly.

Once it collides, the spear will definitely be affected.

"Haha, despair, die in despair!"

The green-skinned extraordinary aborigine's body surface faintly flashed with lightning, and the speed was terrifying. Once again, he directly killed Dong Bo Xueying, and the two sabers also struck very quickly.


The weapons of the two sides collided for the first time.

Dongbo Xueying tried his best to block with his long spear, and there was a swirling water flow around him, but the snow-white sword light like a waterfall struck again and again, too fast! Dong Bo Snow Eagle's spear was obviously difficult to defend against. Under the continuous impact of clang clang clang, Dong Bo Snow Eagle's spear became more difficult to defend, and the extraordinary native also looked forward to it.

"At this moment!" At the moment when the weapons of the two sides collided, Dong Bo Snow Eagle turned over like a python with a spear in his hand.

The extraordinary aborigine felt that the saber in his hand was being slashed on the gun shaft, as if it was stuck, and a strange rotating force led his saber, and the long spear stabbed like a dragon coming out of a hole in an instant.

In terms of body speed, Dongbo Xueying is far inferior to him, but the speed of weapons is much faster!

"No." The extraordinary native tried his best to dodge.

"Pfft!" The spear pierced into his shoulder in an instant, piercing a bloody hole, and the extraordinary native had already retreated violently, leaving Dongbo Snow Eagle's spear in no time to attack again.

"You escaped with your life." Dong Bo Xue Ying slightly shook his head.

"You did it on purpose, showing weakness on purpose!" The extraordinary native roared in the distance. With such weird and unpredictable marksmanship, how could it be possible for him to be beaten all the time? It was completely deliberate to show weakness, allowing himself to attack, finding the right time, and suddenly attacking like a poisonous snake.

"Your speed is really fast, so you can avoid the vital points." Dong Bo Snow Eagle looked at the shoulder of the extraordinary native in the distance. The blood hole on the shoulder was slowly recovering, and dark green blood was still flowing slowly.

"That's all you have to do?" Dong Bo Xue Ying looked at him.

The turquoise-skinned and extraordinary native had a cold face, and he also realized that the opponent's marksmanship was so unpredictable that it was too difficult for him to win.

"You have amazing speed thanks to your talent, but it's a pity that your sword skills are so rough that you can't even reach the general title level." Dongbo Snow Eagle shook his head. Oneness, not to mention the realm of all things. What a waste of this amazing speed. But this also shows the threat of the extraordinary natives!

As long as the realm catches up, they will be very terrifying!

"Since there are no powerful means, the battle can be over." Dong Bo Snow Eagle said, booming~~~ The surrounding area of seven or eight hundred meters was filled with raging water waves! In fact, the maximum diameter of the entire battlefield is only three or four miles. At this moment, this huge vortex of water waves... completely covers the entire battlefield.


"This… "

Countless mortals stared wide-eyed.

The huge battle field instantly turned into a huge vortex of water waves, and in the center of the vortex was the young man in black. The young man in black was like a god in the water! The vortex is extremely ferocious, and there is a strange undercurrent in it. The vortex is constantly rotating, and the expression of the green-skinned extraordinary native standing in it changes greatly, because the undercurrent is changing, the strength is always changing, and the yin and yang are changing, making it difficult to figure out.

"Can you still escape?" Dong Bo Snow Eagle instantly turned into a phantom and killed him.

"Flee, run." The green-skinned extraordinary native ran desperately, but the turbulent water vortex was too uncomfortable. If it was just oppression, he didn't care, but this kind of undercurrent change was too uncomfortable.

In fact, a sudden change in the direction of pure power oppression will cause this extraordinary native who has no power to be perfect and consistent to suffer a big loss!

Not to mention that Dongbo Snow Eagle is the combination of all things, water and fire, and there is a masculinity hidden in the femininity, and a femininity hidden in the masculinity! The undercurrent in the vortex of the water flow is constant, and even the superhuman beings with a relatively high level will suffer, let alone the extraordinary natives with a low level.

He staggered when he ran, and his speed could only be 30% to 40%. Most importantly, he couldn't even grasp the 'accuracy'! A step forward, or far, or near, or sideways.

"No!" The turquoise-skinned extraordinary native turned his head to look behind him, his fiery red eyes widened, and he waved his saber unwillingly to resist.


The spear was like a dragon, piercing into the center of his eyebrows in an instant, only piercing a little and then pulling out in an instant! There is a small finger-sized hole between the eyebrows, and its brain has been completely destroyed into a paste.

Extraordinary natives have extremely strong vitality, and only beheading, piercing the heart, piercing the head and the like can kill them. And some who have reached the 'immortality' are even more terrifying.

Countless mortals looked at the surging water in the huge battle field below. The black-clothed young man riding the waves stood there, and beside him fell the body of a three-meter-high green-skinned aborigine's extraordinary life.

First there was silence, followed by excited cheers!

Yu Jingqiu also looked excitedly and applauded.

"The first round is over, rest for an hour, and start the second round!" A magnificent voice resounded throughout the Hall of Life and Death.

The endless water waves dissipate.

Dongbo Snow Eagle walked towards the open door at the farthest corner of the battlefield, obviously going to rest for an hour to prepare for the second round.