Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 118: Evaluation


The moment he landed, a mighty turbulent water wave immediately condensed in this battle field, turning into a huge vortex, entwining the man with long blue hair.

"Water? Play with me?" There was a trace of sarcasm on the corner of the blue-haired man's mouth, and at the same time, a terrible chill spread from his body in all directions, and the originally rough water waves froze. Even after the huge water vortex froze, it still showed a vortex ripple, and the temperature in the battle field also dropped sharply.

"It's so cold." Dong Bo Snow Eagle's body felt a biting chill, and the surface of his body began to freeze.

With a thought in Dong Bo Xueying's mind, the extraordinary fighting energy on his body flowed rapidly, shattering all the ice on his body, but the endless cold air around him condensed again... Dongbo Xueying could only rely on his extraordinary fighting energy to continuously expel To shatter these ices, as long as I stop, I am afraid that I will be frozen into an ice sculpture. Dongbo Snow Eagle tried to mobilize the power of fire between heaven and earth, but the cold air filled the air, and he was completely expelled as soon as the power of fire was mobilized!

"It's really cold. I have an extraordinary fighting spirit to protect my body! My body is also strong enough due to the awakening of the ancient blood, but I still feel the biting cold." Dongbo Snow Eagle was surprised. This kind of cold air, I am afraid that ordinary title-level knights will be frozen in an instant die! Generally, the newly promoted Chaofan who is physically weak would have to shiver. He has just broken through his body and is in the mid-flying level, so the opponent in the sixth match is so powerful.

In addition to the biting cold, the endless cold air also produced a strong oppressive and binding force, as if a hundred thousand catties of gravity were pressing on the body.

cold, oppressive...

I'm afraid I can only display my strength at least sixty-seven percent, and the green-haired man in front of me deserves to be classified as a 'medium extraordinary native'.

"Humans, come on, let me see how many means you have." The blue-haired man sneered. There was a layer of silver-white ice on his body, and he looked like a man of ice.

"Hmph." Dongbo Snow Eagle's extraordinary grudge flowed and shattered the ice all the time, and immediately turned into an afterimage, galloping and trampling on the water waves and ice, and killed the green-haired man almost instantly.


The long spear turned into countless spear shadows, which was strange and unpredictable.

The blue-haired man wore silver gloves in both hands, and wanted to grab Dong Bo Xueying's spear in front of him, but after his fingers collided with the spear, he felt it was slippery and difficult to grasp, and the tip of the spear spun and directly pierced his body , Chi Chi Chi~~~ The black spear pierced the green-haired man's body, chest, and throat one after another. But only white spots were left on the ice layer of the blue-haired man's body surface, and the ice layer on the body surface of the blue-haired man still had light flowing, even if a 'white spot' was stabbed, it would recover instantly!

"What a weird marksmanship. I didn't even catch it. I was startled. I thought it was so powerful." The green-haired man said with a smile.


Dong Bo Xueying's spear technique changed and became incomparably ferocious. The spear technique was blazing, and its power soared.

bang bang bang...

The blue-haired man easily blocked the spear with his palms. The ice layer on his palms was cracked and shattered, but the silver gloves on his palms were indestructible and easily stopped him. And he also quickly approached, wanting to fight close to him!

Dong Bo Snow Eagle retreated immediately.

"Damn it." Dongbo Snow Eagle's face suddenly changed, "This extraordinary native has also reached the realm of myriad things!"

After reaching the realm of all things, this extraordinary native fighting skill is obviously also very powerful.

What about yourself

If relying on the mysteries of the water of all things, it would be able to pierce the opponent's body by being weird and unpredictable, but it would not even be able to break through the ice layer protecting the body.

If you rely on the fire of all things, you can break the ice layer of the body protection, but because you go straight and too direct, it is very easy for the opponent to defend against it.

Both have pros and cons.

Unless you cast 'Water and Fire Flood Dragon Kill'! This trick is a trick created by myself after combining the mysteries of water and fire in all things. It has the advantages of the mysteries of water and fire, and the combination of each other greatly increases the power. It's just that this trick... is his last trick to press the bottom of the box. This extraordinary life-and-death battle is a rare and relatively safe opportunity to hone yourself!

To seize every opportunity, he is willing to use 'Water and Fire Flood Dragon Kill' only at the end.

Now using normal moves, you can also hone the secrets of water and fire. The two secrets of water and fire have been improved, and the power of 'Water and Fire Flood Dragon Kill' can also be improved.

"Hahaha, human, you're doomed." The blue-haired man frantically approached, under the suppression of endless cold air, Dong Bo Snow Eagle's speed was greatly reduced, and he couldn't escape at all.

He could only resist with all his strength with a spear.

The blue-haired man wanted to get closer again and again.

Dongbo Snow Eagle used various moves in spear techniques such as sweeping, stabbing, collapsing, wrapping, and grid, and used the two mysteries of water and fire alternately, trying his best to hold on.

But anyone could see that Dongbo Snow Eagle was at an absolute disadvantage. He couldn't threaten that green-haired extraordinary native at all, and was completely suppressed and abused!

Corner of the viewing area on the east side.

The hunchbacked old lady showed a smile: "Let me just say, this kid is so young, it's amazing to win six games!"

"Miss Ye, you said before that this kid can't win six games." The bald and skinny old man Chao Qing said proudly, "Although Dongbo Snow Eagle is at a disadvantage now, his ancient blood has not exploded yet. I believe that winning this sixth game is no problem."

"Hmph, he relies on the ancient blood! If he didn't have the ancient blood, he wouldn't be able to win six games." Mrs. Ye snorted coldly.

Chao Qing laughed so hard that his mouth was crooked: "Hehehe... big beauty, don't forget, we just bet on whether Dongbo Xueying can win six games. You say he can't win, but I say he won't." I won! Regardless of whether he has the ancient blood or not, as long as he wins the sixth game, I will win the bet this time. Your 100,000 catties of origin stones will belong to me!"

"It's yours, it's yours. I said you are a bad old man, you are almost dead, what's the use of asking for a hundred thousand catties of origin stone?" Old lady Ye said angrily.

Even a demigod rarely bets so big.

It's just these two old guys who are close to the end of their lifespan, and the treasure is of little significance to them, so they just gamble so much! After all, once they die, their treasures will still be left to future generations.

"Of course it's useful. Wouldn't it be okay to give me a genius disciple from the Water Source Taoist Temple? For example, give this Dong Bo Xueying a little, tsk tsk tsk, this is the one hundred thousand Origin Stones won from the blood knife tavern's number one killer, Ye Damei! I'm happy to give it to the younger generation." Chao Qing said proudly.

"Hmph, you're lucky, I just miscalculated a little bit." The old lady Ye looked down, "The ancient blood of Dong Bo Snow Eagle just exploded in power, which is a very common type, and it is very helpful to the extraordinary in life and death battles." It’s not too big. It’s probably just one or two more games! I thought this kid had just stepped into Transcendence and was very young, and he was only at the first level of the Myriad Things Realm. I didn’t expect him to be so good at combining the two mysteries of water and fire. Six games!"

Mrs. Ye's eyes are vicious, and her original calculation was correct.

However, Dongbo Snow Eagle's water and fire mysteries have been improved. Although it is still the first level of the realm of all things, it can be regarded as a relatively advanced first level. And the two mysteries cooperate very well with each other.

This is how to reach the sixth game without relying on strength to erupt!

"If you lose, you lose." Chao Qing joked.

"It was my carelessness, I didn't see it clearly." Mrs. Ye still wanted to defend herself.

"If you lose, you lose." The old man Chao Qing continued to strike.

"Shut up!" Mrs. Ye stared.

"If you lose, you lose." Chao Qing's mouth was crooked, and he was extremely proud.

"You, you old man, do you dare to gamble again!" Mrs. Ye gritted her teeth.

Chao Qing was startled.

"I bet, this kid can't win the eighth round! At most, he won't win the seventh round!" Mrs. Ye stared at him, "Do you dare to bet? It's still a hundred thousand catties of origin stone!"

Chao Qing was silent.

According to his calculations, to win the sixth game, Dong Bo Snow Eagle might have to burst out of strength, and winning the seventh game is a little bit hanging! The eighth game is almost hopeless!

But... People live a lifetime, and they are almost dead, sometimes self-willed will be self-willed!

"It's a bet!" Chao Qing said.

"You really dare to bet?" Mrs. Ye was surprised.

"Haha, I won you 100,000 catties before, so I'll give it back to you at worst!" Chao Qing said with a smile.

"That's capricious enough." Mrs. Ye smiled like a flower.

"There are many source stones, so you will be willful." Chao Qing said proudly.

Master He Shan, Master Sikong Yang, and Master Bucheng are the real overlords on the human side today, and they are all relatively calm.

City Master Bu was still reclining, looking down casually, drinking wine, and casually said: "Not bad, it's already the sixth round, but it seems... he can only win the sixth round by relying on the explosion of his ancient blood power! He will only have the seventh game at most, and he will lose in the eighth game."

"What City Lord Bu said is true." Master He Shan and Temple Master Sikong Yang all agreed with a smile.